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Learn to identify at-risk males immediately and
get certified to teach this stuff.

Why is all of this stuff happening? Check out the next six (6) weeks of Blogs to learn how to understand at-risk males and to find out why they do what they do.

These blogs will tell you why and give you the solutions. Also, learn how-to-teach this stuff.

“Our 35-45-minute module certificate workshops are delivered through a distance learning platform that allows students the opportunity to study anywhere, at any time and at their own pace.
At the completion of the workshop the student will receive a certificate that can be used to satisfy certification requirements (CEU or PDUs) or career development needs" 

Understanding the At-risk Male
To identify an at-risk male and to learn how-to-teach this stuff.
CHAPTER 2 – Protecting Himself


( 3 ) Fantasizing (fantasy thinking, exaggeration)
Young at-risk males are ‘full of fantasy. They will often lie, brag, boast, and over-exaggerate. 

Fantasizing (fantasy thinking, exaggeration). This fantasizing self-glorifying lyrics of rap music and rap videos that show young at-risk males who are ‘ghetto fabulous’; who live the lifestyles of the rich and famous; who have all the beautiful and sexy women; who are larger than life crime bosses and ‘hard-core’ gangsters; who are arrogant and indestructible.

In his book, “The Violent Social World of Black Men”, Professor William Oliver defines young Black males’ fantasy attitudes as compulsive masculinity.
“The term compulsive masculinity alternative describes a compensatory adaptation that many lower-class Black males adopt to cover up their inability to meet the standards of the traditional masculine role”. 

Since other symbols of masculinity have been denied to many at-risk males, the status system in their life is attributed to high levels of esteem to those males who are able to demonstrate their proficiency in fighting and sexual exploitation of women.

“Instead of being an effective strategy to cope with environmental stress such as racial discrimination, economic exclusion, and low self-esteem, the compulsive masculinity alternative is (to be) dysfunctional.

Rather than solving problems in the environment, it creates additional ones”, says Oliver.

Exaggerated Manhood
Young at-risk males, like adult at-risk males, with fantasizing attitudes are based on inverted thinking: converting socio and economic powerlessness, dependency, and feelings of insecurity into an exaggerated sense of supreme self.

Indeed, this attitude of exaggerated manhood creates personality problems. 

Other characteristics that at-risk young males with fantasizing personalities exhibit are:
 ( 1 )  Grandiosity,
 ( 2 )  Preoccupation with fame,  wealth, and achievement; and
 ( 3 )  Excessive emphasis on  displaying beauty and power  (‘living large’).

Hardcore and Invincible
Moreover, fantasizing thinking young at-risk males are often envious of others and believe that others are envious of them.
They also believe that they are superior and that others should give them deference.

Furthermore, many young at-risk males with a fantasizing outlook believe unrealistically that they are ‘hard-core’ and invincible resulting in them living irrationally and recklessly.

Many end up being shot, murdered, or imprisoned.

At-risk males with fantasizing thinking and exaggerated manhood have dysfunctional coping mechanisms and characteristics of reactionary.

Next Week's BLOG -
CHAPTER 2 Manipulative - How Manipulator Control Their Victims

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Our 20th Year