NCBC Family and Friends!


We have weathered the storm and now the stage of reassessment, recovery and rebuilding is at hand. I am praying for that process. Our God is with us!

Many of our NCBC family have shared how well you’ve faired the impacts of this storm. Even with some inconveniences and incidents, most of you testify that you and yours are well. God be praised! 

However, there are two distinct situations that require our sustained prayers and our collective resources and assistance. I’ll be sharing more about how we can jointly help in those situations in the days to come. Until then, stay safe, stay prayerful and let’s stay connected!

On our church campus, there are many trees down and the electricity remains interrupted. I am hopeful that power will be restored soon. Our team will keep you informed as we engage in clean up efforts and ensure that the building is ready for Sunday worship. Stay tuned!

Praying with you,

Pastor Rose


-       The church office will extend its closing through Friday (9/30)...reopening Monday (10/3). If there are any storm related emergencies while the office is closed, you can still reach church personnel, by emailing  [email protected] or leaving a message at 407-985-5615.


-       Our daily Dose of Devotion (857-799-9692; no access code) will continue to take place.


-       Friday’s Bowling Fellowship event is rescheduled to Friday, October 21, 2022. More information to come.

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