On Wednesday, August 4 we announced we will require at least the first dose of COVID-19 vaccinations for all Los Rios employees and all students who access district and college facilities by no later than October 1, 2021. See a number of critical updates below (this and more information is available at our new vaccine webpage losrios.edu/vaccine, which is updated regularly):
Submitting Your Vaccination Status
Our system for students to submit their vaccination status is now LIVE. To provide evidence of your vaccination, go to eServices and click the “COVID-19 Vaccination Status” tile on the home page. You will be asked:
- If you are partially or fully vaccinated
- Which vaccine you received
- The date(s) of your shot(s)
To provide verification of your vaccination status by uploading your Official California Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record or an image of your official COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card.
Up to $200 in incentives are now available for students who get fully vaccinated and provide evidence of vaccination! Complete step one and two below by the deadlines to protect yourself and your community, and to receive the full incentive:
Provide evidence of receiving at least your first shot by September 1, 2021 to receive $100 (ALL students are eligible, including those who received their vaccination(s) before the requirement was put into place)
Provide evidence of being fully vaccinated by November 1, 2021 and receive an additional $100 (again, ALL students are eligible, including those who received their vaccination(s) before the requirement was put into place)
Students who submit their vaccination status prior to these deadlines won’t have to take any action to get their check. The funds will be automatically deposited in your BankMobile account or, for those without an account, a check will be mailed directly to you at your address on file.
Allowable Exemptions
We are still finalizing policies and standards relating to allowable exemptions from the vaccination requirement, and we expect to have more details to share in the near future. Exemptions to the vaccination requirement will be very limited and only available for certain medical conditions and sincerely held religious beliefs. Once the exemptions are finalized, we will provide more information on the process for requesting an exemption.
NOTE: The vaccination status submission form in eServices does currently have an option for those who are interested in learning more about eligible exemptions. Selecting this does NOT guarantee that you are exempt, and those who do not meet the standards for allowable exemptions will need to be vaccinated.
On-Campus Vaccination Clinics
American River College will be holding on-site vaccination clinics during the first week of classes for any student or employee who is not yet vaccinated. The clinics will be facilitated by Walgreens as part of the federal vaccination rollout program.
American River College
Monday, August 23, 2021 – 9 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 – 9 AM – 4 PM
Appointments are encouraged, but the clinics will serve walk-ups as well. More on-campus clinics will be scheduled for September and we will share the dates of those clinics when they are finalized.
For more information about local vaccine availability, visit the Sacramento County Vaccine Registration website.
This site is updated frequently with information about eligibility and vaccine sites in your area, including how to access vaccines via healthcare providers. If you do not live in Sacramento County, or you want more information about eligibility, visit MyTurn (California’s COVID-19 vaccine eligibility website).
We appreciate your ongoing patience as we work through the many complex and intricate details of implementing this new vaccine requirement. In the end, we believe that this requirement will lead to a healthier Los Rios community.