December 9, 2010, Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), issued Memorandum M-11-07 on Facilitating
Scientific Research by Streamlining the Paperwork Reduction Act
Process. This is the fourth memorandum issued by OIRA
regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act since April 2010. This
RegulationWriter Alert provides brief descriptions and links to all
four memoranda.
Memo: Facilitating Scientific Research by Streamlining the
Paperwork Reduction Act Process |
December 9, 2010
[T]his Memorandum addresses the question of whether and how the
PRA applies in the context of scientific research. ... First, it
explains that the Paperwork Reduction Act does not apply to certain
kinds of scientific research-specifically, collections that are
neither "sponsored" nor "conducted" by the agency as well as those
that are subject to what is commonly termed the "clinical
exemption." Second, it describes several possible options for
streamlining the PRA process, including generic clearances and
emergency review; some of these options may be available to
agencies engaging in scientific research. Finally, it offers
suggestions for strategies that agencies can use (such as early
collaboration with OMB) to expedite the PRA process as a
OIRA Memo:
Paperwork Reduction Act - Generic Clearances |
28, 2010
Memorandum outlines the availability and uses of "generic"
Information Collection Requests (ICRs). Clearances of generic ICRs
provide a significantly streamlined process by which agencies may
obtain OMB's approval for particular information
collections-usually voluntary,
low-burden, and uncontroversial collections. Generic ICRs are a
useful way for agencies to meet the obligations of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) while eliminating unnecessary burdens
and delays. They can be used for a number of information
collections, including methodological testing, customer
satisfaction surveys, focus groups, contests, and website
satisfaction surveys.
Memo: Social Media, Web-Based Interactive Technologies, and the
Paperwork Reduction Act |
7, 2010
This Memorandum...clarifies when and how the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (the PRA) applies to Federal agency use of
social media and web-based interactive technologies. It explains
that under established principles, the PRA does not apply to many
uses of such media and technologies.
OIRA Memo:
Information Collection Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA
Primer) |
April 7, 2010
This Memorandum...[provides] clarifying guidance with
respect to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) in order to
specify its central requirements and to increase transparency and
Read: OIRA Memo of April 7, 2010,
PRA Primer |
hope you find this RegulationWriter Alert helpful. If you have any
suggestions, questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact
Andrew Emery
The Regulatory Group, Inc.