MARCH 2016
Introducing The Georgia Studies 
Digital Textbook Teacher Edition
Teacher resources to support the student edition now available on iPad

GPB Education is excited to announce the launch of the teacher edition of the Georgia Studies digital textbook! Since the launch of our student edition in 2012, we have received close to 2,500 online registrations. The new edition, designed specifically with teachers in mind, provides additional depth to this state-of-the-art, interactive approach to experiencing Georgia history. Using cutting-edge technology, our digital media team created a unique layout where the teacher content is presented alongside the student content.   Click here for more information.

Celebrate Pi Day In The Classroom
Resources for all grade levels

On March 14, math enthusiasts everywhere will celebrate the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, also known as Pi. To help you celebrate Pi Day in your classroom, we have put together ten activities. You can throw a Pi party, mix Pi with poetry, go on a Pi scavenger hunt, set up Pi math           stations, and much more. Click for details. 
Fast Forward Provides STEM Teachable Moments
Students explore Georgia industries with our STEM-focused video series

GPB's original series, Fast Forward, promotes student achievement in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math by highlighting the multitude of career opportunities here in Georgia. The Fast Forward project consists of video segments that present STEM concepts in a fun, entertaining, and informative way by demonstrating how employees in businesses and organizations across the state are applying STEM in their jobs. 

All Fast Forward episodes are available as stand-alone videos that are correlated to applicable Georgia Performance Standards, and  each video includes a supplementary "Teachable Moments" segment that explains specific STEM concepts. All Fast Forward and "Teachable Moments" videos are available on the GPB website at Fast Forward was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, with additional financial support from the Wells Fargo Foundation.

March Is Women's History Month
Explore women's impact on language and authorship with author content collections

In recognition of Women's History Month, we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women through the lenses of language and authorship. Celebrate the female voice and perspective with a collection from Discovery Education. You can help students examine the significant contributions 
of women towards the progressive use of language, in developing groundbreaking new thoughts, ideas, and genres, and in promoting social change and activism through words and publishing. 

You will need your DE login and password to access these free resources. If you have not signed up, email us at to get started.

Content-Based Professional Development
New PBS Teacherline facilitated 
courses  start on March 16

A new PBS TeacherLine term starts March 16! Don't miss out - check out the list of professional development courses available now for March. As a brand teachers know and trust,  PBS TeacherLine  offers courses that make learning truly come alive. These courses include tools for integrating technology, peer interactions, interactive lessons, and authentic tasks with real-world applications. Whether you choose to work on them in your classroom after school or in the comfort of your own home, PBS TeacherLine courses are as convenient as they are respectable. 

To ensure a spot in your desired class, it is suggested that you enroll at least 10 days prior to the course date.  For more information, visit .

Top Five EdTech Tips: Classkick
Easily provide students with feedback

Classkick is an application that saves time and allows you 
to assist multiple students simultaneously. The free app is available on iPad and includes mentors, videos, and how-to guides. In addition to many other features, you can view all student work in real time and monitor individual student progress concurrently. These features help identify specific concepts that students are having trouble grasping. If more than one person is struggling in the same area, have a quick intercession and work through the issue together.