STEM learning can happen anywhere.
Is it magic or is it science? 

Something that might look like a magic trick can be explained with science! Learn how to layer liquids in this week's STEM2home activity/giveaway !

We want to see what you did! Share a picture or video of the activity with us to be entered into a drawing for a family friendly STEM game (contact-less delivery, of course)! 

See Instructions below.

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STEM2home Activity
Layers of Liquids
Time: 10-20 minutes
What you'll need:
  • Tall clear drinking glass
  • A large spoon
  • Water
  • Oil, about 1 cup (vegetable works great)
  • Syrup (Karo works great)
  • Paper Towels
  • Optional:
  • Food Coloring
  • Dish soap
  • Honey
Instructions : The great thing about this experiment is that you can mix the liquids in any order, but to begin with, this is our suggestion. Check out the demo below and send us any questions via email/social media! We can't wait to see your experiments!

  1. Fill the glass about half way with regular water.
  2. Add a drop of food coloring, if you have some handy. Be careful not to add too much or you might not be able to see what is taking place.
  3. Slowly pour some of the syrup into the water and observe what happens. Does it sink or float?
  4. Slowly add some of the oil. It is a good idea to hold the spoon just above the water level, touching the side of the glass, then slowly pour the oil onto the spoon. Does the oil sink or float?

Optional: Using more layers! If you would like to use more layers, try this order: Honey, corn syrup, dish soap, water (with or without food coloring), and lastly vegetable oil.
Imagee: Spangler Science Video: DaveHax
STEM2home Career Connect
Cosmetic Chemist
" Sister Scientist is my way of bashing the stereotype of what a scientist or a chemist looks like. "
--Erica Douglas, cosmetic chemist
STEM2home Giveaway
SnapN'Share your activity for a chance to win a family STEM game!
Follow these simple steps:
  1. Try the STEM activity above
  2. Take a picture of you and your family doing the STEM activity.*
  3. Share the picture on social media with the hashtag #STEM2home and tag us (@LetsGoBoysAndGirls) or reply to this email (

Deadline is 07/09/20. The winner will be randomly selected and notified by 07/13/20.
*Photos must be approved to share by legal guardian.
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