STEM learning can happen anywhere.
LET'S GO Boys and Girls invites you to participate in our STEM2home program for free!
We hope you will find some time this week to get outside and explore STEM as a family by completing the featured STEM activity. Then take some time to explore a STEM career related to the activity by following the links in this newsletter.

This week, we're celebrating Earth Day (April 22) and
National Citizen Science month .

We want to see what you did!
Share a picture or video of the activity with us to be entered into a drawing for a family-friendly STEM game (contact-less delivery, of course)! See instructions below.
STEM2home Activity
Urban Birding
Time : 10 minutes
What you'll need : Permission from an adult to go outside, a pencil and paper if you want to take notes, your phone if you want to take pictures
Instructions :
1.       Go outside!
2.       Observe your local birds. ( Click here to see what birds are local to your area!)
3.       Take pictures of the birds you see. Take a note of where you saw them and what they were doing. ( What are they eating? What kinds of sounds are they making? What time of day are they out? )
4.       Visit the same area over a few days to observe what birds are in your area.
5.       If you want, share your data as a Citizen Scientist with Celebrate Urban Birds or send it to LET’S GO and we can pass it along. 
Image and video courtesy of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
STEM2home Drawing
We're kicking off STEM2Home with a
chance to win a family STEM game or activity!
Follow these simple steps:
  1. Try the STEM activity above
  2. Take a picture of you and your family doing the STEM activity.*
  3. Share the picture on social media and tag us (@LetsGoBoysAndGirls) or reply to this email (

Deadline is 04/25/20. The drawing winner will be randomly selected by LET'S GO and notified by 04/27/20.

*Photos must be approved to share by legal guardian.
STEM2home Career Connection
Wildlife Biologist
As part of their everyday job, wildlife biologists monitor and record animal activity just like you do in this week's STEM2home activity! Watch this video to learn more.
" This can be a career for students. People can be involved in the environment and make a living doing their passion." - Drew Lanham, Ph.D
Video and image courtesy of Topic.
We want to hear from you!

How can we best support you and your students with distance learning?
Let us know!
Send us an email ( ) or leave a message on our
social media:
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