Watch this short video
from our
President Ben Schears!
We here at Northwest Tech, would like to invite all our Service Area Counselors to help us spread the word to any of your high school seniors that:
  • are set to graduate in Spring 2021
  • are graduating from a school within one of these counties: Cheyenne, Decatur, Gove, Graham, Greeley, Hamilton, Kearny, Logan, Norton, Rawlins, Scott, Sheridan, Sherman, Thomas, Trego, Wallace, or Wichita
  • has a 2.0 GPA or better
  • are pursuing a degree in technical education
to give them the opportunity to apply for one of our Northwest Tech scholarships!

We will be awarding a guaranteed $500 scholarship to ANY student from the 17-county service area who meets the 2.0 GPA requirement. The scholarship will be applied to the Fall 2021 semester. This is a new scholarship designed to recruit, train, and retain students from Northwest Kansas with the hope they will plug back in to the area communities.

Please forward this scholarship opportunity onto any students that may be interested!
*Scholarship only offered to students that will be attending Northwest Tech full-time.
**Scholarship will not be transferable to other colleges.**
Ready to Check us out in person or Apply to our college?
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