July 2020                                                                                   www.newmoa.org
In This Issue
All of us at NEWMOA hope that this newsletter finds you healthy and safe during this COVID-19 pandemic. We think of you often as we respond and adjust to this new reality.
In Gratitude 
We  are grateful for  the hard work of the local, state, and federal emergency response; emergency preparedness; cleanup; toxics use reduction; and hazardous, solid, and medical waste management personnel, who have persevered through this pandemic. You are among the many invisible heroes at this time. Your day-to-day  efforts , sometimes undertaken at risk to your health and well-being, is greatly appreciated.   
In addition, the waste industry - haulers, transfer stations, materials recovery facilities (MRFs), composting sites, anaerobic digesters, bottle redemption centers, storage and treatment sites, resource recovery facilities, landfills, and more - who make sure the recycling, organics, and waste s  are picked up and managed every day have taken   personal risk to keep the system up and running during this pandemic. We applaud your dedication and your hard work and thank you.   
All of you, many of whom make up the NEWMOA family, help keep us safe in ways that most of us don't even realize much of the time. We toast you!  
A Renewed Commitment to Pursuing Equity & Environmental Justice: Message from NEWMOA's Board & Staff
Recent events have focused our collective attention on the impact of inequality. Like many groups, NEWMOA is committed to working on ways that we can do better.  NEWMOA 's  Board and staff believe this occasion provides an opportunity for important reflection and growth. The Board  has  decided to form an internal  NEWMOA  working group to examine how state waste, cleanup, and toxics programs in the region can engage more effectively to create environmental justice at every level of our programs,  including:  
  • Facility siting   
  • Site cleanup  
  • Brownfields
  • Compliance and enforcement  
  • Legislation, policies, and funding  
  • Outreach and education 
  • Communications  
The  Board and staff will be looking to the members of this working group to provide input and advice.   
NEWMOA's leadership is also committed to ensuring that our organizational culture and practices support equality, diversity, and fairness in recruiting and hiring, training, and advancement, as well as emphasizing respect and inclusion in our everyday interactions. We hope to learn from other groups and agencies  about  new strategies that can help us improve in these areas.  W e would like to hear from you, members and colleagues, on what you think we could be doing in our work to bring about more justice and equity.   
Best Wishes to Topher Buck, Former NEWMOA Project Manager for the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2)
Topher Buck has worked for NEWMOA for the past six years as the Project Manager of the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse (IC2). Over that time, IC2 has accomplished an enormous amount largely due to Topher's dedication and hard work. We only have space to highlight a handful of Topher's numerous contributions to the IC2 and NEWMOA. He has consistently and effectively coordinated numerous Workgroups, including those that focus on alternatives assessment, IC2's databases, procurement standards and guidelines, governance, training, and PFAS. Topher organized numerous training webinars for the IC2, which are catalogued on its website.
Perhaps his biggest accomplishment was the successful launch in 2019 of the High Priority Chemical Data System. That project took over four years from proposal to the launch of version 1. Topher's management and contributions to that effort were enormous, and the success of the system is a testament to his abilities. He also contributed to IC2's other databases by adding content and making upgrades and improvements.

Over the past year, Topher helped IC2 coordinate the chemical ingredient transparency project in collaboration with Clean Production Action. That project is coming to fruition now with the pending release of the final Principles of Chemical Ingredient Disclosure. This effort will set the stage for chemical ingredient disclosure programs and safer substitution initiatives in the future. As part of that effort, Topher was a co-author of a recent report, "Chemical Ingredient Transparency in Products: Review of Existing Public Policies & An Industry Standard" as well as an associated spreadsheet.
Topher has been an invaluable colleague and friend to the NEWMOA staff and IC2's membership. All of us will miss his leadership, good humor, passion for toxics use reduction, insights, hard work, and dedication. We wish him all the best in his new position with the California Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC).
NEWMOA is Recruiting a New Project Manager
NEWMOA is seeking to replace Topher Buck as the Project Manager for the Interstate Chemicals Clearinghouse - www.theic2.org. For a information on the qualifications and a list of the Project Manager's responsibilities, visit www.newmoa.org/about/careers.cfm. NEWMOA is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disability. To apply for the position, send a resume, cover letter, and references to Terri Goldberg.
Brownfields Summit 2021
Brownfields Summit Postponed for a Year
NEWMOA's Brownfields Summit was supposed to take place on October 7-8, 2020 but because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions on travel and events with large numbers of people, NEWMOA recently decided to postpone it for a year. The new dates are October 6-7, 2021 at the same location in Devens, MA.
The Summit will bring together key stakeholders to help advance and accelerate redevelopment of contaminated properties in the region. The goals of the Summit are to:
  • Share information about the financial incentives, liability protections, and technical and other assistance available for brownfields development from federal and state governments
  • Promote best practice and lessons learned across New England
  • Provide an opportunity to increase networking in the region and information-sharing among key stakeholders
The Summit will include plenary and break-out sessions and an exhibit area. There will be ample time during the breaks for networking and viewing the exhibits. There will also be a reception during the evening of the first day. The organizers expect approximately 300 people to attend from a wide range of agencies, companies, and organizations.
For more information, contact  Jennifer Griffith .
S olid Waste & Sustainable Materials Management
EPR for Packaging & Paper Products
NEWMOA and NERC have jointly posted a new document, "Frequently Asked Questions About Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging and Paper Products" that was prepared by the jointly-run Northeast EPR Network. The write-up describes how EPR can help with local budget challenges and lead to the next generation of recycling in the U.S. It provides answers to frequently asked questions. Visit: http://www.newmoa.org/solidwaste/EPR_for_Packaging_and_Paper_FAQ.pdf.
Free Webinar on AgStar's Anaerobic Digestion Resource for Farms
Tuesday, July 16, 1:30 - 3:00 PM EDT

On-farm anaerobic digestion (AD) is a great way to process manure and other organics. Understanding how to make it all work is vital to its success. NEWMOA and the Northeast Recycling Council (NERC) are jointly offering this free webinar to feature EPA's "Anaerobic Digestion Project Development Handbook ," a new resource that outlines the details of setting up and operating an on-farm anaerobic digestion system. 

AgSTAR's Handbook  covers:
  • Process fundamentals
  • Digester feedstocks
  • AD/biogas system products, equipment, and uses
  • Economic and financial factors
  • Screening and feasibility studies
  • Business relationships
  • Permitting
  • Public and community outreach
  • Safety, operation, and maintenance considerations
  • Additional tools and resources

  • Vanessa McKinney, Program Manager for EPA's AgSTAR Program, where she works with U.S. livestock, biogas, and government stakeholders to advance the deployment of digesters and biogas systems
  • John Hanselman, Chairman and CEO, Vanguard Renewables
  • Peter Melnik, Owner, Bar-Way Farms
Recently, the Washington Post highlighted the AD built by Vanguard at Bar-Way Farms in a feature article: "Turning Manure into Money". The Bar-Way Farm is in Massachusetts.

Free Webinar on State Action to Address Recycling Markets Changes
Tuesday, July 21 at 1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT

D uring the past year, the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) Sustainable Materials Management Task Force conducted a survey of State solid waste and recycling programs to better understand how they are responding to the restrictions imposed by China and other countries on the importation of materials for recycling, particularly paper and plastic. NEWMOA, NERC, and ASTSWMO are holding this free webinar to share the results of this survey.

Presenters include ASTSWMO Task Force Members:
  • Janine Bogar, WA State Department of Ecology
  • James Jennings, IL Environmental Protection Agency
  • Jeremy Hooper, TN Department of Environment and Conservation
  • Adam Schlachter, DE Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
  • Angela Vincent, CA Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) 
Free Webinar on Teaching Practical Strategies for Reducing Wasted Food Through Community Events
Wednesday, August 5, 2020, 2:00 - 3:30 PM EDT
ReCook Cafes, cooking workshops, and similar events are emerging as a fun and effective way to help residents learn about practical strategies for reducing wasted food. They also help to build and strengthen communities. NEWMOA and NERC are offering this webinar to share the experiences in New York State and Vermont with planning and holding these kinds of events and the key results and lessons learned.

  • Gary Feinland, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Anne Bijur, VT Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Jesse Evin Kerns, Syracuse University Center for Sustainable Community Solutions  

Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5084326892487707149.
Free Webinar on State & Local Laws Mandating Minimum Recycled Content
Thursday, September 24, 2:00 - 3:30 PM EDT

NEWMOA and NERC are jointly offering this webinar to share the experiences of state and local agencies with implementing laws mandating minimum post-consumer recycled content standards.

Workshop on Use of Recycled Content in Roadway Projects
This workshop was originally scheduled for April and has been postponed to November 17, 2020. It will take place at the NH DES offices, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301.
The Workshop is co-sponsored by NERC and NEWMOA in partnership with the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA), Maine Resource Recovery Association (M RRA), the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Transportation, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and Department of Transportation, and the New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center.

This special one-day workshop will provide new insights and examples of practical applications. Presentations will address:
  • Plastic corrugated drainage pipes with recycled content
  • Ground asphalt for roads
  • Use of crumb rubber in roads
  • Processed glass aggregate
Register: https://nerc.org/special-event/workshop-november-2020.
Waste Site Cleanup
Webinar on PFAS Treatment: Separation, Concentration & Destruction
Monday, July 20th at 1:30 PM EDT
This webinar will include the following presentations:
  • "Comparing PFAS to Other Groundwater Contaminants: Implications for Remediation" by Chuck Newell, GSI
  • "Introduction to Emerging PFAS Treatment Approaches Technologies" by Dora Chiang, CDM Smith
  • Overview of proven separation technologies and the state of development of emerging technologies that separate, concentrate, and destroy PFAS, including:
    • "Advanced PFAS-Specific Separation Technologies" by Kent Sorenson, CDM Smith
    • "Scaling up Destruction Technologies and Their Applications" by Steve Richardson, GSI

Webinar on PFAS in Groundwater: Investigation Results in New Hampshire & Considering Soil Leaching 
Wednesday, July 29th, 1:30 EDT

The first presentation will focus on the significant quantity of multimedia PFAS data that NH DES has collected over the past three years. The presentation will summarize DES' data on groundwater quality from over 6,500 samples across the State with a focus on public water systems and waste site cleanup program sites (including AFFF use sites, industrial/commercial facilities, landfills, and more). Presenters: Kate Emma Schlosser and Amy Doherty, NH Department of Environmental Services.

The title of the second presentation is "PFAS In Soil: Considering Leaching to Groundwater". Soil is a key medium regarding the sources, extent, transport, and fate of PFAS from many types of releases (e.g., AFFF, aerial deposition, application of biosolids). As there is a growing interest in PFAS in soil, understanding the applicability and potential limitations of typical approaches to site characterization is important. The presentation will review the fundamentals of PFAS in soil, leaching-based screening values, and data collected as part of the PFAS Background in Vermont Shallow Soils study. Harrison will close by discussing potential screening approaches for understanding risk and areas for future work. Presenter: Harrison Roakes, Sanborn Head and Associates.

NEWMOA Board of Directors
NEWMOA's Board of Directors met virtually in mid-June to discuss state and EPA waste, toxics, PFAS, and pollution prevention challenges and NEWMOA's FY 2020 projects, funding, and strategic priorities.
news@NEWMOA is designed to help our members and colleagues keep informed about the Association's projects and activities. You are receiving this e-newsletter because you are a member of a NEWMOA working group, committee, or program; invitee to NEWMOA events; a colleague at a related organization or EPA; connected to the Association in some other way; or have expressed interest in our work. n ews@NEWMOA contributors include: Andy Bray, Terri Goldberg, Jennifer Griffith, and Lois Makina.

If you have questions about delivery of this e-Newsletter, contact Lois Makina.
Please share this newsletter with others in your agency or organization that might be interested.  
NEWMOA is on Facebook & LinkedIn
Follow us on NEWMOA's Facebook page! We are now using Facebook to post notices about our events, new publications and information resources, projects, and members. We'd love to hear your ideas for how to make our Facebook page engaging and helpful. Check it out by searching for Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA).