Hot off the press!
NICE recommend KardiaMobile for detecting AF
In Medical Technologies Guidance published yesterday, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommended KardiaMobile as an option for detecting atrial fibrillation (AF) for people with suspected paroxysmal AF, who present with symptoms such as palpitations and are referred for ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring by a clinician.
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Click below to download the full published guidance and read the reasons why the committee has made these recommendations.
In a press release issued today by inventors of the KardiaMobile, AliveCor, Founder of Arrhythmia Alliance and AF Association, Mrs Trudie Lobban MBE, comments:

“Many people experience various symptoms but do not realise it may be a heart rhythm disorder such as AF. If medical attention is not sought it leaves them exposed to a much higher risk of AF-related stroke.

KardiaMobile can be used to monitor a person’s heart rhythm at any time, regardless of whether or not people show signs or symptoms of AF. This ultimately means AF can be detected faster, leading to a quicker diagnosis and therefore more lives being protected against AF-related stroke and consequences of suffering with AF.”