"Remember Texas! Remember Foot Hood!"
From: (name withheld)
Subject: Remember Texas! Remember Foot Hood!
Date: March 13, 2019 at 3:35:31 PM MDT
To: Mikey Weinstein
You leftist freaks at the MFRF get all up to protect towel heads camel jockeys but you don’t lift a damn finger for Christians who built this country.
Now I read that you protect that moslim women at Fort Carson who gets to wear her stupid arab costume?
Maybe you all forgot about Texas and Fort Hood where that sand nigger major hasan shot and killed all those innocent Christian soldiers? There only crime was loving Jesus Christ. Ayrabs can’t stand that.
Well I am a Texan. And my family has been in Texas for almost a hundred
years and we do not forget that stuff in Texas! Texas is for liberty and Jesus.
Why don’t you stop helping the arab terrorists in the Army and start helping the Christian soldiers who have to serve with that islam trash?
And you are jew right?
That figures too.
Response from MRFF Advisory Board Member
John Compere
From: John Compere
Subject: Fw: Remember Texas! Remember Foot Hood!
Date: March 13, 2019 at 5:32:21 PM MDT
To: (name & email withheld)
(name withheld),
Your repugnant racist rant reflects only on yourself & reveals a brainless bigot who cannot communicate in a moral & meaningful manner. You & hate-filled hypocrites like you are the reason why moral Americans & Texans reject the insidious intolerance of radical religious racism. The late George H.W. Bush (Texan, military hero, Christian gentleman & American President), wisely warned “Hate corrodes the container it is carried in”. Perhaps you should think about that.
For your information, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is a non-profit constitutional rights organization (composed of over 80% Christians) that represents military members of any religion or belief who request their right to religious freedom, to which all Americans are entitled under the US Constitution (& all Texans are entitled under the Texas Constitution), be respected & protected. We represent over 61,000 military men & women (95% of whom are Christians) who have requested our representation.
I am a 4th generation Texan whose family has been in Texas for more than 100 years. My Texas is for the religious liberty mandated by the American & Texas Constitutions, both of which provide freedom of any religion or no religion for Americans & Texans. Be assured the Eyes of Texas are elsewhere – not upon you.
“There is no argument in the world that carries the hatred that a religious belief one does.” – American Philosopher Mark Twain
Brigadier General John Compere, US Army (Retired)
Disabled American Veteran (Vietnam Era)
Military Religious Freedom Foundation Advisory Board Member
Texas rancher