Start date: April 17, 2022
Cause: Under investigation
Incident Commander:
Randy Johnson
Pacific Northwest Team 3
Size: 21,164 acres
Containment: 3 percent
Total personnel: 366
Location: 14 miles northeast of Flagstaff, Ariz.
9 Crews
19 Engines
5 Dozers
1 Air Attack Plane
2 Helicopters
Tunnel Fire Morning Update – Sunday April 24, 2022
Current Situation: Evacuations have been changed to “SET” for all neighborhoods associated with the Tunnel Fire. Residents returning to the area are reminded that the conditions and status of evacuation levels could change at any time based on fire behavior. 

Caution is advised as there will be increased traffic as firefighters continue patrolling and mopping up areas of heat. The landscape is very dynamic immediately after a fire and travel within the fire area can be hazardous. Examples of hazards include fire weakened trees that may fall without warning, loss of ground vegetation can loosen rolling debris and rocks and ash pits from stumps may look benign, but will hold hot ash for quite a while and can cause severe burns if stepped in.

As interior islands of vegetation burn and large logs and stumps smolder, smoke will be present. If you see smoke or fire please do not call 911 unless it is outside the fire perimeter or poses a threat. If you are unsure, please call 911.

Today’s Activities: Firefighters will continue to work within the Timberline Estates and Wupatki Trails Subdivisions. Crews are constructing line between O’Leary Peak and Black Mountain and may conduct burnout operations to secure fireline if needed. Crews will continue working the spot fire on 89 Mesa and construct fireline in the Strawberry Crater Wilderness area. Patrol and mop-up will continue along Forest Road 545 on the southern edge of the fire.  

Evacuations: Information about evacuations is updated online at the Coconino County Tunnel Fire page. The County has also established a Coconino County Tunnel Fire Call Center at 928-679-8525.

Closures: The Coconino National Forest has instituted a Forest Closure Order for the area affected by the Tunnel Fire.

The closure for U.S. Highway 89 remains in effect until 1:00 pm today. Please contact AZ 511 for the most up-to-date status of U.S. Highway 89.

Email: 2022.tunnel2@firenet.gov