Church of the Little Flower
800 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
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This Sunday is the
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
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From Father Al's Pen
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus is asked which commandment is first and he provides two commandments as his answer. However, he doesn’t bundle them together as one overarching commandment—he very distinctly identifies them as first and second. Sometimes, we can feel the way to express love for God is through demonstrating our love for other people in charitable or justice-focused actions. However, Jesus makes clear that the first commandment of all is the love of God with all our being - that God is worthy of love in God’s own right. Our love of God may inspire us to action for others, but the first step is loving God for who God is.
All Souls Memorial Mass – Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. Mass, we celebrate the Commemoration of all the faithful departed. This special annual Mass is said for the intention of all our parishioners who have died this past year. As part of our Mass this year, we are inviting families who have lost a loved one this past year to bring a picture of their loved one. These will be displayed at Mass today. We would also invite the families to let us continue to display the pictures of their loved one throughout the month of November.
The Book of the Dead – Also called the Book of Remembrance, is on display next to the baptismal font throughout the month of November. During this month, we are called in a special way to remember “our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection” (Eucharistic Prayer 2). Feel free to inscribe the names of your beloved dead who will be remembered in prayer during this month.
Anointing Mass - Next weekend on Saturday, November 9th, I will be having a Mass of the Anointing of the Sick. This will take place during the 4:30 p.m. evening Mass. You can take advantage of receiving the Sacrament of Healing if you are preparing for surgery or have a serious physical or psychological illness. I will have pews reserved in front or you can sit at the end of the pew you are in.
May all the Saints and Souls, pray for us!
Fr. Al
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"And to love him with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is worth more than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices." (Mark 12:33)
Of all the gifts that God gives us, the one He wants the most is our heart. He wants us to share out of our love for Him, not out of obligation. Using our talent in parish ministry and contributing money to support our parish mission is important, but it's more important to spend time in prayer with God daily and discern how He is calling us to be generous with all of our gifts. Not just the visible ones, but the invisible ones like love, mercy and forgiveness.
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What percentage does God ask of me as a good steward? All of my heart, all of my soul, all of my mind, and all of my strength!
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Bulletin Sponsor of the Week
This week we spotlight
Mike McGee, Broker
Sangamon Property Group, L.L.C.
Please support this and all of our bulletin sponsors.
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Stewardship of Treasurer
October 26 & 27, 2024
(Weekly Amount Needed: $13,800.00
Envelopes: $ 8,291.48
Loose: $ 100.00
EFT: $ 3,094.00
Total: $11,485.48
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Church Attendance
October 26 & 27, 2024
Saturday @ 4:30 p.m. - 228
Sunday @ 7:45 a.m. - 88
Sunday @ 10:00 a.m. - 155
Total for the Weekend - 471
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Candle Money
If you light a candle in the church, please DO NOT put the money in the candle money boxes. Please drop it in the offering plate marked as “candle money” or bring it into the church office. Small Candles: $1, Big Candles: $3.
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In Our Thoughts & In Our Prayers
Our Parishioners - At Home
Alice Bulinski
Ann Rine
Matilda Cortes
Danielle Loftus
Margie Richards
Patricia Zaffiri
Beverly Jackson
Bill & Linda Lehnert
Joanie Darnielle
Patricia Johnson
Carmen Koches
Jean Pape
Margaret Rollings
Alyce Vespa
Concordia Village
Fran McCue
Eleanor Novotnak
Mary Bryant Home
Rhonda Roeper
Bill Smith
Sharon Fisher
Brendan Gardens
Beulah White
Lois Hall
Fran Retzda
Richard Zanetello
Regency Care
Natalie Clarke
Mary Jean Glisson
Taylorville Care Center
Betty Page
Reflections Memory Care
Msg. John Ossola
Barb Wagner
Villas of Holly Brook
Frank Woodcock
Villas East
Veronica DeRosa
Sherman Memory Care
Doris Clarke
Bryan Manor
Trevor Matticks
The Bridge
Helen Rackauskas
Marilyn Choudry
Carriage Crossing
Maurice "Dewey" Dewimille
Lea Titone
Assisted Living - Wisconsin
Lora Roscetti
If someone moves to a different location, needs to be added, or needs to be removed, please contact the church office. This will help us keep the list updated/correct. Thank you.
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LFS Pie Orders
Pick Up Date
If you ordered pies from LF School, the date for pick up has been changed. The new pick up date is November 20th, 5:30 - 7:30 pm.
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Caution - Children at Play
School has started! Children are outside walking, running, and playing, etc. The sound of children outside playing is wonderful! Please watch for them when on LF campus and around town as you drive.
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Little Flower PTC
Craft Bazaar
November 9 & 10, 2024
For information, please contact
Colleen Pittman @ 217-971-6157.
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Parish Auction
Saturday, November 16, 2024
This year’s theme is “Ugly Christmas Sweater Party”. See the enclosed fliers inserted into the bulletin for opportunities to sponsor a basket or make donations toward a basket for the auction.
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Glo Bingo
Friday, November 22, 2024
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Bingo begins at 7:00 pm
Little Flower Parish Hall
Over $1,000 in cash prizes!
Tickets available at: - $2 per ticket non-refundable fee or Tom McBride at 217-319-9296 or Tom Madonia at 217-899-0232
Advance Tickets: $25
(Limited, if any, doors sales)
Must be 18 or older to attend
Includes 6 Bingo cards for 10 games. Also includes Glow hat & Dauber
$5 per additional 6 cards
Cash Bar - BYO food/snacks
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Men's Club
LF Men’s Club invites all men of the parish to join them to help make a positive difference in the LF community. Interested in joining the Men’s Club? Regular meeting dates are usually the second Monday of every odd month. They meet in the Parish Center (Gym) at 5:45 p.m. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, November 11, 2024. All men of the parish are welcome to join us.
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St. Therese Guild
We would like to welcome and invite all ladies of the Parish and School to our meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. All ladies of the Parish are welcome to join the St. Therese Guild. We look forward to seeing you.
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Parish Prayer Shawl Ministry
For questions and to request a shawl, contact Arlene Kocher at or 217-306-6413.
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Young At Heart
Are you 55 years old or older? If so, you are welcome to attend any Young At Heart events, trips, etc. The Young @ Heart group has picnics, plays Bingo, attends events - such as musicals and shows, cookouts, wine tasting, dessert socials, etc. They are nice people who enjoy each others company and have a good time when they get together. There is no official membership registration to join. Just attend the events. You are always welcome!
Local Events: (Curt Drew)
Dueling Pianos: November 1st @ 7:00 p.m. - Cathedral, Springfield.
Bus Trips: (Dee Stern)
November 7, 2024: Casey, Illinois - Largest collection of the world’s largest things. Casey is the one and only home of a humongous handful of Guinness World Record constructions, etc. $88 per person also includes lunch at Richard’s Farm Restaurant. They will also stop at Wildflour Bakery and Candy Company. Register & pay for the trip in the church office by November 1st.
REQUIRED: Covid Vaccinated and (hopefully) fully boosted!
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Are you looking for a good book to read? The Little Flower Church Lending Library is a good resource and is conveniently located. | |
Prayer Line
You may add someone to the prayer line, with their permission or their family's permission, by calling or emailing the Church Office.
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Baptism Preparation Class
This class is required before baptizing your children.
Please call the church office at 217-529-1606.
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Holy Family Food Donations
The next date is November 24, 2024. Donations of non-perishable food, household items such as soap and toilet paper, etc. are needed.
Please leave donations in the entry ways to the church - out of the main pathway. We will collect them and secure them until picked up.
Thank you for your continued generosity!
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Breadline Sunday Is
Returning This Year!
Loaves of bread will be available for $3.00 each or
if you do not want the loaf of bread, you can make a donation
using an envelope they will provide.
The dates are November 23 & 24.
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2025 Calendars
LFC will be collecting 2025 (non-spiraled) calendars of any size for the women at Logan Correctional Center until Monday, November 18. Please put them on the tables at the church entrances of drop them off at the church office. Thank you. Janet Zimmerman
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Learn More about Medicare 2025
Health & Life Solutions, and Cathedral parishioners Mike & Lily Layden, will host a free seminar, “All you need to know about Medicare 2025”. Come and learn about the changes to Medicare this upcoming year. Date: Thursday, November 7, 1:30pm – 2:45pm. Location: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 524 E. Lawrence Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62703, School Cafeteria. Seating is limited. Call with questions. Please call by October 31 to reserve your seat - 217-290-1768.
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Weekly Bulletins
Weekly bulletins are available at the entrances/exits of the church, in the church office, and on the Little Flower Church website. There is a lot of good information in the weekly bulletins. Check it out!
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E-News (News To Use) is available, upon request. It’s free and all you have to do is sign up and then start checking your email. To sign up, please contact Teresa via email at or call 529-1606.
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LFC Website
Check it out for information and events at Little Flower Church by going to You can also access “My Parish App” from the website.
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Parish App
We invite you to stay connected through
Little Flower Church Parish App.
Just follow the instructions to get connected.
It's easy!
Instruction cards are available in the church office.
Also, see pictures below.
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88.9 FM / 1410 AM - Catholic Radio | |
New Family Formation Program (Formerly PSR Class)
New Family Formation Program is a family-based catechetical program that helps families grown in the transforming love of God by understanding and living the Catholic Faith. Practically, it will involve the usual student sessions (K-8th grades) on Sunday mornings. It will, also, have a component of family lessons that can be done at home. This program is open to ALL parish families who are interested. To sign up, call the office or notify Rod Hughes: (217) 899-3762.
RCIC Class
A Parish process for children ages 7-16 who wish to become Catholic. Classes will meet every Wednesday right after school in Sister Linda's office (Church Office). Contact Sister Linda: 217-529-1606.
RCIA Class
"Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”. This class is for adults who want to learn about the Catholic religion and join the church. More information coming soon. Coordinator: Marvin Kocher: 217-306-6414.
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Wednesday, October 30:
7:00 a.m. - Rose Hammitt
(Beth Smith)
Thursday, October 31:
7:00 a.m. - Brian Heissinger
(Rita Sendejas Russell)
5:30 p.m. - All Saints Day Mass
Friday, November 1:
All Saints Day
8:15 a.m. - All School Mass
Jane Hurshman
(Linda Wheeler)
Saturday, November 2:
All Souls Day
4:30 p.m. - Tim Hay
(Karen Workman)
Sunday, November 3:
Daylight Savings Time Ends - Fall Back 1 Hour
7:45 a.m. - Little Flower Parish Family
10:00 a.m. - All Souls Day Remembrance Mass
Marie T. Henebry
(Annette Nelson)
Monday, November 4:
No Mass
Tuesday, November 5:
7:00 a.m. - Angela Sendejas
(Rita Sendejas Russell)
Wednesday, November 6:
8:15 a.m. - Marie T. Henebry
(Annette Nelson)
Thursday, November 7:
7:00 a.m. - Rick Sendejas
(Rita Sendejas Russell)
Friday, November 8:
7:00 a.m. - Jane Hurshman
(Clyde & Marcia Miller)
Saturday, November 9:
Dan Chevalier
(Tom Micklus)
Sunday, November 10:
7:45 a.m. - Mary O'Bryen
(Ron & Tess Ziegler)
10:00 a.m. - Little Flower Parish Family
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Thursday, October 31:
7:00 a.m. - Mass
5:30 p.m. - All Saint's Day Vigil Mass
Friday, November 1:
All Saint's Day - Holy Day
8:15 a.m. - All School Mass
Saturday, November 2:
(All Souls Day)
4:30 p.m. - Mass
Sunday, November 3:
Daylight Savings Time Ends - FALL BACK
7:45 a.m. - Mass
10:00 a.m. - All Soul's Day Remembrance Mass
Tuesday, November 5:
Election Day - Vote
7:00 a.m. - Mass
Saturday, November 9:
9:00 - 4:00 - Craft Bazaar
4:30 pm - Anointing of the Sick during Mass
Sunday, November 10:
7:45 am - Mass
10:00 am - Children's Mass
10:00 - 2:00 - Craft Bazaar
Monday, November 11:
Veterans' Day
No Mass
Church Office is Open
5:45 pm - Men's Club Meeting
Tuesday, November 12:
5:30 pm - St. Therese Guild Meeting
Saturday, November 16:
4:30 pm - Mass
Parish Auction
Thursday, November 21:
7:00 am - Mass
12:00 Noon - Finance Council
Friday, November 22:
7:00 am - Mass
Glo Bingo
Wednesday, November 27:
7:00 am - Mass
No School
Church Office closes at 12:00 Noon
Thursday, November 28:
Happy Thanksgiving!
9:00 am - Mass
No School
Church Office Closed
Friday, November 29:
No Mass
No School
Church Office Closed
Saturday, November 30:
4:30 pm - Mass
Sunday, December 1:
First Sunday of Advent
7:45 am - Mass
10:00 am - Mass
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Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:00 p.m.
& anytime by appointment
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Worldwide Marriage Encounter presents weekend experiences for married couples to rekindle romance, enhance meaningful communication, and deepen and renew commitment. The IN-PERSON weekend experiences are listed below. Sign-up now! For more information or to apply, go to, or call Terry & Eric Engholm at 314-649-7317.
12/6/2024 - 12/8/2024:
St. Peters, MO
1/31/2025 - 2/2/2025:
St. Peters, MO
4/4/2025 - 4/6/2025:
St. Peters, MO
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You're invited to "God Chose You For Me" - a new Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience to enrich couples' understanding of the spirituality of marriage and introduce them to a personal couple prayer they can continue at home. The day of enrichment is open to ALL MARRIED COUPLES.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 2 Seton Court, St. Charles
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The Forge
Attention Young Adults! The Forge is a Springfield-based young adult Catholic ministry to help you stay connected through spiritual and social events. All young adults are welcome!
More information: @Theforge on Facebook, contact: Andrew Hansen:
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Diocese is Hiring - The Curia his hiring! Open positions are an Administrative Assistant (Either full or part time) and an Office Coordinator. the right candidates will have strong computer skills, administrative experience, and the desire to work as part of a team. More information about the positions may be found at
Holy Hour For Vocations - The Springfield Deanery will be hosting a Holy Hour for Vocations at 6:30 pm on Sunday, November 10 at Christ the King Catholic Church, 1930 Barberry Drive, Springfield, IL. Please join them for an evening of prayer as they pray for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life and Holy Matrimony in conjuntion with Natioanl Vocation Awareness Week. May God raise up more holy vocations for service in His Church!
Praying For Family Away From The Church - As the holidays approach, we want to surround our family interactions with prayer, especially our interactions with those loved ones who have stopped practicing the faith. St. Monica Ministry will be hosting a time of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament at their next gathering. Please join them. Monday, November 18, 7:00 p.m. @ Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.
Hurricane Response Help – Catholic Charities USA is assisting the disaster relief effort in response to the recent hurricane. Please help the cause:
Is Speeding a Sin? – Is speeding a sin? What about white lies? What about lying to protect someone? Father Peter Harman and Father Christopher Trummer, both Moral Theologians, come on Dive Deep to answer those questions and more. Go to or search “Dive Deep” on all the major podcast platforms to listen and subscribe. Dive Deep is the podcast of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.
Souper Friday Nov. 1 – The Souper Friday Soup Fundraiser Benefiting Catholic Charities St. John’s Breadline will be serving up fresh soups to go. These made-from-scratch soups will be available on Friday, November 1 at the Catholic Pastoral Center circle driveway, 1615 W. Washington Street, Springfield, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., or until sold out. The soup options include; chicken noodle soup, steak & vegetable, and chili. The suggested donation is $10 for 32 oz. of soup. All proceeds will benefit the St. John’s Breadline.
Knights of Columbus 4175 Food Drive in Springfield – The Knights of Columbus 4175 are hosting a Food Drive benefiting Springfield Catholic Charities Holy Family Food Pantry at Schnuck’s on Sangamon Avenue on Saturday, November 2 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Food or monetary donations will be accepted.
Support St. John’s Breadline with Breadline Sunday – Catholic Charities St. John’s Breadline is kicking off its annual fundraiser in November to support its decades-long mission of serving food to people in need in the greater Springfield community. Since 1985, the Breadline Sunday fundraiser has provided critical funds for the operation of Springfield’s St. John’s Breadline. Thousands of people have turned to the Breadline over the years to receive quality made-from-scratch meals in a dignified environment. Tax deductible donations to Breadline Sunday can be made online by visiting or sending a check to the St. John’s Breadline, 430 N. Fifth St, Springfield, IL 62702.
Attend Special Holy Hour for Vocations in Springfield Nov. 10 – Come pray for holy vocations to the priesthood, religious life, and marriage during a holy hour at Christ the King Church in Springfield on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 p.m. There will be adoration before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and confession will be available. You can pray vocation-specific prayers, a Rosary, or whatever you like. Benediction will close the Holy Hour. A short homily on discerning vocations will also be given.
Fr. Tolton Religious Award – Our local Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting has created a new patch award for Venerable Fr. Augustine Tolton! The award requirements are patterned after similar programs from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting and Scouts of any national program may earn the award. Details are online at
Project Rachel: Help for women and men to heal from the pain of abortion. For assistance call 1-877-RACHEL-5.
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Mostaccioli & Sausage Dinner & Bake Sale
St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church
700 East Spruce Street, Chatham, IL
Sunday, November 3rd
Serving: 11:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Menu to include: Mostaccioli, Sausage, Salad, Bread & Drink
Adults: $8.00
Children (4 thru 11): $4.00
Children (Under 4): Free
Carry-outs will be available.
As the leaves begin to change, we're reminded that our fall Deanery CCW meeting is just around the corner. Please join us on November 21st from 10 AM to 2 PM in the Cathedral Atrium. Please enter from the 5th Street entrance. All Catholic women are welcome to attend, and we especially encourage parish-level CCW presidents to participate. This is a great opportunity to learn about updates from the Diocesan level meeting and discover ways to get involved in the CCW. We're excited to feature a guest speaker, Kate Herring from Our Savior in Jacksonville. Kate, a convert to Catholicism, will share her inspiring story of conversion and her experiences during a parish visit to Guatemala. Please note that there will be a $5.00 lunch donation to help cover the cost of food. Below you will find a link to our facebook group and a link to the RSVP form. Please RSVP by November 15th. We look forward to seeing you there.
RSVP - Google Forms
Men’s Evening of Recollection
A Men’s Evening of Recollection will be held Thursday, October 24th at St John’s Hospital Chapel (800 E. Carpenter St., Springfield), from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The recollection will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, a meditation given by a priest, time for silent prayer and reflection, an opportunity for confession, a doctrinal talk and Benediction. All men throughout the diocese are invited to attend. The spiritual guidance at the Recollection is entrusted to a priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei. Check out:
Angels From A to Z
From Archangels to Guardian Angels, come listen to Father Brian Alford share what the Catholic Church teaches about who these mysterious beings are, what they do, and how they help us in our journey in becoming saints. Monday, October 28 @ 7:00pm in the Cathedral Atrium
Come Celebrate the Impact of Catholic Sisters in Springfield at the Springfield Sisters' Armchair Tour.
The event is at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7 at Sacred Heart Convent, 1237 W. Monroe, Springfield and will highlight the Ursulines, Franciscans, and Dominican Sisters who began transforming lives in the city in 1857. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required because of limited space in the venue, the Aquinas Center. To register for the event visit:
Fried Chicken Dinner
Sacred Heart Church in Virden and the Virden Knights of Columbus will be holding a fried chicken dinner on Sunday, November 3 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the K of C Hall (1320 N. Dye St.) in Virden. Dine-in or Carry-out! On the menu is fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, slaw, rolls, and a beverage. Desserts available for purchase. Adults and carry-outs are $13; children 5-12 are $6; children 4 and under are free. There will be a 50/50 drawing at 2:00 p.m. Carry-outs at rear door. Thank you for your support!
O Come All Ye Faithful!
St. Frances Cabrini Parish invites you to The Nativity Festival
Saturday, December 7, 2024 & Sunday December 8, 2024
Noon – 4 p.m. 11 am – 4 p.m.
Celebrate the true meaning of Christmas! If you are interested in displaying your Nativity Set, please contact the parish office at 217-522-8555 by November 1, 2024 to have a registration form mailed to you. We welcome all previous displayers as well as new ones. You’re welcome to bring more than one set.
English Classes For Women. Women age 18 or older who want to learn English are invited to receive individual tutoring from trained instructors. Classes are offered on the campus of the Dominican Sisters’ motherhouse, 1237 W. Monroe. Daytime classes and two evening classes will be available weekly for 90 minutes. A registration fee of $25 contributes to the cost of materials. No student will be turned away for inability to pay. Students will need to provide their own transportation. To register, contact Sister Katherine O’Connor at 217-415-8377 (voice or text).
Cathedral Women’s Bible Study: Lost And Found In The Desert – A Spiritual Survival Guide
In this course, the participant will approach essential spiritual truths in the guise of a desert survival course and learn the skills necessary to survive and thrive in the harsh reality of current culture. They will discover attitude as owning their faith, shelter as taking refuge in the Lord, water as true satisfaction, fire as passion and the Holy Spirit, and food as the Word and Eucharist. This course will deepen the student’s relationship with Jesus as their true Survival Guide, and sweet oasis of rest and refreshment. Contact Vicki @ or 217/522-3342 to reserve your spot.
7 week course from Magiswomen, 10:00am Thursday mornings @ Cathedral school library, beginning Oct 17, $30
Grief Share At Cathedral
Cathedral parish will be hosting Grief Share, a weekly, faith-based, grief support group. If you, or someone you know, would like help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend, please join us beginning Tuesday, Oct 22, 1:00-2:30 in the Cathedral School Library. (Enter through the atrium doors off 5th street parking lot) Grief Share runs for 13 weeks, but guests may join the series at any point and can pick up content they missed during the next cycle. For more information go to or contact Berni Ely @ 899-6637 or To register call 217/522-3342 or email Vicki at All adults, of any or no faith background, are welcome!
The Holy Spirit And Spiritual Gifts, Threshold Bible Study
The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, dwells among us and showers us with spiritual gifts. Here Stephen Binz has chosen key biblical texts to help readers discover how to rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit and allow God's Spirit to manifest these divine graces and spiritual gifts more richly within them. He shows how the same Spirit who inspired the prophets and evangelists and who filled the life of Jesus now blows within and among all God's people. Thursdays, 6:00pm @ Cathedral, Oct 10 – Nov 21. Contact Vicki Compton or 217/522-3342 to reserve your spot and order a book. $10
An Introduction To Spiritual Warfare
Do you know that a fierce war rages for your soul? It’s a spiritual battle with crucial consequences in your everyday life — and its outcome will determine your eternal destiny. You live on a hotly contested battlefield, and you can’t escape the fight. You have no choice but to engage the Enemy — that is, Satan and his demons. Are you ready for battle? An Introduction to Spiritual Warfare, hosted by Dr. Paul Thigpen, is a new 8-part video series designed to help you recognize, resist, and overcome Satan’s attacks. Thursdays, 1:00pm @ Cathedral, Oct 31 – Dec 19. Contact Vicki Compton or 217/522-3342 to reserve your spot.
Caregiver Interfaith Volunteer Services
CIVS is a network of religious and community agencies that provides services to adults 60 and over who live independently. Volunteers provide transportation to medical appointments, shopping, and grocery shopping for persons no longer able to leave home.
To volunteer or to receive services call 217-757-6621 at HSHS St. John’s Hospital to find the help that you need. There is no charge for the services, however, donations are appreciated.
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We understand that life can be overwhelming and sometimes a little extra guidance is needed. If you're a Church of the Little Flower parishioner facing a personal or relationship challenge, please contact the parish office for an appointment with the Priest or Pastoral Associate. | |
Church of the Little Flower Mission Statement
- Our mission guided by the Holy Spirit is to unite in our common faith, through celebration of the Word and Eucharist;
- form a caring, loving and prayer-filled community, strengthened by the sacraments, that reflects the presence of Jesus;
- bring Jesus' presence to all, especially the poor of our world;
- recognize and affirm the gifts, talents and needs of others.
We journey together imitating the example of our patroness, St. Therese the Little Flower, in doing little things centered in the love of God and one another. We endeavor to make our parish a faith-filled community, a place to meet friends, and a place we call home.
A bequest can take many forms. You may have designated the parish as a beneficiary in your will, trust or as the beneficiary of an asset such as an IRA, annuity or life insurance. You may also designate your parish as the recipient of a bank checking or savings account with a "transfer-on-death" or "pay-on-death" designation. There are five types of bequests:
Specific Bequest - This is a gift of a specific item to a specific beneficiary. For example, "I give my house to Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL." If that specific property has been disposed of before death, the bequest fails and no claim can be made to any other property.
General Bequest - This is usually a gift of a stated sum of money. It will not fail, even if there is not sufficient cash to meet the bequest - even if other assets need to be sold. For example, "I give $50,000 to Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL."
Percentage Bequest - This is a convenient way of making sure your heirs and those charities you support receive equal shares, and no one is left out. "I give devise and bequeath my estate to my three children and Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL
Endowed Bequest - This bequest allows you to restrict the principal of your gift, requiring the funds to be held permanently and used only the income generated or a fixed percentage. "I give $20,000 to the Church of the Little Flower, Springfield, IL Endowment Fund."
Beneficiary Designation - One of the simplest and cheapest ways to add charity to your estate plan is to change a beneficiary designation on retirement assets, IRAs or Life Insurance. There is no charge to make these changes. Any asset with a beneficiary designation can have a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary. Consult your plan administrator or insurance company for a beneficiary change form. Simply insert Church of the Little Flower of Springfield, IL into the form.
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Little Flower Church
800 Stevenson Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 529-1606
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