FEBRUARY 2, 2024

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.


Sunday, February 4th, 12:15-1:30pm in the Parish Hall

If you are new to St. John's, if you have never attended

a new comers welcome before, if you want to hang out with the clergy and vestry to ask questions –

please come and join us. Come spend some time with other newcomers, clergy members, and members of our vestry. Enjoy the opportunity to learn about the church,

ask questions, and if interested explore how to get involved with various ministries. We are excited to

officially welcome and meet you and share all the wonderful things about St. John's.

The heavens are telling the glory of God,

and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Psalm 19:1

Dear Friends,

As I announced at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, part of St. John’s creation care initiative includes planting a garden in the new ramp access area by the solarium, as well as the front of church.

We now know that even planting a garden that sustains other life, e.g. butterflies, bugs and birds, with native plants is caring for this fragile earth, our island home. Please join me in the process of designing these gardens.

In the past we did not think of our earth as fragile, and we took Mother Earth for granted. Photos from astronauts as they orbited the earth, however, did give us a picture of the earth as an island home in the vast expanse of interstellar space.

We now have a sense of urgency to act on behalf of the earth by caring for creation. We see ourselves responsible for doing what is in our power to take care of the earth. St. John's has several initiatives underway and has taken concrete steps in reducing our carbon footprint. We are using ceramic mugs, plates and silverware for our coffee hours and parish dinners, reducing paper and plastic waste.

We will soon have a document that details how to do a sustainable event here at St John’s.

This past Sunday we introduced trash bins that will help separate the waste further for recycling and for composting. Be ready to learn and be more intentional about how to dispose of items such as coffee stirrers, napkins, and food waste.

We have a water bottle filling station in the parish hall that has already saved 676 plastic bottles.

Engineering studies are underway for solar panel installation. The parish is entering into a PPA, Power Purchasing Agreement, that will allow us to utilize the solar panels with guaranteed low electric rates for 25 years. The solar panels will sustainably supply 85% of our electricity.

Soon we will have a document that details how to do a sustainable event here at St John’s.

Our faith story began in a beautiful garden. Genesis tells us it was filled with trees, pleasing to the eye and was a place where God walked in the cool of the evening. As a faith community, let’s be mindful of our need to care for the creation that we have here at the center of Olney.

In hope and love,

Mary Alcuin Kelly, Deacon in Training

LENTEN EVENING PRAYER & a Meal of Soup and Bread

Wednesday's February 21-March 27

6:30pm Dinner | 7:30pm Worship


As in years past, each Wednesday evening in Lent we take time to share a simple meal of soup and bread followed by the beautiful service of Evening Prayer. A special feature of Evening Prayer this year, will be the inclusion of Taizé music accompanied by classical guitar, by guest musician, Jake Simpson.

Each week two people will provide soup, one being a vegetarian option, and someone else provides the bread. Clean up after supper is done by all, however, this year, we ask that two people sign-up to lead the clean-up duties prior to worship.


This is a wonderful way to mark our Lenten journey and share in fellowship. We invited and encourage you to come for the fun and stay for the holy.  



THIS Sunday, February 4th


Wheaton Ice Arena

11717 Orebaugh Ave, Wheaton, MD

$8 Admission

$4 Skate rental

Interested in carpooling from St. John's?

Email Mo. Shivaun

COMMUNION CLASS FEBRUARY 10 | 12-1:30pm (Children 3rd grade and younger + an adult)


 This class is designed for children currently participating in communion and for those who have been waiting and have the desire to take communion. If you feel your child would benefit from this class, we invite and encourage you to join us on

Saturday, February 10th

for lunch, a few activities, and to learn about the sacraments. For questions or to RSVP for the class, contact Mo. Shivaun.

WOMEN of ST. JOHN'S (formally MMS)

will meet on Monday, February 19th at 7pm

in the Meeting Room to make St. Patrick's boxes for our college students.


Sunday, February 18th

Parish Hall @ 12pm

Gather with other mourners at the Casserole Club meeting on 

Sunday, February 18th

@12pm in the Parish Hall. 

This is an informal, come-as-you-are, safe assembly of people joined by their experience of deep loss.

Drop-ins welcome!

Use this list to pray for the sick, shut-in, bereaved,

or those merely in need.


Carl Ridenour

Glenna Miller

Sean Miller

Brenda Goodman

The Rev. Nancy Soukup

Ron Blackburn

Mary Persinger

Bishop Curry


Jim & Jane Lawton

Andrew Erickson

Howard Bonham

Nancy Winter

Joseph Sears

Mark Evans

Kim Irish

Peter McWilliams

'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD

A Time of Acknowledgment,

Reflection & Inspiration

A time for recognizing the role in U.S. history.

"Won't it be wonderful when Black history and Native American history and Jewish history and all of U.S. history is taught from one book. Just U.S. history."

Celebrating the fullness of African American History & Culture

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the success of January's UTO Sunday. Contributions totaled a little over $1250.00, which will be added to the amount already collected by UTO in the amount of $187,260.82 to support aid to Jerusalem. Thank you for the continued support of the United Thank Offering. We are making a difference with those who need our help so desperately. Sharing is caring. Thank you.


UTO Coordinator 


Blessings those celebrating in


Ellen Dunn

Lori Perkins

Paul Willier

Carl Ridenour

Katie Phillips

Paula Fangboner

Anne Taylor

Sally Thomas

Emi Cooper

Kevin Schopp

Maureen Cook

Rachel Peiris

Glenn Rempe

Eloise Polesnak

Miriam Wilkinson

Les Rucker

Andy Downing

Patricia Jones

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.


PANCAKE BREAKFAST | Sunday, February 11

 Enjoy a breakfast of pancakes at the Annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 11th from 8:30 to 10:15am and again from 11am until 12:30pm. Pancakes are made in the kitchen by the youth of St. John's (grade 5 and above) and served by the youth (grade 3 and up).


STJEC Vestry met on January 17,2024 highlights of the meeting are noted below:

  • Margery Bank, Head of School, updated the Vestry on the current enrollment - now at 181 students; and how well received and utilized the student counselor was being used on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • STJEC’s budget was approved.
  • Christmas services attendance exceeded 2019 by 25%, with total of 516 participants.

The full Vestry Minutes are posted on the bulletin board outside the Rector's office, and also on the board outside the Meeting Room in the undercroft.


ALTAR FLOWERS are a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one, beautifies St. John's Sanctuary and are a gift to God and those who attend the worship services. If you would like to place flowers on the Altar on a Sunday, please contact the office or fill out the Altar Flower form on the bulletin board outside the Rector's office or ONLINE. Please note: there are no flower arrangements at the altar during Lent.


Please leave ALL donations on the bench

outside the Rector's office.

We are happy to stock your donations.


Shelf Stable Milk

Taco Kits

Canned Chicken



Products packed in foil

Please check expiration date before donating.


Open to grades K-5


Rehearsals - Wednesdays

Grade K-2 | 4:30 - 5pm

Grade 3-5 | 5:15 - 6pm

Open to grades 6 -12 

Winter Rehearsals

January 14 - February 11 

Sundays @ 1-1:30pm

Open to grades 3-12


Rehearsals - Wednesdays


Interested in any of the music programs? Contact: Cambria @ [email protected].




Sunday morning Adult Forum

@ 9am in the Meeting Room


Discussion Table during Coffee Hour in the Prayer Room following the 10:30 am service


Monthly Potluck Dinner Discussions


Private Facebook Group


Monthly ZOOM Discussion

Sunday, February 25 @ 5pm


Meeting ID: 856 2923 2803

Passcode: STJEC


Sunday Afternoons



February 4

Ice Skating

Wheaton Ice Rink @ 3-5:30pm

RSVP Mo. Shivaun


February 11

Pancake Breakfast

in the Parish Hall


February 18

Youth Group Meeting

February 25

Youth Group Meeting


Sunday Mornings

at 9:30am in the Parish Hall


This Week's Topic:

4 Perspectives on Jesus

Holy Households is a whole household formation program that includes Bible study and interactive activities.

We offer coffee, tea, hot chocolate and bagels as we learn the lessons.


Sunday mornings @ 9am

Meeting Room or ZOOM



Meeting ID: 876 6539 3736

Passcode: STJEC


Wednesday Evenings

7pm on ZOOM



Meeting ID: 892 8549 6618

Passcode: STJEC


Prayers for Family & Friends Mondays @7pm



Meeting ID: 821 4337 7915

Passcode: STJEC

GIVE online 

or MAIL your gift to:

St. John's Episcopal Church

PO Box 187

Olney, MD 20832


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