JANUARY 31, 2025

To you they cried out and were saved;

    in you they trusted and were not put to shame.

Grace and peace,

Last Saturday, delegates from across the Diocese of Washington, both laity and clergy, gathered at the National Cathedral for our annual convention. This business meeting was preceded on Friday evening with a eucharist “Service Towards Repentance”. During this service, Bishop Mariann offered public repentance on behalf of the Diocese for the sins of racism that have adversely affected our brothers, sisters, and siblings of color in our Diocese and the Black community at large. The “Service Towards Repentance”, was a primer for some of the resolutions that were be considered the next day in the business meeting.

Presented on Saturday were three resolutions related to reparations and movement towards equity in our Diocese and community. The first resolution was an acknowledgement of our past culture of exclusion and our intention to move toward equity in all facets of our lives. The second resolution established a committee for implementation of reparations in our Diocese. This committee will oversee the diocesan efforts towards reparations and the allocation of financial resources dedicated toward these efforts. The third resolution in this trio, is about setting aside $5 million over ten years, which will come from multiple diocesan resources. It will become a part of the reparations rendered by our Diocese. These funds will, at the discretion of the Reparations Committee, be allocated to the black churches, clergy, and community in an effort to right wrongs and move toward equity in all our efforts. All three of these resolutions passed with strong support.

These three resolutions, and the “Service Towards Repentance”, are the result of the efforts over the past few years of the supporting committees, the investigations into the history of the diocese, as well as individual parish histories, including our own. This is a significant step for our Diocese as we work to build a culture of equity.

There were two additional resolutions presented at Convention. There was a resolution encouraging all parishes to participate in a no-cost energy-usage study to create a baseline of our energy usage. This will enable us to measure, and directly address, energy conservation needs and opportunities. The final resolution was offered in support of affordable healthcare as a means of addressing social justice. The efforts noted including working with legislators, hosting community forums, and working towards affordable healthcare for all. Both of these resolutions also passed handily. 

During the Bishop’s address to the assembly, two items of note came to light. First, after 5 years, it is time for a thorough review of the Diocese’s Strategic Plan. It is time to see what worked, what needs more work, and where do we go from here. 

The other item of note is that a committee has been working diligently on establishing guidelines for congregational giving. At the 2026 Diocesan Convention we will be asked to establish a congregational giving standard. St. John’s 2025 giving to the diocese is budgeted at $6,000; this is well below the suggested 10% of pledge and plate ($46,000). The diocese recognizes that not every parish can give at the 10% level; they are seeking to establish an appropriate minimum level for all parishes. This work will come before us the next year. 

This work of our diocese is important because it goes hand-in-hand with our spiritual work. It is not unlike the work of the Vestry of this parish. The work of the Vestry is a ministry, it reflects our spiritual work, even as it focuses on the management of the fiduciary affairs of the parish. All that we do is from God and the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Fr. Henry+ 



2024 Year End statements are now available to be printed. Sign in to your profile through the ONLINE DIRECTORY. Go to GIVING HISTORY. The Giving History, shows YTD donations. Click the “View More” link. This will take you to an Overview of the account. Click on the Detail tab, change the date to 2024 in the drop down menu, and click on View and Print Statement.

Year End Statements will be mailed out by request only.


(Grade 3-5)

 Sunday, February 16th

5 to 6:15pm

in the Parish Hall

Faith exploration

with games and pizza

FEBRUARY 1 @ 10am

STJES Open House


Newcomer's Coffee Hour


Candle Holders @ 3:15pm

Candlemas Service @ 4pm

FEBRUARY 9 @ 9am

Confirmation Class

FEBRUARY 16 @ 12pm

Casserole Club Meeting

FEBRUARY 23 @ 12-3:30pm

Day of Service


Use this list to pray for the sick, shut-in, bereaved, or those merely in need of prayer.

Kim Pham

Melissa & Don Griffin

Carolyn Shepherd 

Ron Blackburn

Celeste McGee

Paula Fangboner

Mary Helen

Jere Rowland

Tim Wittig

Mary Persinger

CANDLEMAS SERVICE | THIS Sunday, February 2 @ 4pm

St. John’s commemorates Candlemas THIS Sunday, February 2nd with a service of Evening Prayer, and special music. Devotional candles will be blessed for use in your homes, and candle holders will be made for the candles. Please join us at 3:15pm on Sunday, February 2nd in the Parish Hall to make candle bases and at 4pm when we move into the sanctuary for worship and special music.


A NEW DATE has been set...

Sunday, February 23rd from 12 to 3:30 pm

The same 5 experiences will be offered.

  1. Sharing Musical Talents
  2. Prepare and Serve Food
  3. Write Letters & Create Artwork
  4. Make and Place Birdfeeders 
  5. Read and Visit with Elders

The Sign Up Genius reflects the current date. You can sign up or edit your entry if you find you cannot attend on the 23rd.

So that we can plan accordingly, please take a few minutes and sign up for one of the activities.

If you are unable to and would like to participate by making a donation to help with supplies, click the link below to donate.

This is a great opportunity to enjoy each other, spend time with new friends, and be in service to our community. I hope you will join us!

In Christ’s love and service,

Deacon Nancy


Capital Area Food Bank will be sponsoring Market Days at Jackson Road Elementary School. Market Days will provide fresh produce in addition to some box/canned goods to the community. Jackson Road Elementary February Market Day has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 4th. If you would like to volunteer to help with a Market Day, the Sign-Up Genius link is below. Detailed descriptions of help needed is provided on the sign up. As an incentive to volunteer, volunteers will be given the opportunity to go through the market line first to get groceries. Students may earn 4 SSL hours.

February Jackson Road ES Market Day Volunteer Sign Up


Please leave ALL donations on the bench

outside the Rector's office.

We are happy to stock your donations.

Please check expiration date before donating.



Shelf Stable Milk

Meal Helper

Spaghetti Sauce

Canned Chicken & Canned Tuna

Canned Beef Stew

Canned Chili

Grape Jelly

Canned Vegetables



Sunday Mornings @ 9:30am

in the Parish Hall.

An intergenerational learning opportunity, where lessons are explored with themes that delve into the Christian story.


Students 6-12th Grade

Sundays from 12-1:30pm.

A time of fellowship, fun, and learning. The group lunches together, plays games, and ask big questions of faith.


Sunday Mornings 8am to 12pm (Children 5 & Under)

Please speak with Mo. Shivaun

about volunteering as the second nursery leader for the nursery rotation.


~ Students grades K-5 ~

Rehearsals on Tuesdays

K - 2nd grade: @ 4:30 - 5pm

3rd - 5th grade: @ 5:15 - 6pm

Become an integral part of worship and learn music, vocal and choral skills.

For more information or to sign up for either choir,

please contact

Cambria Van de Vaarst.


Come before his presence

with singing.

Choir Rehearsals

Sundays @ 8:45am


Sunday mornings @ 9am

Meeting Room or ZOOM



Meeting ID: 876 6539 3736

Passcode: STJEC


Wednesday Evenings

7pm on ZOOM



Meeting ID: 892 8549 6618

Passcode: STJEC


Prayers for Family & Friends Mondays @7pm



Meeting ID: 821 4337 7915

Passcode: STJEC

GIVE online 

or MAIL your gift to:

St. John's Episcopal Church

PO Box 187

Olney, MD 20832


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