Scrapbooks Mega Meet, LLC
Great Lakes Mini Meet Information!
In This Issue
June Retreat
Mark your Calendar
Pre Registration Opening Date
Class Schedules
Hotel Information
SeaGate Convention Centre
Michigan Scrapbooker E-Newsletter
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Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blog - there are many ways to keep up with the GLMM!


Diamond & Emerald Sponsors

 Queen & Co.

Paper Loft

The Paper Loft

Come Retreat with us in June!
Retreat Logo SmallNeed a summer getaway next year?
We have a great early summer retreat at the Kettunen Center in June!  A retreat is a great way to get away and get lots of scrapping done - you deserve a weekend to pamper yourself!  Let us do all the cooking, all the cleaning, and you just scrap, eat, and enjoy spa appointments!  We'd love to have you come and find out why we have so many guests who return retreat after retreat!     Click to find out dates, details and to download registration forms!


Join our list
Join Our Mailing List
Be the first to get announcements and reminders about upcoming Mega Events!
September 21, 2011

We love using this email newsflash to keep you up to date on all our GLMM news! You can use the link at the bottom of the page to easily forward this information to a friend!

Mark Your Calendars!
Save November 18 & 19, 2011 for the 1st Annual Great Lakes MINI Meet at the SeaGate Convention Centre in Toledo, Ohio!
Great Lakes Mini Meet
Registration begins in September - you won't want to miss this FUN new Scrapbook Event in Toledo, Ohio!
Pre-Registration Opens NEXT WEEK!
The twenty-eighth at eight 
September 28th at 8pm!

Mark your calendars NOW!  Plan your schedule, and be ready to login and register for the 1st Annual Great Lakes Mini Meet on Wednesday, September 28th at 8pm!  Everything you love about the Great Lakes Mega Meet, only FUN sized!
Class Schedules
Complete Class Schedule is now available on-line!
Be sure to continue to check our blog for last minute class updates!  We've already had a couple of updates this week!  Head on over to our website to preview the whole 2011 GLMini Class Schedule to get ready for registration NOW!!
Subscribe to our Blog and Find us on Facebook!
Find Us on FacebookJoin us for Pre-Convention FUN!
Challenges and chances to win prizes will be posted on our blog and our Facebook page - so don't miss out on any of the fun - be sure to check in at our Blog and/or Facebook page often for your chance to enter and WIN!!


Hotel Information
Hotel Image Make your Hotel Reservations NOW!!
Stay right On-Site at the Park Inn for the 1st Annual Mini Meet!  The Park Inn is conveniently connected right to the convention center!  If the weather isn't wonderful - you don't ever have to go outside! Hotel Info for GLMini 2011 is now available online! Book now for the best selection of rooms for this year's show. We've also posted directions and a map to the facility - so read on for details.
SeaGate Convention Centre
SeaGate Convention Centre
Located in the heart of vibrant downtown Toledo Ohio!

The 1st Annual GLMini will take place in the heart of Toledo!  Located at 401 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43604, the SeaGate Centre boasts underground parking, and also access from many low-cost surface lots!

So, join us this November at the SeaGate Convention Centre, in Toledo, Ohio.  We can't wait to see you there!
Do you get the Michigan Scrapbooker E-Newsletter?
Michigan Scrapbooker Magazine It's easy to subscribe!
If you've ever picked up a FREE copy of Michigan Scrapbooker Magazine in a Local Scrapbook store, or gotten one at a past Great Lakes Mega Meet, you know how chock full of tips and tricks and ideas it is!

Now, you can get MORE in between issues, simply by signing up for their E-newsletter on their website!  It's easy, and FREE!


Make sure your friends don't miss out on all the Scrapbooks Mega Meet news!  If you aren't sure if they are getting the newsflash, use the link below to forward this message to them!


Best Regards,


Kate Griswold
Scrapbooks Mega Meet, LLC

Phone: 248-583-7133