February 2021
Issue 81
In This Issue:
  • Applications Being Accepted to the Transportation Leadership Program
  • WTS CT's Woman of the Year
  • Innovation Station: Crowdsourcing for Advancing Operations
  • Safety Matters: Using Speed Display Signs for Speed Management
  • Signal Spotlight: NEW Traffic Signal Technician Certificate Program
  • Connecticut Research Center Becomes Safety Model
  • Annual CT Greenway Awards — Scott Bushee 2020 Award Recipient
  • Sustainable CT: 2020 Application Highlights
  • Watch for Me CT: Funding Beyond the Feds
  • 2021 Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children Is Underway!
Applications Being Accepted to the Transportation Leadership Program
We are currently accepting applications for Cohort #7 of the T2 Center's Transportation Leadership Program. This a comprehensive educational program for current and future leaders in the transportation industry who want to improve their own skills and help ensure the success of their agencies in the future.

For more information and an application form, please visit our website.
If you have any questions about the program, do not hesitate to contact either Donna Shea or Mary McCarthy.
WTS CT's Woman of the Year
The Woman's Transportation Seminar of Connecticut (WTS CT) has awarded the T2 Center's Mary McCarthy 2020 Woman of the Year!
We are so very proud of Mary and we wanted to share our congratulations with the world. We have put together a special video tribute to honor Mary. You can view it here.
Crowdsourcing for Advancing Operations
Crowdsourced data from multiple streams can be integrated and used in real time for improved operations.
State and local transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) programs strive to optimize the use of existing roadway facilities through traveler information, incident management, road weather management, arterial management, and other strategies targeting the causes of congestion. TSMO programs require real-time, high-quality, and wide-ranging roadway information. However, gaps in geographic coverage, lags in information timeliness, and life-cycle costs for field equipment can limit agencies' ability to operate the system proactively.

Public agencies at all levels are increasing both their situational awareness and the quality and quantity of operations data using crowdsourcing, which enables staff to apply proactive strategies cost effectively and make better decisions that lead to safer and more reliable travel while protecting privacy and security of individual user data.

To continue this article, click here.
Using Speed Display Signs for Speed Management
Speeding is a problem across the country, on every type of roadway and in every type of community. In an effort to address speed-related crashes on Connecticut’s rural roads, in coordination with the CT DOT, the T2 Center’s Safety Circuit Rider program has launched a Speed Display Sign Program. The two-year program will provide two signs, along with training on their use and benefit, to each of the 119 Connecticut towns with rural roads. Additionally, regional speed management trainings will be offered to all towns receiving signs to provide a broader speed management strategy.
Speed display signs are recognized by the Federal Highway Administration as an effective countermeasure to address speeding. They have been shown to reduce speeds by up to 5 mph and can be utilized in conjunction with other speed management tools to further reduce speeding. For more information, click here.

These signs help remind the driving public of the posted speed limit and how fast they are driving in relation to that speed limit. They can be an important educational tool in getting the public to slow down on roads where speed can often end in a crash. Since the signs also collect data, towns can identify problem areas and the most effective times of day for speed enforcement.
To continue the article, click here.
If you have any questions about local road safety concerns, you can contact:
Melissa Evans, Safety Circuit Rider at (860) 486-5847 or melissa.evans@uconn.edu.
Signal Spotlight: NEW Traffic Signal Technician Certificate Program
The T2 Center is excited to offer a new certificate program for municipal traffic signal technicians. Level one of the two-level program will be offered this year, beginning with a Traffic Signals 101 workshop in April. Traffic Signals 101 will include an overview of the certificate program, the roles and responsibilities of a traffic signal technician, and the anatomy of a traffic signal including detailed discussion of the components inside and outside of the signal cabinet.

For more information, visit the program's webpage and keep an eye on the T2 Center's workshop schedule for upcoming workshops.

For a printable flyer, click here.
If you have traffic signal systems questions, please contact:
Theresa Schwartz, P.E., P.T.O.E. - Traffic Signal Circuit Rider
(860) 486-4535 or theresa.schwartz@uconn.edu.
Connecticut Research Center Becomes Safety Model
Innovative crash data assimilation guides safety decisions and training.

The Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC) began with a simple idea in 2012: update the state’s antiquated paper-based crash data collection system.
Assigned to that task, a team of University of Connecticut professors built a user-friendly electronic repository in a way that everyone from data scientists to the public would be able to use it. The result is a web-based source that lets people query more than 20 years of crashes across the state — and even slices and dices the data to create maps, charts and graphics.
This innovative approach to collecting and visualizing crash data has played a role in making Connecticut a national leader in highway safety.

“Since [CTSRC’s] launch in 2013, it has received several national awards, and we had several states that connected with us to learn more,” said Eric Jackson, director of CTSRC and executive director of the Connecticut Transportation Institute, which is part of the University of Connecticut School of Engineering. “We’ve done peer exchanges with Michigan, California, North Carolina and South Carolina.”

To continue this article, click here.
Annual CT Greenway Awards — Scott Bushee 2020 Award Recipient
The Connecticut Greenways Council (CGC) held its 21st Annual CT Greenway Awards on October 1, 2020.

The CGC consists of members appointed by the Governor and the leaders of the General Assembly. Their duties include advising and assisting in the coordination of state agencies, municipalities, regional planning organizations and private citizens in voluntarily planning and implementing a system of greenways.

Scott Bushee, Project Manager for the CT Department of Transportation's Highway Design Office, received the 2020 Design Award!
To read more about the 21st Annual CT Greenway Awards, click here.

The T2 Center is a happy to announce, Scott Bushee will be one of our course presenters on March 16, 2021, for a virtual workshop: Thinking About Roundabouts in Connecticut, A Roundtable Discussion.

For more details and to register for this workshop, click here.
Sustainable CT: 2020 Application Highlights
Sustainable CT - a statewide initiative that inspires and supports communities in becoming more efficient, resilient, and inclusive - certified seventeen communities in 2020.
You can view highlights of each certified municipality's sustainability accomplishments here.

For more information on Sustainable CT, click here.
Watch for Me CT: Funding Beyond the Feds
How State Governments Generate Active Transportation Funding
This fact sheet explores some of the more popular methods local governments are using to generate funds for active transportation.

Increasingly, states are responding to calls to make walking and biking safe, convenient, and connected by creating funding streams for pedestrian and bicycle safety education, sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, and other street features that support active transportation. While states can access federal funds to build active transportation infrastructure, due to increasing demand and decreasing revenue from the federal gas tax, many states are generating their own revenue to fund transportation, including active transportation.
2021 Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children Is Underway!
The 2021 Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children is underway! This year, we have a special theme: Let's Walk! Pedestrian Safety for Everybody. We want to make roadway safety, which includes ALL users, a priority and are asking the children of Connecticut to help promote roadway safety through art. Students grades K-5 are invited to submit their original artwork for the changes to win big prizes and to be recognized in the CT Transportation community.

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 12th. Please visit the T2 Center's new Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children webpage. The webpage has resources, fun activities for children to help promote roadway and pedestrian safety, instructions for the poster contest, and the new 2021 poster contest packet.
Follow Us!
Along with our Facebook page, the T2 Center now has an Instagram page! Click on the icons below to like the T2 Center on Facebook and follow the T2 Center on Instagram!
Visit T2Center.uconn.edu for more information and resources.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Regina Hackett at regina.hackett@uconn.edu