April 2017                       Issue 35
In This Issue
2017 Roadway Safety Poster Contest Winners Announced
Tips from Tony
OSHA Fact Sheet - Work Zone Traffic Safety
National Distracted Driving Awareness Month - Will You Make the Pledge?
CT T2 Center's Director, Donna Shea - Honoroed Recipient of the CT ITE's Herbert S. Levinson Transportation Leadership Award
Tips from Tony - Answer
2017 Roadway Safety Poster Contest Winners Announced

The T2 Center is happy to announce the winners of the 2017 Roadway Safety Poster Contest! Our three winners and three honorable mentions were invited to attend the Connecticut Work Zone Safety Press Conference, on April 3rd. At the press conference the children were presented with ribbons and gift baskets from Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman to honor their artistic achievement.
Congratulations to our winners and thank you everyone who participated!
Tips from Tony
With the development of shared-use paths in Connecticut, care must be taken when installing appropriate signage.
What is the appropriate size and color for the stop sign and where should it be placed in relation to the path?
Find the answer at the bottom of the newsletter.
If you have roadway safety questions please contact:
Anthony Lorenzetti, P.E. - Safety Circuit Rider
(860) 486-5847 or anthony.lorenzetti@uconn.edu
OSHA Fact Sheet - Work Zone Traffic Safety

Transportation incidents and workers struck by vehicles or mobile equipment account for the highest number of fatal work injuries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Workers such as public works, emergency responders, clean-up, utility, demolition, construction, and others in the areas where there are moving vehicles and traffic are exposed to being struck-by moving vehicles. Work zones are used to move traffic in an approved direction and are typically identified by signs, cones, barrels, and barriers.

There must be a traffic control plan for the movement of vehicles in areas where there are also workers conducting other tasks. Drivers, workers on foot, and pedestrians must be able to see and understand the routes they are to follow. The authority in charge, Federal, state, or local, will determine the configuration of the temporary traffic control zone for motorists and pedestrians. The construction project manager will determine the internal traffic control plan within the construction/demolition worksite. When there are several projects, coordinated vehicle routes and communication between contractors will reduce vehicular struck-by incidents.

Click here to review the complete fact sheet.
National Distracted Driving Awareness Month - Will You Make the Pledge?

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness month. The National Safety Council (NSC) is asking you to make this pledge... 
"I pledge to be an attentive driver. I pledge to Just Drive for my own safety and for others with whom I share the roads. I choose not to drive distracted in any way - I will not: 
  • Have phone conversations - handheld, hands-free, or via Bluetooth
  • Text or send Snapchats
  • Use voice-to-text features in my vehicle's dashboard system
  • Update Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, Vine or other social media
  • Check or send emails
  • Take selfies or film videos
  • Input destinations into GPS (while the vehicle is in motion)
  • Call or message someone else when I know they are driving."

Please make this pledge today, by visiting this link. Every Life Counts!

Don't forget to check out the CT DOT "U-Drive-U-Text-U-Pay Campaign" article here.

CT T2 Center's Director, Donna Shea - Honored Recipient of the CT ITE's 2016 Herbert S. Levinson Transportation Leadership Award

The Connecticut Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (CT ITE) purpose is to serve its members, the transportation profession, and the public by facilitating professional development and education, promoting the exchange of ideas, and enhancing the professional practice to provide safe, efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable transportation solutions.
Joe Rimiller, President - CT ITE, Donna Shea, Director CT T2 Center, and Kwesi Brown, Past President of CT ITE
On April 11th, Donna Shea the Director of the CT Technology Transfer Center was presented with the CT ITE's Herbert S. Levinson Transportation Leadership Award. Donna was honored with this award for her many years of dedication and leadership in the transportation industry.
Donna is pictured with two of UCONN School of Engineering's alumni and past student employees of the CT T2 Center. Joe Rimiller, President of CT ITE and Kwesi Brown, Past President of CT ITE.  Both have moved on to achieve successful careers with Engineering Firms in Connecticut.  
Congratulations, Donna!
Tips from Tony ~ Answer

Per section 9B.01-page 790 of the MUTCD, Bicycle  signs shall be standard in shape (octagon), legend (STOP), and color (red). No portion of the support shall be placed less than 2 feet from the near edge of the path, or less than 8 feet vertically over the entire width of the shared-use path. The minimum size of the stop sign shall be 18 inches per table 9B-1 - page 791 of the MUTCD.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Regina Hackett at regina.hackett@uconn.edu.