December 2016                      Issue 31
In This Issue
City of Meriden - 2016 Recipient of the CASHO Distinguished Service Award
Happy Holidays from the T2 Center
Tips from Tony
Thanks to our Safety Advisory Committee!
The Exciting Work of a T2 Center Student Employee
Innovation Station
City of Meriden - 2016 Recipient of the CASHO Distinguished Service Award

CASHO's Annual Banquet is held each year in November, at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington, CT. The evening begins with keynote speeches and the presentation of CASHO's distinguished service awards. This year an award was presented to the City of Meriden for the development and construction of the Meriden Green.   
The Meriden Green is a 14 acre brownfield parcel that was transformed into a storm water detention pond and park in the heart of downtown. The work included uncovering 1700 LF of twin 7'x15' box culverts, construction of walking paths, a reinforced turf green lawn, two low bridges that are just above the new Harbor Brook channel, a 300' long bridge that spans the parcel and an amphitheater.
Congratulations to the City of Meriden for a job well done!
For more information regarding the Meriden Green click here.
Happy Holidays from the T2 Center  

Wishing you and your families a great holiday season with peace and happiness following you throughout the coming new year. 
We extend our profound gratitude to you for maintaining our communities and keeping our roadways safe, all year long. 
Best Wishes, 
The CT T2 Team                
To brighten up your day and bring a smile to your face check out the 2016 UCONN holiday video.
Tips from Tony

Do you know what CMF's are and where the Crash Modification Factor Clearinghouse is located?

A Crash Modification Factor (CMF) is a multiplicative factor used to compute the expected number of crashes after implementing a given countermeasure at a specific site. If CMF is greater than one, the amount of crashes would be expected to increase, if the CMF is less than one the crashes would be expected to decrease. Crash Modification factors can be a powerful tool to compare various roadway countermeasures; some examples include enhanced curve signing, lane markings, and geometric improvements like road-diets, shoulder widening and roundabout installation.

The Crash Modification Factor Clearinghouse is a web-based repository of CMF's available here.

Here is an example of a recently added CMF and a photo of the countermeasure:
Improve pavement friction (Chip Seal)
CMF: 0.883
Photo Courtesy of Burlington, CT DPW
Crash Type: Run Off Road
Crash Severity: All
The CMF site is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and maintained by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.
If you have roadway safety questions please contact: Anthony Lorenzetti, P.E. - Safety Circuit Rider
(860) 486-5847 or
Thanks to our Safety Advisory Committee!

From all of us on the T2 Center's Safety Circuit Rider (SCR) Program team, we wanted to express our thanks to the members of the SCR Advisory Committee. Their input has been invaluable in building our program and their continued support is greatly appreciated.
For a full list of the advisory members click here.  
The Exciting Work of a T2 Center Student Employee

I bet Nick Welsh had no idea what to expect when he joined the T2 Center team as the student employee for the Safety Circuit Rider program.
He has been a great help to Anthony Lorenzetti, our SCR, and Tony has been giving Nick many learning opportunities all over the state of Connecticut. He has been instrumental in assisting with the equipment loan program and has even had the opportunity to be onsite at public works projects taking some photos for our new public works video project. The Vernon crew was very welcoming and gave him a great experience.
Thanks Nick, great to have you on our team.        

Town of Bloomfield Public Works Department

The Town of Bloomfield  Public Works Department is always interested in streamlining their operations and recently developed an innovation to help them with mason work. The 9 ton truck (pictured) was built by refurbishing an older truck from their fleet and allows them to carry all the tools and materials they need for repairing catch basins and other various mason jobs they have around town. Having everything fit on one vehicle frees up a second vehicle and driver for other work and helps the jobs themselves run more smoothly.
If you want to learn more about his creative idea, please contact John Lawlor, Director of Public Works, Town of Bloomfield at,
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Regina Hackett at