April 2016                       Issue 23
In This Issue
Roadway Safety Poster Contest Winners Announced
Children of Simsbury ~ Public Works Fans!
Go! Exploring the Word of Transportation
Tips from Tony
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Tips from Tony ~ Answer
Roadway Safety Poster Contest Winners Announced

We are happy to announce the winners of the 2016 Roadway Safety Poster Contest! Our three winners and three honorable mentions were invited to attend the Connecticut Work Zone Safety Press Conference, on April 7th. At the press conference the children were presented with ribbons and gift baskets from Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman to honor their artistic achievement.


Congratulations to our winners and thank you everyone who participated!.


Children of Simsbury ~ Public Works Fans!


Before a recent T2 Advisory Committee meeting, Tom Roy from Simsbury shared a great story we could not wait to share.
Members of the Public Works crew invited local kids to the Highway Department   to read children's books as part of a program with the Simsbury Town Library. This program allowed the kids and their parents to learn about Public Works.
In the week following the story time, the crew had to work on a project right near the Library's Children's room. The children recognized the crew members Jimmy and Matt, they stopped playing and were very interested to see what the Public Works guys were doing in their work.
Great job Simsbury!
Go! Exploring the World of Transportation: April 2016 Issue

The Institute for Transportation (InTrans) at Iowa State University has released the latest issue of Go! magazine. Go! is a free, not-for-profit, online magazine for teens on education and career opportunities in transportation.


Here is what you will find in this month's issue:

  • Four Wheels: A History
  • Two Wheels: A History
  • Taking Flight: A History
  • Dot's Adventures with Transportation (Comic) 

Here is where you can go to subscribe to Go! magazine.

Tips from Tony

What is wrong with this picture?
What should be changed here? Can you identify it? Look at the picture closely. Find the answer at the bottom of the newsletter.
If you have roadway safety questions please contact:
Anthony Lorenzetti P.E. - Safety Circuit Rider
860-486-5847 or [email protected] 
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month


Take Back Your Drive. Thousands have died from crashes involving cell phone use. New technology allows us to make phone calls, dictate texts or emails and update social media while driving - all actions that are proven to increase crash risk. The National Safety Council (NSC) observes April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month to draw attention to this epidemic. NSC wants to empower you to put safety first and Take Back Your Drive.
NSC makes it easy to spread the message about the dangers of cellphone use while driving. NSC has resources on their website such as: free posters, tip sheets, info-graphics and webinars.
If you would like more information on how Connecticut is addressing this issue click here.
Tips from Tony ~ Answer

The supplemental plaque sign should be yellow with black letters type W 4-4aP of the MUTCD.  These signs should be used when STOP signs control all but one approach of an intersection as shown in section 2B.05.08 of the MUTCD. One thing to remember is that the STOP sign is the only octagon shaped sign and the YIELD sign is the only equilateral triangle shaped one (see table 2A-4 page 32 of the MUTCD Use of Sign Shapes).
Be careful when placing other signs behind a STOP sign or YIELD sign to make sure they do not overhang and give the appearance of another shape. Section 2B.10.08 states "A sign that is mounted back-to-back with a STOP or YIELD sign should stay within the edges of the STOP or YIELD sign. If necessary, the size of the STOP or YIELD sign should be increased so that any other sign installed back-to-back with a STOP or YIELD sign remains within the edges of the STOP or YIELD sign." 
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future Connecticut Crossroads topics, please feel free to email the designer Regina Hackett at [email protected].