A Newsletter of N
orth American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association
New Editors, New NASFLA Newsletter!
Dear NASFLA members,
With this issue of our newsletter, we begin a new era in our organization. The new format seeks to engage NASFLA members and friends with academic content and information that is readily accessible and to interact with other SFL organizations around the world. As in previous years, this issue highlights the SFL-oriented academic presentations and the SFL business meeting at
AAAL. In addition, this issue includes a Call for Contributions for our next publication in June, prior to the
International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association Conference in Boston during July of 2018.
Your Editors
Tairan Qiu
The University of Georgia
Florida Atlantic University
Dr. Marianna Ryshina-Pankova
Georgetown University
Welcome from our NASFLA President,
Dr. Ruth Harman
This year is an exciting time for our organization, given that one of our extraordinarily talented and dedicated members Dr. Maria Brisk has been instrumental in organizing the 2018 International Systemic Functional Congress (ISFC) that will take place in Boston. We encourage everyone to attend the ISFC conference (see description below) and to attend our business meeting at AAAL to hear about the dynamic and ever evolving research that NASFLA members and researchers around the world have been conducting in recent years. At our annual meeting during the AAAL Conference in Chicago, Illinois we will have an opportunity to hear about the research of our 2018 Emergent Scholar Awardee. We will also hear from members of the newly formed GRADNASFLA group (
) and their visions for our future meetings and their research.
In the spirit of M.A.K Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan, we applaud NASFLA researchers and educators for the work they do and have done to guarantee language, cultural and social equity for all residents of North America.
Ruth Harman, The University of Georgia
Marianna Ryshina-Pankova, Georgetown University
Dong-shin Shin, University of Cincinnati
Newsletter editors
: Tairan Qiu, The University of Georgia,
Andrés Ramirez, Florida Atlantic University, and
Marianna Ryshina-Pankova, Georgetown University
Jackie Nenchin, Molloy College
SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 12:30-1:45PM
The agenda for the upcoming NASFLA meeting includes: small group discussions about the new SFL research and praxis (e.g., multilingualism, educational contexts, political discourse analysis, multimodality, sociology of knowledge); changes to the newsletter; a more stable source of funding for NASFLA operations; an update on the International Systemic Functional Congress (organized by Dr. Brisk and other NASFLA members) to be held in Boston in 2018 (see below for more information on the conference); the junior scholar award announcement.
Boston is shaping up to be a memorable conference! In addition to top keynote speakers, an exciting conference strand on teachers as SFL researchers, and state-of-the-art pre-conference institutes. There are a total of 18 colloquia, 183 papers, as well as over 60 round tables and posters! Watch the video and/or visit the website for more information!
Want to Publish your work in this Newsletter?
This NASFLA publication is interested in publishing your contributions. Submission deadline is
May 1, 2018. If accepted, your contribution will be featured in the next NASFLA publication in June 2018, just in time for the ISFLA conference in Boston!
Send your contribution and do not miss the unique opportunity to be published along with an interview with Professor
Jim Martin, a world-renown leader in SFL, who shared with the editors his insights on the last SFL conference in the US 35 years ago, the significance on bringing the conference back to the US, and his hopes on the advancement of the SFL theory and application for the years to come and much more!
Colloquia, Papers, Roundtables, and Posters
SFL-related presentations at AAAL
AAAL this year is enjoying particularly robust contributions from SFL theorists and practitioners. The AAAL program for 2018 features multiple SFL colloquia, roundtables, papers, and posters. Although you can find them directly at
AAAL, this newsletter provides you with a central venue to learn more about these SFL-related presentations you don't want to miss!
COLLOQUIUM: Recontextualizing SFL theory & praxis in multilingual classrooms in the US: A critical reflection
Monday, March 26, 8:00-11:15 am,
Sheraton Grand Chicago, Chicago 8 & 9
This colloquium explores Halliday’s theory of SFL in the context of social, economic, and political changes shaping K-12 public schooling in the United States. The panelists will present and comment on research conducted in elementary, secondary, and teacher education programs and invite a critical discussion of SFL-informed research and practice.
Meg Gebhard, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Jonathan Daniel Rosa, Stanford University
Individual papers by Meg Gebhard,
Mary J. Schleppegrell, Maria Brisk and Yaida M. Kaveh, Zhihui Fang, and Ruth Harman, Khanh, Bui, Jason Mizell, and Xiaodong Zhang.
Innovative Approaches to Scaffolding Writing Using Systemic Functional Linguistics
Monday, March 26, 1:50 to 3:30pm
Sheraton Grand Chicago, Michigan Room A
This colloquium presents research on innovative uses of Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) analysis for scaffolding writing development. Each presentation combines SFL-based analysis of student writing with other types of data or complementary analytical perspectives. Presenters will discuss ways that research results can impact classroom instruction of writing.
Sylvia Pessoa, Carnegie Mellon University
Individual papers by Jasmine Alvarado and Maria Brisk, Boston College; Glenn Jackson and Ruth Harman, University of Georgia; Chauncey Monte-Santo, Mary J. Schleppegrell, Ryan Hughes, and Sarah Thomson, University of Michigan; Silvia Pessoa, Thomas D. Mitchell and Maria Pia Gomez Laich, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, and Ryan T. Miller, Kent State University.
What’s meaning got to do with it?”: Elementary Pre-service Teachers’ Engagement with SFL Genre Pedagogy
Nicole Siffrinn, The University of Georgia
Sat, March 24, 8:00 to 8:30am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Superior Room B
Translanguaging in Culturally Sustaining Systemic Functional Linguistics: Developing a Heteroglossic Space for Multilingual Learners
by Zhongfeng Tian, Boston College and Nihal Khote, Kennesaw State University
Part of the colloquium:
Positive Synergies: Translanguaging in Conversation with Critical Theories in Education organized by Zhongfeng Tian, Boston College.)
Sat, March 24, 10:10 to 11:50am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Erie Room
Persistence and Co-presence: The Challenge of Digital Communication to the Oral/Written Binary
by Diane Potts, Lancaster University
Sat, March 24, 11:20 to 11:50am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Tennessee
Intersemiotic meanings and metafunctions among sign systems in multimodal writing: A case study of a multilingual learner’s metalanguage awareness development
by Dong-shin Shin, University of Cincinati
Sat, March 24, 1:30 to 2:00pm, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Colorado Room
Enacting Pedagogical Language Knowledge in a French Immersion Classroom: A Functional Linguistic Perspective
Francis John Troyan and Nicole King, The Ohio State University
Sun, March 25, 8:00 to 8:30am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Tennessee
A Multimodal Analysis of the Visual Resources Students Employ in their Social Justice-themed Artwork
by Cole Kervin, Florida Atlantic University
Sun, March 25, 10:10 to 10:40am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Arkansas Room
A Systemic Functional Approach to the Assessment of Intercultural Communicative Competence in Telecollaborative Discourse
by Marianna Ryshina-Pankova
Sun, March 25, 1:50 to 3:30pm, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Mayfair Room
Is This a Speech Which I See Before Me? Transformations in ‘Context’ in the English Classroom
by Erika Matruglio, The University of Wollongong, Australia
Sun, March 25, 4:35 to 5:05pm, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Ohio Room
Exploring Appraisal resources in 4th grade English learners’ persuasive writing to inform instruction
by Mary Avalos, University of Miami and Mileidis Gort, University of Colorado Boulder
Sun, March 25, 4:35 to 5:05pm, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Huron Room
Uniformity or diversity: A critical discourse analysis of Chinese public reactions to language policy
by Fang Liang and Dong-shin Shin, University of Cincinati
Mon, March 26, 8:35 to 9:05am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Ohio Room
Constructing “Voice” in Undergraduate Writing in the Disciplines: A Mixed Method Study of Instructor and Student Perspectives
by Zak Lancaster, Wake Forest University
Tue, March 27, 10:45 to 11:15am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Missouri Room
Introducing SFL Text-Based Research and Teaching in Japanese EFL Classrooms
by Akiko Nagao, Ryukoku University
Sat, March 24, 2:40 to 4:10pm, Sheraton Grand Chicago, River Exhibit B
Genre Analysis of Rhetorical Analysis Corpus
by Michael Maune with Amanda Ritter-Maggio, Ashli Dykes, and Jason Chism, University of Arkansas Community College at Hope-Texarkana
Mon, March 26, 10:10 to 10:40am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Superior Room A
Reconsidering the five-paragraph essay
by Ernesto Hernandez
Mon, March 26, 10:10 to 10:40am, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Superior Room A
Race and Equity Issues: Black Youth Express Their Views through Multimodal Semiotics
by Jason Mizell, The University of Georgia
Mon, March 26, 3:00 to 3:30pm, Sheraton Grand Chicago, Huron Room
Do not miss this opportunity! This NASFLA publication is interested in publishing your work. Submission deadline is
May 1, 2018. If accepted, your contribution will be featured in the next NASFLA publication in June 2018, just in time for the ISFLA conference in Boston!
SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 12:30-1:45PM,
Don't miss out.
All invited!
The North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (NASFLA) was founded in 2002 to foster research in Systemic Functional linguistics and to provide an organizational focus for Systemic Functional linguists in teaching and research positions throughout North America.
North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association | nasflanewsletter@gmail.com| Website