Industry Leading
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Project Highlight: NEWSVT in Coventry
[NEWSVT in Coventry - photo by Don Crowe]
As most of you probably know, this project started in the summer of 2019 and this two-year landfill excavation will keep about 30 people and 25-30 machines busy moving nearly 3 million cubic yards of material.

I don't know about you, but thinking about 3 million cubic yards is hard to picture! Here are a couple of fun ways to put it into perspective:
Keep up the great work team!
Employee Spotlight
Do you know all of your coworkers? Chances are, probably not! With so many of us spread out across job sites, we wanted to make it a little easier to get to know each other. Look for an employee spotlight in every newsletter!
Haul Truck Operator
It's a family affair for Pam and her husband Don, who both work at Casella Construction. Before she worked for us, Pam used to stop by the Coventry landfill to see Don and thought the landfill operation, with all the equipment, was interesting. She decided that she too wanted to work for Casella Construction, and applied for the haul truck operator position!

Pam is well-known for her pleasant nature and great attitude.
Hanover, NH
Raised in Orleans County

Husband, Donald
3 girls: Monica, Katrina, Tiffany
2 boys: Brent, Cody
Not to mention 13 grandkids

2 dogs: Bruiser & Hank

Favorite Food:
Steak and eggs

Guilty pleasure:
Chips and dip

Pet peeve:
Too many to mention

People messing with my family - kids and grandkids

Three things everyone should know about you?
I'm hard working

What's the best thing about your job?
My work family and my truck!

Who do you most look up to?
Almost everyone has something to offer!

What's the best advice you ever received?
Never give up on your dreams

What was your first job?
Being a mom!
Staying Safe
As we continue to be vigilant with the safety measures we put in place in response to the coronavirus, it is important to keep in mind other risks that come with the Spring season, including the dreaded tick season.
Click the image above to review our updated training manual for revised policies and procedures regarding COVID-19.
Click the image above to review i nformation from the CDC about lyme disease and safety tips to prevent getting bit by a tick.
Our communities have been through a fair share of tough times, but the one constant has always been the way we support each other through difficult times.

A health care worker stopped by the Mendon office recently to give us a heartfelt thank-you. She travels north to get to work every day and said the last thing she sees is our encouraging message boards and star shining bright, and it is the first thing she sees as she returns to Rutland. She said these messages were inspiring to keep pushing through these tough times. She was very grateful for these messages and for the community coming together, and wanted to share how much it meant to her.

We will get through this together!
Photo of the Week!
Check out last week's photo submissions below. We couldn't choose our favorite, so we're asking you to do it!

Vote for your favorite jobsite photo below, and check out our facebook page Friday, May 1, 2020 to see the winner!
Coventry Landfill Expansion
[ submitted by Andrew Corrow]
Mendands, NY
[submitted by Michael Colon]
Clarendon Quarry
[ submitted by John Casella II]
Which photo is your favorite?
Coventry Landfill Expansion
Mendands, NY
Clarendon Quarry
Photo Contest!
Send in your favorite worksite photo, and check the newsletter
to see if your picture was voted photo of the week!
From the photos of the week, a photo of the month will be chosen, and will be used as our Facebook Profile Picture! Start sending your pictures now!
We can't wait to see your photos!
'Rona Resourcefulness
How are you and your family getting creative during the coronavirus lockdown?
submitted by Jackson, age 2 (and his mom, Brittany Hall)
Let's see yours! Send your photos here !
We are hiring for spring!

Do you know someone who could make a positive difference on our team this spring?

Please ask your most talented contacts to apply!
And let's not forget the thank you.

If someone you recommend is hired and stays with us at least 90 days, we will thank you with a $250 referral bonus in your check! (Just make sure they mention your name in their online application. Click here for details.)

Contact Melissa Coltey for details and with recommendations at [email protected] or (802) 774-1375.
Click below to see what you missed:
Congrats Chris! & Enter to Win a Survival Pack
Employee Spotlight & Photo of the Week!
Lighting Up Vermont & Congrats Ken!
Safety Day Announcement & Town of Bennington Water System
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992