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September 9, 2022

Revised: 1 Reminder Item

Transformational leadership 

The Being of Leadership 

By Bishop John Schol 

As much as the doing of leadership is important, if we are not in sync with the being of leadership, all of our doing may not matter or may not connect with people. ...The best leaders are humble, always listening to learn and open to correction, as well as being clear, competent, focused, relational and results oriented. Learn more.  

2 districts to install new superintendents Sept. 18 

A worship service celebrating the installation of the Rev. Jennifer S. Freymoyer (left) as West District Superintendent will take place outdoors at Gretna Glen Camp & Retreat Center on Sunday, Sept. 18, at 2 PM, followed by a picnic. A service of installation for the Rev. Hun Ju Lee (right) as North District Superintendent will take place also on Sunday, Sept. 18, at 7 PM at Wesley UMC in Bethlehem, preceded by a fellowship hour. Learn more. 

More things you should know...

1. EPA's Project Restoration needs volunteers in Downingtown Sept. 17-18

Project Restoration needs volunteers next Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17-18, to help restore homes damaged by Hurricane Ida’s floods in Downingtown. “We will work each day, 8 AM to 4 PM, with a break for lunch,” says Denise Shelton, Disaster Recovery Director. “Come for the weekend or just for a day. All hands are needed and welcome.” The work will include installing drywall and trim, taping, painting and mudding. See and share the flyer. Use either of the two sign-up forms to register: SIGN-UP FORM FOR INDIVIDUALS. SIGN-UP FORM FOR GROUPS.   

2. Brawner to leave EPA staff 

The Rev. William Brawner, Coordinator of the EPA Conference’s Youth & Young Adult Ministries and Coordinator of the EPA’s Open Door Campus Ministry (Wesley Foundation) at Drexel University, will leave the Conference Connectional Ministries staff Sept. 15. He has served in both roles since July 2021, and he previously was EPA’s Coordinator of Urban Ministries from 2017 to 2021. Learn more.  

3. EPA job opening: Bishop’s Administrative Assistant 

The Eastern PA Conference announces a job opening for an outstanding Administrative Assistant in the office of Bishop John Schol. The office is in Valley Forge, PA. The position offers a competitive salary, excellent vacation, holidays, pension and health benefits, a hybrid work schedule allowing work from home and office, and a chance to serve the church in an important role, working with a great team of colleagues. Learn more 

4. Learn how to age healthy and keep safe from COVID, Sept. 17 

As the COVID-19 pandemic remains a serious threat in our society, healthy aging becomes more essential. It’s a fact that people are living longer; and it’s also a fact COVID keeps hanging on. Mt. Zion UMC in Philadelphia will help increase awareness of healthy aging in a conversation Sept. 17, at 10 AM. Learn about inequalities among the aging and how to improve their protection through COVID prevention measures. Learn more and register for this event.

5. Remembering the tragedy of 9/11

Palmyra First UMC will commemorate the 21st anniversary of 9/11 this Sunday by placing its U.S.A. outdoor flag at half-staff and tolling its tower bells at the time when the first highjacked plane hit the World Trade Center towers. “We remember the death and destruction of the terror attack, but we also remember the heroic efforts of our nation’s first responders,” writes the Rev. James Anderman, lead pastor, who will preach a sermon titled, “Lord, We Need You Now!” based on Psalm 14 and Luke 12:54-13:9. Learn more.

6.  World Communion Sunday is Oct. 2

United Methodists join Christians of different traditions to recognize our oneness in Christ and to bring us together in a spirit of unity and peace. In the ResourceUMC pastor and leaders’ kit, you can find resources in four languages to help you prepare for your World Communion Sunday service.   Learn more.

7. Wespath presents 'Road to Retirement'  

Clergy eligible to retire in 2023—or considering retirement in the next few years—should register for Wespath’s pre-retirement webinars this fall. You’ll learn about the retirement process and steps to prepare, retirement plan options and income, navigating benefits and more. Learn more and register for a webinar session

8.  UM Bishops recommend disaffiliation best practices  

The UMC’s Council of Bishops during its August meeting affirmed best practices for disaffiliation. The practices focus on the terms of disaffiliation, clergy leaving the denomination and a discernment process. These best practices are for U.S. conferences because paragraph 2553 was added to The Book of Discipline in 2019 as part of the Traditionalist Plan to address the disagreement in the U.S. about ministry with and by LGBTQ persons.  


The new paragraph is only in effect until December 2023 and suspends the Trust Clause so that churches, upon making payments, may leave with their property. You may read the Council’s best practices for disaffiliation here:Best Practices on  Disaffiliation Matters.   

9. Generation Alpha, Generation Hope 

Generation Alpha, kids born since 2010, represent new social dynamics in our culture. They are the most fully immersed online, the most diverse, and the first to live in the most “unconventional” homes. Learn more. 

10. Justice, healing for Native American children  

The Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware Conference Committees on Native American Ministries invite United Methodists to observe a special time of prayer and action from Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, as they remember the atrocities experienced by tribal children once taken from their families and placed in boarding schools. The Native American International Caucus offers resources and suggested activities for raising awareness.   View resource


Safe Sanctuaries Training

Sept.10, 10 AM–12 noon, via Zoom.

Safe Sanctuaries is more important than ever, especially with more youth online. This training is vital for all church leaders and pastors, especially those who relate to children and youth in church facilities. The Rev. Jacqueline Daniszewski, Conference Safe Sanctuaries Committee Chair, will present needed information. Learn more and register.

Christmas Cards for People in Prison launches Sept. 9

EPA Christmas Cards for People in Prison program, through which we can help incarcerated persons experience God’s love, returns this year from Sept 9 to Nov. 2. Cards can be downloaded and copied from our website, or picked up and dropped off at several district locations, or mailed to churches that request that new option. Simply write an encouraging note on a card, sign your first name only, and return completed cards to the conference Prison Ministry & Restorative Justice Team. Learn more. 

October Book Club: On Vanishing, about challenges of dementia

Learning for Leaders is a series of weekly conference-wide, author-led book studies EPA’s Congregational Development Team (CDT) cosponsors throughout the year. The next book study, weekly on October 5, 12, 19, & 26, will be On Vanishing: Mortality, Dementia and What It Means to Disappear, authored by the Rev. Lynn Casteel Harper, who has studied and ministered among people living with dementia. Harper will co-lead the study with the Rev. Karen Bartkowski, Pastoral Ministries Coordinator and Chaplain at Maris Grove Senior Living in Glen Mills. Learn more and register. The first 25 registrants will receive a free e-copy (Kindle edition) of the book. CEUs are available.

Courageous Dialogues begin Oct. 24 

EPA Conference members will engage in Courageous Dialogues to share their stories with one another in multiple sessions at EPA Camp & Retreat Centers. Approved at the 2022 Annual Conference (Resolution 2022-09: Building Fellowship in the Face of Division), the dialogues are intended to create sacred space where clergy and laity can “build trust and understanding by listening and hearing one another one-on-one.” 

The purpose is to foster greater insight into “how events and people in our lives have influenced, shaped or clarified our faith and viewpoints…on the issue of homosexuality in our churches and denomination.”  

Dialogues will be offered for districts, but members may attend sessions at any camp location. The first dialogues will be held Oct. 24, Nov. 14 and Jan. 30, 2023—all Mondays. Weekend dates will be provided for the spring. See the districts and locations for these initial dialogues, plus costs and a list of “Core Values for Courageous Dialogues.” Learn more and register

Good News!

Visit our Methodists Make News web page to see plenty of good news about EPA people and churches serving and sharing Christ through various ministries. 

‘Chilling with the Pastor’ 

“Chilling With the Pastor” is the Rev. Jen Miller’s (left) invitation to members of Mt. Pocono UMC to spend time with her kayaking on Pocono Plateau Camp & Retreat Center’s scenic lake on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 10:30 AM to 12 PM. “I’ve been trying to get to know people in different ways,” she told us. “I think that it is very important to meet people in the community for fellowship, and I wanted to do something that would support our local (EPA) camp because they are bouncing back after Covid. 


“We are going to spend time out on the lake in fellowship, praying out in creation and possibly breaking bread with one another,” said Miller, who became the church's new pastor July 1. “People are always running from one thing to another, and this will give us the opportunity to slow down and enjoy what the world has to offer with one another.” To find out more call 570-839-9902. 

Church’s to feature Lincoln University Choir for centennial 

Camphor Memorial UMC in West Philadelphia will highlight its 100th anniversary celebration with a benefit concert featuring the Lincoln University Concert Choir on Sunday, Oct. 2, at 3 PM. The church will also distribute food and other resources to its community, including COVID vaccination shots to children and adults, this Saturday, Sept. 10, 1 to 3 PM. Learn more.   Visit Camphor’s website. 

Have Good News to share?

Email to let us know! Also visit our Local Church Events page and our Churches in Mission page. And please send us your news of church events and church mission efforts.


SEPT. 10: Safe Sanctuaries Training | 10 AM – 12 noon | Zoom | Register

SEPT. 10: Orientation for CR/CC Companion Ministry | 9 AM – 3 PM | Details TBA

SEPT. 26: Project Restoration Youth Day of Service – South District | Register.

OCT. 1 & 15: By Water & the Spirit: Theology & Practice of Baptism | 9 AM – 11:30 AM | Zoom | Register by Sept. 23.

OCT. 15: Advanced Sexual Ethics Workshop: Congregational Trauma, Resilience, and Healing, 9 AM – 12 noon, via Zoom. Register.

OCT. 15: United Women in Faith 9th Annual Celebration. Virtual Meeting

OCT. 24: Courageous DialoguesInnabah Camp & Retreat Center (for South & East Districts combined). Register.

OCT. 24: Project Restoration Youth Day of Service. East District.  Register.

OCT. 28-30: Dismantling Racism – Level I,  via Zoom. Learn more

OCT. 5 - 26: “Learning for Leaders” October Book Club: On Vanishing | Wednesdays at 11 AM | October 5, 12, 19, 26 | Zoom | Register

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