NFFV Update

The 108th Legislature,

1st Session

Bill Introduction complete Committee Hearings beginning

The bill introductory period completed this week and committee hearings start Monday, January 23, 2023. The race has begun or more specifically the marathon on committee hearings is starting though I’m sure there will be sprints within the long run of committee hearings and eventually floor debates.

844 bills introduced!

There were 844 bills introduced and NFFV volunteers and Board Members have and are still working hard to narrow this large list down to a TOP 25. NFFV will highlight the TOP 25 to either support or oppose. A big thanks to our volunteers who represent many Nebraska counties. NFFV could not do what it does without them!  

What to Watch For

Please keep an eye out for future Minutemen Alerts regarding NFFV’s top 25 bill list and your CALL TO ACTION for committee hearing testimony, both in person and written. 

Click here to view next week’s committee hearing schedule.

The chart below highlights the number of bills introduced by Nebraska Senator.

Board of Directors Team