2 Free Football Playbooks+ Workout
November 22, 2010

From my last email newsletter I received questions from Sean about 3-3-5 defense so I am sending a free copy of a defensive college football playbook below.

After last weeks big win for Coach Steve Spurrier I got an request for any offense playbooks by the Old Coach. So I was able to find one from when he was head coach at Florida. They were running the Florida Fun and Gun back then. Enjoy!

Also in this issue is the second part of the football workout I sent in my last email newsletter. So I am including a link to that football workout part 2.

If you need help scoring more points click this link below it is to the #1 Ranked Spread Offense of the Decade. This playbook averaged over 300 yards passing and over 100 yards rushing per game.

And finally is a link to some great NFL quarterback practice drills on how to read pass defenses.
As always I hope this helps in your football development.

If you have any football questions or topic suggestions send me an email.

Coach Todd Krueger
Click the link below to view the Free 3-3-5 Defensive Playbook

Click the Link below to view Steve Spurrior Florida Fun and Gun Offense Football Playbook

Spurrier Fun n Gun Offense

Click the Link below to view a 3 Day Strength Football Workout Part 2.

3 Day Football Workout Part 2

Click the Link below to view a High School Based Football Spread Offense That Was Ranked the #1 Offense for the Decade!

Quarterback Practice Drills click the link below.

Good Luck to all the football coaches. I hope these free football articles helps you and your kids. Again email me with any questions.

NFL Football Playbooks

36 Quarterback Drills

Coach Todd Krueger
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