NH Pyramid Model
Collaborative E-News
December 2021
This E-Newsletter specifically outlines statewide collaborative efforts to provide information and resources on the Pyramid Model.
Welcome December!
For the next few issues, our newsletter will share information around targeted emotional supports such as expressing and understanding emotions, developing social relationships and problem-solving.

Pyramid Model Resource
As teachers know, children engage in challenging behavior for a variety of reasons, but all children use challenging behavior to communicate messages. 
This Routine Based Support Guide was developed to assist teachers in problem-solving a plan to support young children who are having challenging behavior.
A “Teacher’s Support Planning Sheet” is available at the beginning of this Routine Based Support Guide for brainstorming a support plan around an individual child.
Pyramid Model in Real Life!
Want to see teachers using the Pyramid Model strategies and tools in real-life situations? Look no further than this classroom teacher who shows us how to help children problem solve in real time!

iSocial Update
Are you starting to think about the upcoming holidays? Thinking of the things you need to do? Concerned about finances? Is it stressful? If you answered yes, know you’re not alone.

Almost all families experience stress over the holidays- whether it’s the eagerness to enjoy them, anxiety of what they might bring, or both. When combined with schedules and routines that are out of whack, big emotions and holiday meltdowns can be the result.

Tucker Turtle at Home supports and reminds families (and all of us) to teach calming strategies. There’s also a Tucker Craft to make at the center or at home. iSocial programs can order free materials here: 

Remember to let families know why you're sending materials home, teach them how to use the materials and ask for feedback later!

Visit (and bookmark) this page to see other iSocial materials and resources
DRDP Pilot Comes to NH!

The New Hampshire Department of Education and other early childhood stakeholders have been exploring the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) as a tool for Preschool Outcome Measurement (POMS) as well as a Kindergarten Entry Assessment. The NHDOE will be launching a pilot in the spring to support the implementation of a training and technical assistance system for administering and using the data from the DRDP in both preschool and kindergarten. This pilot will include district preschools, kindergartens, and iSocial community partners.  
Pyramid Model Trainings
Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) - Online Training (click title for information and to register).
Tuesday and Wednesday, April 5 & 6, 2022 from 9:00am to 4:00pm each day.

Priority registration for all trainings will be given to practitioners and partners participating in iSocial. Non-iSocial practitioners are welcome to register and will receive registration confirmation on or after the date noted in the flyer, pending available seats in the training.
Your registration is not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from Penny Duffy ( If you have accessibility needs for the training please contact Penny Duffy.
Get Connected to the Pyramid Model
Want to be in the Next PM Collaborative E-News?
We are looking for:
  • PM success stories within your programs
  • PM training opportunities
  • Process, Practice-Based and other coaching experiences
  • Updates on PM systems work
  • New opportunities for providers and families to explore and implement the PM
From such programs as:
  • Family Child Care
  • Preschools or Early Childhood
  • Family Support
  • Head Start
  • Higher Education
  • Preschool Special Education
  • Family-Centered Early Supports and Services
The Pyramid Model State Leadership Team is co-supported through public and private partnerships.

This email was prepared by the Communication and PR Workgroup for the NH Pyramid Model State Leadership Team. This email was sponsored by Southern New Hampshire Services, Child Care Aware of NH. Child Care Aware of NH is financed under a Contract with the State of NH, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Economic and Housing Stability, Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration, with funds provided in part by the State of NH and the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The contents of the iSocial section was developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, H323A170029. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Sunyoung Ahn.