STEM January 2024

New England Girls Collaborative Meeting: 1/18/2024

Discover the New England Girls Collaborative Project and explore ways for you and your organization to actively participate.

Join the next Collaborative working session and connect with organizations across New England while collectively establishing goals for this newly formed initiative. January 18, 2024 4:00 PM


National STEM Festival

The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with EXPLR, will co-present the first-ever National STEM Festival to celebrate student achievements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This festival is dedicated to showcasing innovative student solutions to urgent global challenges.

Mark your calendars for April 11-13, 2024, as the National STEM Festival is set to take place in Washington, DC. Sign-up below for event schedule, featured speakers, and various activities.

Click Here to Learn More

Elevate Youth Voices!

In addition to the inspiring stories we hear from afterschool programs every year, this year we're encouraging young people to share why they love afterschool! We're asking afterschool youth to tell us what they think, feel, appreciate, or miss about their afterschool programs. Young people age 13 and up are invited to share their views in writing, videos, or art pieces through our Youth Voice Story Collection survey.

Click Here for More Information

White Mountain Science February Break Camps

Feb 26th-27th

Meet our universe! Explore engineering and design concepts that have helped us from ground to galaxy in this introductory camp. Stories in Space combines storytelling and engineering to take us anywhere. Ever wonder how popsicle sticks and glue make a robot? How we can invent, and how your WMSI camper can turn into an intergalactic explorer? Find out at Stories in Space camp.

Feb 26th-28th

Not even the sky’s the limit for our intergalactic WMSI campers, who will use a variety of tools to problem-solve and create. During this camp experience, we’ll explore tools & techniques used to understand our universe. From interactive robotics to stop motion to coding, join us for an unforgettable adventure!

Feb 28th-Mar 1st

During this unique experience, WMSI campers will have the opportunity to create, invent, and innovate beyond our Earth. Learn how the engineering process has brought us through space, and design clever solutions to our biggest interstellar challenges. We’ll experiment with laser cutting, robotics, and more to prototype and test our out-of-this-world ideas!

Click here for more information or to register.

STEM Training and Professional Development

NH Leadership Summit on Digital Equity: Strengthening Access to Broadband, Computers and Support

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 12PM EST

The summit will bring together leaders from learning technology, philanthropy, banking, healthcare, education and workforce development to develop action plans to:

-Improve home and community-wide access to free and deeply

discounted broadband

-Mobilize philanthropic support for computers for low-income recipients for

o   Universal access to telehealth and teletherapy

o   Eliminating the homework gap for students in K12 schools and afterschool programs

o   Computers and assistive devices for low-income adults in workforce development,

vocational rehabilitation, community college, adult education and senior centers

-Develop a statewide network of trained digital navigators for safe & successful use of broadband and devices


Regsister Here
Summit Agenda

NHAN is asking Out-Of-Schooltime providers to share your stories with us! We would love to hear about what is happening with you!

Send us story spotlights, successes, pictures or anything else you would like to see on our website!

Please send your stories & photos to:

Free Tools and Resources

Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit

The Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit is a collection of resources — toolkits, best practices, activities, blogs — for the out-of-school time field to utilize in their efforts to engage one million girls in quality STEM learning experiences. 

This toolkit aims to raise awareness of the Million Girls Moonshot Transformative Practices, research-based practices proven to remove barriers to access and quality STEM learning experiences.

Click Here to Learn More

Hi, we’re Mizzen Education! 👋

Light the lights! Roll out the red carpet! 2024 is here and we’re thrilled to continue to celebrate the launch of Mizzen Education with our new brand and logo!

Created with practitioner input, our new logo is designed to be modern and fresh (future-oriented), with a dash of old-school style (rooted in our core values).

Learn More!

With our new brand identity, Mizzen Education is geared up to offer you more—more community-building events, more capacity-building experiences, and more leading-edge lessons on everything from art, journalism, rocketry, robotics, and bees, to STEM, youth entrepreneurship, and language literacy.

While our mission remains rock solid and our trusted platform continues to provide thousands of vetted resources at no cost, get ready for a whole new chapter of empowering education and endless possibilities!
