Stacey Tutt is the Homeowner Assistance Fund Coordinator and a Senior Staff Attorney at NHLP. Her work focuses on the national implementation of the Homeowner’s Assistance Fund (HAF). She works with legal aid attorneys, housing counselors, and groups representing state-level HAF administrators and mortgage servicers to develop and disseminate best practices, provide technical assistance, and advocate with the Treasury Department.
Prior to joining NHLP, Stacey designed and directed the Consumer Law Clinic at the University of California, Irvine School of Law. The Consumer Law Clinic focused on keeping low-income consumers in their homes after experiencing home improvement fraud and advocating on behalf of vulnerable populations with government-imposed debt. She also developed and directed the Community Preservation Clinic at the University of Illinois College of Law, which provided foreclosure defense, developed foreclosure mediation programs, and designed neighborhood revitalization efforts following the foreclosure crisis.