Newsletter - December 2019
Congratulations to our 2019 NHHF Scholarship Gala
Leadership Awardees!
Irene Blanco, MD
Rafael A. Lantigua, MD
Aida Luz Maisonet Giachello, PhD
Ana Nuñez, MD
José Pagán, PhD
Deborah Deas, MD, MPH
Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd
Carlos Gutierrez, MD, FAAP
Andrew Jahn
Mario Jiminez, PharmD
Edward Mena, MD
Legislative Update
Drug Cost Legislation Gets a Push from White House during November. The White House is ramping up its push to get a bill through Congress that curbs prescription drug costs. The effort has progressed beyond anything seen in years, says President Donald Trump's top domestic policy adviser. After months of dialogue, the White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have parted ways on Medicare price negotiations that Pelosi advocates and Trump once supported in principle.

Instead, Trump is backing a compromise bipartisan bill in the Senate, which does not give Medicare bargaining authority, but forces drug-makers to pay rebates if they raise prices too high.

The Senate has also proposed an annual out-of-pocket cap for Medicare Part D beneficiaries of $3100, while the House of Representatives has it at $2000. Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and Anna Eschoo (D-CA) are all working on this effort.

On December 9, Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) along with Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), and Martha McSally (R-AZ) introduced S. 2997, Title VII Health Care Workforce Act of 2019. This legislation would reauthorize funding for Title VII health professions programs to help increase the diversity of the health professions workforce to meet the United States' evolving and emerging health care needs.

NHMA released a statement on November 21 in support of HR 5221, 100% Clean Economy Act of 2019. Read the full statement, here .

NHMA Signed Letters and Endorsements
  • NHMA joined other national organizations and sent a letter of support for H.R. 1398/S. 178, which would delay the Health Insurance Tax (HIT) for two years. If HIT were enacted, millions of American seniors and others with health insurance coverage could face major increases to their health costs... Read more.
  • NHMA also joined other Health Professions and Nursing Education Coalition (HPNEC) members to restate the coalition's recommendation of $690 million for the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing workforce development programs for fiscal year 2020... Read more.
Programs Update
Programs Coming to an End This Year:
  • NHMA Cholesterol Management Campaign (pending)
  • Diabetes Education and Documentary Discussion Campaign

Please check out and continue to support our Current Programs :

  • NHMA 2020 Annual Hispanic Health Conference
  • NIDDK/NHMA Travel Award
  • NIH All of Us Research Program
  • NHMA Chapters
  • NHMA Medical School Liaison Program
  • NHMA - CDC PACT - Let's Stop HIV Together
  • NHMA Seasonal Influenza Campaign
  • NHMA College Health Scholars Program
  • NHMA Stop Vaping Campaign
Membership Update
In Memoriam
Dr. Richard Zapanta, MD, former NHMA Advisor and Board of Directors, passed away early December 2019. Read more ...
Ciro Valent Sumaya M.D., M.P.H.T.M., former Chairman, NHMA Board of Directors, age 78 passed away in San Antonio, Texas on Dec. 1, 2019.  Read more ...
NHMA Members are hard at work being catalyst for change in their communities. Each serve in many different ways. 

The 4 major values of an NHMA membership are Advocacy, Education, Leadership Development and Networking. Our major benefits for health professionals consist of:

  • Opportunities to be nominated for commissions and advisory boards in the Federal government, private sector, and other national health professional associations.
  • Opportunities to mentor medical students and residents.
  • Discounts at the NHMA Annual Conference (where you can also earn CME credits).
  • Opportunities to share your research either by being a speaker or poster presenter at our annual conference.
  • Network with other healthcare professionals at one of NHMA Regional Events.
Our major benefits for students:

  • Opportunities to mentor college students
  • Discounts at the NHMA Annual Conference
  • Opportunities to share your research by being a poster presenter at our annual conference
  • Network with healthcare professionals at one of NHMA Regional Events and Annual Conference

Ways You Can Get Involved With NHMA:

Anyone that would like to advance NHMA's mission and goals is welcome to join our network as a Premier or Basic member. Click below to see our membership options:

If you have received an award or attended an event and would like to be featured in our monthly Membership Update, please contact by the first Friday of every month.
Featured Announcements
Upcoming Events
Happy Holidays!
Please join us in celebration of the festive season at our 2019 Holiday Party
Other Events:

Boston Chapter
Indianapolis Chapter
January 2020

NHMA 24th Annual Conference:
Thursday, April 30 - Sunday, May 3, 2020  at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park
Visit our website for more information: . Consider being a Speaker, Poster Presenter, participant in our Academic Development Session!

Centene Executives Dinner:
Friday, May 1, 2020 at the NHMA 24th Annual Conference.

Virtual Events:
Thursday, January 16, 2020  Webinar
Fat or Fiction: The Science of Whole Milk Dairy Foods and Healthy Eating Patterns
Join NHMA and the National Dairy Council to learn about the merging body of scientific evidence supporting the associations of dairy foods with reduced risk of diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension.
We ask that you consider making a $25 donation to help NHMA & NHHF touch the lives of health professionals in various stages of their career:

1) NHHF Health Professional Student Scholarship and Mentoring
2) NHMA Resident Leadership Program.
3) NHMA Leadership Fellowship

Join NHMA as a member and participate in our many programs and communications campaigns. Become our supporter!

Sign-up for the AmazonSmile Program and 0.5% of your Amazon purchase will be donated to support the NHHF & NHMA mission.