Case Updates
Halfway there! One semester down and we are so proud of the work all of our students have done this far. This semester, our 9th and 10th graders have both completed three cases each, while our 11th graders have gone through two of their four case studies.

Our 10th grade just finished their 10.3 case with The Home Depot. This is the 10th grade's national case, and our Northview winners will be competing against the 10th grade school level winners from the other 3DE schools across the country. When we return from the holiday break, our 9th graders will be launching their national case with Arby's. Last year, our 10th grade came in second nationally and our 9th grade took the national title, so we've got a reputation to uphold on all fronts. No pressure!

January 20 - 9.4 Launch
January 27 - 10.4 Launch
January 31 - 9.4 Coaching
February 3 - 11.4 Launch
February 10 - 10.4 Coaching
Titan Tank - Halfway to Market Day!
During 11th grade, 3DE students participate in a year-long entrepreneurship project where they launch their own student run businesses. The experience culminates in the spring with a market day where they showcase their products and services to the Northview community. Through case studies designed in collaboration with our business partners, the students are asked to apply various analytical tools to answer real-world business problems, then the lessons learned in the case studies are applied to their year-long entrepreneurship project by helping students answer the following questions:

  • What kind of business does our community need, and what is my role in it?
  • How realistic is our startup, and what should our business plan include?
  • How can we ensure that there is a demand for our product and that our business will succeed?
  • What steps do we need to take to ensure a successful launch for our business?

Just before we left for the holiday break, our juniors participate in Titan Tank. This Titan Tank pitch event event provides students the opportunity to pitch their ideas to external business professionals. Using a Shark Tank style pitch and supporting evidence from their market research, students use the competencies they have developed to engage and persuade the business partners of the viability of their business idea.

Titan Tank marks the halfway point to Market Day, the single culminating event of the junior year entrepreneurial experience. At this event, students bring their products and services to market to sell. This event will provides an opportunity for them to receive real-time, authentic feedback from a public audience.

Check back in on March 30 for Market Day to do some shopping and see what all the buzz has been about!

Teaching & Learning Spotlight
One of our competencies is effective collaboration. This competency shows up in all subjects, in all career paths, and in all of our lives all the time. In 3DE, we ask our teachers to intentionally find ways to call this competency out in their classrooms and draw attention to it so our students are aware of it and can become more mindful of how they collaborate with others. This way they get an opportunity to practice this essential skill and can become a better teammate and collaborator.
In Ms. Rivera's on level biology class, she used paper that was on its way to the recycling bin and asked students to work collaboratively to build the tallest tower made of paper. And only paper! This activity required the use of multiple competencies, while giving our students a chance to collaborate in a fun bellringer activity that reused a material that was on its way out the door. Way to go, Ms. Rivera!