October 14, 2021
Ms. Viola Garcia, President
Mr. Chip Slaven, Interim Executive Director
National School Boards Association
1680 Duke St., FL2
Alexandria, VA 22314-3493
Sent via email
Dear Ms. Garcia and Mr. Slavin:
On behalf of the New Hampshire School Boards Association, please accept this correspondence as NHSBA’s formal response to the September 30, 2021 letter from NSBA to President Biden requesting federal assistance to stop threats and acts of violence against public education leaders.
As you aware, NHSBA was not consulted regarding this letter and was not asked by NSBA to provide input. As you also know, NHSBA learned of this letter after it had been sent. Despite not seeking NHSBA’s input (or, to NHSBA’s knowledge, input from any state associations) NSBA incorrectly stated the letter was being sent “on behalf of our state associations.”
NSBA’s characterization that the letter was sent on behalf of state associations is inaccurate and, as a result, has caused considerable consternation for NHSBA, our member school boards, individual school board members, and the state as a whole. Make no doubt that New Hampshire has seen numerous instances of school board meetings being disrupted by protestors. Further, make no mistake that New Hampshire has had school board members threatened, harassed and intimidated. In response and in support of our members, NHSBA has spent considerable time and effort advising school boards on effective public meetings, productive public comments, and appropriate responses to such disruptions.
As a result of NSBA’s letter, discussion of these issues has now shifted away from disruptions at school board meetings and accompanying threats, harassment and intimidation. Instead, the conversation is now about NSBA’s letter and its contents.
To be clear, NHSBA does not support NSBA’s letter.
One of NHSBA’s bedrock principles is local control over local educational matters. Rather than invoking a federal response, as the NSBA letter suggests, NHSBA advises our members to consult with local parents, local stakeholders and local law enforcement in addressing these issues.
NHSBA has always supported and encouraged its members to accept civil and constructive comments and feedback from all constituents. Regrettably, NSBA’s letter seems to have only deepened the divide seen at school board meetings across New Hampshire and across the nation.
Travis Thompson, President