July 2021
News and Updates For You
Welcome to the monthly e-newsletter for NHTI alumni and community supporters. We want to keep you up-to-date on our academic programs, upcoming events, and let you know how you can support and stay in touch with us. Thank you for being part of NHTI - Concord's Community College.
NHTI Welcome Message
It is hard to believe that we are more than halfway through 2021 but here we are. With all the buzz and activity on campus, time is just flying by. We have in-person summer classes happening, many renovation projects going on in multiple buildings, and are registering and getting students ready for the Fall.

I have been busy trying to remember how "to do" in-person events again as an organizer and attendee. The last 16 months has shifted my work but I am looking forward to inviting alumni and community members back onto campus for many exciting educational, entertainment, and fundraising events. I will make sure to let you know about them so you can attend.

With the campus opening again, if you are in the area, please do feel free to stop by and say hi. I am always very happy to meet NHTI alumni and community supporters. I love hearing your stories and what NHTI means to you. I hope to see you soon.

Laura Scott
Director of Alumni & Development
Alumni Spotlight -
Kirby Clang, General Studies (2011)
In 2007, I was a recent N.H. high school graduate and, like many others, I was unsure of what to do after high school. Many of my friends were gearing up for college while I still had not made a concrete plan of what I wanted to do with my life.

After contemplating and understanding that I wanted to continue my education, NHTI became my plan.

Continue reading here about Kirby's journey.
Alumni Updates & News
Crystal Andres (Human Services/2007) was awarded the title of Mrs. Concord Petite 2021 and will be competing in the New England Petite pageant in Concord in August.

Tyler Heymans (Civil Engineering/2016) received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from UNH.

Brandon McGorry (Criminal Justice/2009) was promoted to the position of Administration Manager at NH 9-1-1.

Nolan McGurn (Accounting/2019) recently started as a Junior Staff Accountant at C3I, Inc.


Kenneth Randall (1965-1990 Professor)

Alumni Records
We have made changes to our alumni database and now have the ability to add preferred pronouns, gender identity, and titles. If you would like your records updated, please contact me.

If you have alumni updates & news you want to share, email me so I can include it in future e-newsletters.
Express Admission Days are scheduled for July 21st, July 28th, and August 11th. Thinking about take a class or two, you can register or find more information here.

Lynx Golf - Tuesday, August 24th at Loudon Country Club, 3pm shot-gun start, 9 holes. This event benefits our student athletes.

NHTI/NEDD 5K Road Race is scheduled for Friday, August 27th at 6pm to benefit the Jen Kemp Memorial Scholarship Fund. You can register for this in-person or virtual race here. This event is part of the Capital Area Race Series (CARS).

3rd Annual NHTI Athletics Hall of Fame will take place on Friday, September 17th in=person and livestreamed. Ticket information will be available soon. Read the press release on the inductees here.

Who Wants to be Famous?

Thank you to those of you that volunteered your time and talent to be part of our three summer "selfie" commercials. If you have not already seen them, you can watch them here.

Since this was such a hit, we are going to be doing some more commercials on campus in the Fall and need your help. We are looking for alumni that are working in the health care, engineering, and business fields to be spotlighted in these commercials.

I do not have the specific details yet, but if you are interested in participating, please email me information on when you graduated from NHTI and your major, your current occupation, and your place of employment. I will be in touch with details.
Teacher Education Conversion Program (TECP) - July 19th

Have you been thinking of a career change? Want a job where you know you are going to make a difference in the lives of others?

If you hold a bachelor’s degree and want a license to teach mathematics, science, special education, or English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), sign up here today to learn more.

Join us for a 1 hour virtual information session on Monday, July 19th from 5:30-6:30pm to learn if this program is for you. For more information about TECP, click here.
The Eye: NHTI's Literary Journal

The 2021 edition of The Eye is for sale in the NHTI Bookstore, featuring writing and art by over 50 contributors, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, a visual arts section, and a special pandemic section. You can purchase the 2021 edition here.

The Eye’s editors and writers are recipients of two Change the World awards from the NH HUGEmanities annual contest for students from the seven community colleges and from UNH. Emily Dallaire’s illustration “Shattered” graces the cover.

Faculty advisor Dr. Paula DelBonis-Platt says, “I am incredibly proud of the ways in which the student editors and contributors stepped up this year to explore a variety of topics from the deeply personal to the global, including the impact of the pandemic and racial issues. This is a wonderful and long-standing tradition at NHTI, such an accomplishment and record of our collective history.”

You can check out The Eye website here for additional essays, stories, poems, and more.
Congratulations to the Orthopaedic Technology Program graduates of 2021! Their ceremony took place on June 28th and can be viewed here.

The Alpha Upsilon Omicron Chapter of the national honor society Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) has raised $10,000 in order to endow the student scholarship they established. Read the press release here. If you would like to donate to this student scholarship, you can do that here.

With a new fiscal year starting July 1st, it is always good to look back and celebrate your accomplishments. Please enjoy reading the latest NHTI Campus Transcript highlighting the good work of the college.
NHTI Business Training Center
Fall Microcredential Workshops

NHTI’s Business and Training Center understands the needs of today’s workforce, businesses, and organizations by providing the best instructors and targeted training that delivers results. The NHTI microcredential  represents a commitment to building and applying skills in a professional setting to improve processes, relationships and outcomes.

All of our microcredentials and workshops are synchronous, live and 100% on-line.

See what we have to offer here.