NIA Talks Decarbonization with the DOE
NIA EVP/CEO Michele M. Jones recently attended the DOE's Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit and then privately met with key DOE leaders to highlight insulation’s role in decarbonization and how DOE and NIA can work together. Look for an upcoming article in Insulation Outlook magazine.

See the latest on:
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Mechanical Insulation's Role in Decarbonization and Sustainability
Q: What Do You Want Engineers to Know?

Your input is needed for several upcoming issues of Insulation Outlook magazine, which will feature articles on decarbonization, sustainability, resiliency, and thermal technologies.

Here are 3 ways to share your insights:
  1. Email with your thoughts about what you want engineers and owners to know about the mechanical insulation industry.
  2. NIA staff can interview you about one of your company's recent decarbonization/energy efficiency projects. Email
  3. Email links to recent articles on decarbonization, sustainability, resiliency, thermal technologies, etc., that you found especially helpful and informative to
Safety News

  • On June 22, OSHA will host a virtual Summer Summit covering a broad range of workplace safety and health issues. Register online.
Applications Open for NIA's Members-Only National Awards
2022 Award Deadlines

NIA's Safety Excellence Awards Are Due on Sept. 1
Open to all NIA member types

NIA's Premier Industry Manufacturer Award Applications Are Due on Nov. 11
Open to NIA Associate (Manufacturer) members
Reserve Your Spot Now for This Fall's Education and Training Lineup
Registration Is Open Now!
NIA’s Fall Summit: Created for your business, the topical speakers, meetings by industry segment, and networking opportunities are all tailored for the insulation industry.

Spend Nov. 2–3 with us and take back new ideas, practices, and contacts for your business.

Important Dates and Links
Oct. 17: Fall Summit Early-Registration Deadline
Oct. 17: Discounted Hotel Reservation Deadline
Tech Spotlight: CrewTracks
“CrewTracks makes it easier for people in construction to get their job done.”
Featured Product:
NIA's Safety Handbooks
NIA's pocket-sized safety handbooks offer practical tips for contractors and workers looking to maintain a safe working environment. Both the Safety Handbook for Insulation Distributors & Fabricators and Safety Handbook for Insulation Workers include updated sections on heat-illness prevention, fall protection, and distracted driving. Each handbook contains English and Spanish versions of the text.  
NIA Members: 1-25 Copies, $4/each; 26+ Copies, $3/each.
Non-Members: 1-25 Copies, $8/each; 26+ Copies, $6/each.

Buy your copies or email for more information.
Key Dates and Deadlines
July 11–12
July Board of Directors Meeting (closed meeting)

Technical Information Committee Meeting
Email Julie McLaughlin to join.

Email Leslie Emery to join.

Sept. 14, 2:00 p.m. ET
Sept. 20

Sept. 22

Oct. 4–5
Understanding Mechanical Insulation (in-person, Houston, TX)

Oct. 4–7

Nov. 8–9

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