June 24, 2020
Illinois Moves to Phase 4: What that Means
for Churches
Governor J. B. Pritzker is expected to move all regions of Illinois into Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan on June 26.

This will continue to move NIC churches toward more in-person gatherings but still with restrictions. As the NIC's ReTurn Plan Phase 4 states:

Gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed. Accommodations should be in place to ensure the safety of vulnerable individuals. Face coverings and social distancing are the norm and time in crowded environments should be minimized. Restaurants and bars reopen, travel resumes, childcare and schools reopen under IDPH guidance. Visits to senior living facilities and hospitals are still prohibited. 

Other guidelines:
  • Communicate expectations, protocols, and/or cancellations clearly and frequently
  • Consider shortened, multiple services and develop a reservation system and protocols so that attendance will not exceed 50 people
  • No shared food or drink
  • No nursery
  • No congregational singing
  • No bulletins or hymnals
  • No passing of the offering plate
  • Develop Communion procedure that departs from intinction
  • Postpone Baptisms
  • Continue online or virtual worship

Best Practices:
  • Set a restroom policy of one person at a time
  • Develop a wellness policy
  • Open windows and prop doors when possible
  • The smaller the space, the less time spent in the space
  • Ensure 24 hours between each group's use of the building
  • Direct people to park cars 6 ft apart and stagger entrance to building
  • Consider worshipping outside

Read pgs. 13-15 of the ReTurn Team Plan  for more guidelines and best practices.

The governor may issue other guidelines yet before the weekend (or after) so for updates check coronavirus.illinois.go v .
"All of these are well-thought-out guidelines for any of our churches which are interested in moving toward in-person gatherings, especially worship. But let the standard for us as United Methodists be: DO NO HARM!" said Bishop Dyck. "Please bear in mind that just because we are given 'permission' for in-person gatherings doesn’t mean that it is the best thing to do or that you are ready to do it as a congregation. Please consult with your District Superintendent as you make your reopening plan and consider at-risk persons, which may include the pastor."

Other Resources

  • Click to download an updated FAQ document from NIC Risk Management Director Dwayne Jackson
  • COVID-19 resources - Check this webpage with links and more information gathered by the NIC Communications Team.
Annual Conference Postponed to November
The Annual Conference Committee has announced the 2020 Northern Illinois Annual Conference session will be held virtually Saturday, November 14, 2020.

The  Clergy Session  will be held June 29 from 10 am - 12 noon via a Zoom video conference meeting. Clergy received an email with a link to registration, which closes 5 pm on Friday, June 26, 2020. Registrants will receive an email from Rev. Wesley Dickson (BOOM Secretary) with a unique code that only the registrant can utilize to sign on. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for this response.  If you have questions, contact NIC Events Coordinator Laura Lopez at llopez@umcnic.org. For more information, click here.

The AC Worship Committee is evaluating new and creative ways to hold the opening, memorial, retirement and closing services. Ordination service plans are under review.

More updates are coming and for the latest news, visit umcnic.org/AC2020.
Stand Against Racism Initiative
United Methodist Church leaders have launched a plan of action to galvanize church members and others to actively stand against racism in the wake of the death of George Floyd and protests across the U.S. 

The “Dismantling Racism: Pressing on to Freedom” initiative is a multi-level effort throughout the church to initiate a sustained and coordinated effort to dismantle racism and promote collective action to work toward racial justice. Watch the Council of Bishops' Juneteenth announcement.

To learn more and find resources to engage members as they listen, act, speak and pray, visit, UMC.org/EndRacism .

Other Resources
  • To find the latest diversity and inclusiveness information and tools, including downloadable campaign graphics, visit ResourceUMC.org.
  • Watch the June 4 Zoom discussion forum, "Responding to Our Call to End Racism," hosted by Bishop Sally Dyck. More anti-racism webinars will follow with different racial/ethnic persons reflecting on different topics to challenge all of us. Click here for resources shared through the Zoom forum.
  • Click here to read a statement, "Bending Toward Justice," from the Chicago Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR).
  • Click here (English) (Korean) to read an anti-racism statement from the Korean Caucus of the Northern Illinois Conference.

Join the NIC Anti-Racism Champion team
The Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force, established in 2019 by the Annual Conference Shepherding Team, is working against racism within the church and society. They are building an Anti-Racism Champion Team to actively engage with them in this work. Look for  Introduction to Systemic Racism  training courses and other engagement opportunities across the conference. Please  click here  to voice your interest and join the movement.
Seeking Youth to Join Justice Generation
The NIC Anti-Racism Task Force is seeking United Methodist high school students who have an interest in learning, developing, and engaging in racial justice work in the church and community. If selected, students will be expected to meet once monthly for a two-hour Sunday evening session (virtually and in person, when permitted) starting in August and going through May. Activities will be based on guest speakers, books, films, music, and discussions about creating racial justice. Students will bring some of their learnings back to their churches and communities. A culminating out-of-state trip in June 2021 visiting civil rights sites is a possibility. 

Cost: $50 for the August through May learning group. There will be an additional cost for the out-of-state field trip. Details will be forthcoming. 

If you're interested in being a young adult leader (age 23-30) in this program, click here for more information.
Archived Online Learning
While no online learning is scheduled for Thursday, June 25, you can catch any of our recorded sessions from our archived list, including discussions about the ReTurn Team plan, Online Communion, and Singing and Music during the COVID-19 pandemic.

All are listed on our website at umcnic.org/online-learning.

New Zoom video conference trainings will be made available over the course of the summer. Look for registration in an upcoming eNews.
NIC Prayer Network
This week's devotion is from Rev. Megan Thompson of Creston UMC and Steward UMC. To read the prayers, visit umcnic.org/prayernetwork.

Th e NIC Discipleship Task Force hopes these weekly prayers for our church, pastors, NIC staff and events give you encouragement.
Communicator's Corner

DACA decision brings joy, but battle not over
About 650,000 young people can sleep a little easier with the Supreme Court decision to continue the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , a program that lets young, undocumented immigrants live, work and study in the U.S. without fear of deportation. However, the decision is not a permanent solution for citizenship. The Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors (NIJFON) says t his is a huge win for the immigrant community, but it is not the end of the struggle. NIJON Executive Director Claudia Marchan reflects on this victory and shares her personal story as a DACA recipient. Read more.

Outdoor and Retreat Ministries summer camps
Registration is open for DIY Family Camp, a multi-generational camp from July 3 - 8 at Wesley Woods. The cost is $44 per participant and $44 per chaperone. Also through July, Wesley Woods will rent retreat space to groups of self-contained families in one of its five house lodges that have their own kitchens. For more information, go to  niccamp.org/summercamps . If you're looking for other United Methodist virtual camps, click here. Cokesbury is offering its VBS program "Knights of North Castle" virtually for free. Click here for more info.

Children still count!
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a significant impact on the operational guidelines used by the U.S. Census Bureau. Changes in the counting process to protect the health and safety of the American public and Census Bureau employees have had a tremendous negative impact on already underrepresented and underserved groups. However, through intentional education and mobilization, faith communities can make a significant positive difference in census return rates. Read more how you can be counted!

Bishop's Appeal - Tanzania School update
Fundraising for the second stage of construction for the Global Mission Secondary School in Tanzania is underway. Global Missionary Rev. Young Seon (Christina) Kim says the COVID-19 pandemic halted construction this spring but crews are expected to begin work again soon. Kim says donations to this year's Bishop's Appeal are needed to help get to the finish line. "I f we complete 75% of the construction by August, we will be fine to open the Global Mission Secondary School in January, 2021," she said. Watch a video of the progress so far. Download a brochure and learn how your church can help.

New clergy and church search function
In sync with the NIC database, you may now easily search clergy and church information on the NIC website. At the top of the search you will see two tabs: "clergy" and "church." Click which category you are searching for and type in key words to find your entry. The search function is under "Directory" but you may access it at umcnic.org/directory. If you have changes, please contact Marva Andrews at mandrews@umcnic.org
Mark your calendar
Around the Conference    

The social distancing and government guidelines around the COVID-19 outbreak required many events to be cancelled and/or postponed, but the NIC is finding alternative ways to stay connected. Click here f or the event information on the Conference calendar and check back often for updates.

  • Drive-Through Food Box Pickup - (June 27) 9 am - 12 noon. A truck filled with boxed potatoes and onions will be parked at the New Lenox United Methodist Church parking lot at 339 W. Haven Ave. in New Lenox for Aurora District churches to pick up for the pantries they support. These potatoes and onions are from the USDA Farmers to Families Food Box program coordinated through the Society of St. Andrew. The food is free and the transportation cost to the church is zero. Click here to learn more. 
  • UMW Day of Spiritual Renewal - (Aug. 1) 9 am - 12 noon. "Celebrating at the Well" will feature internationally acclaimed Christian speaker and author Jane Rubietta. Join this "live" online event from your home or from a watch party with UMW sisters at your local church. Click to download a flyer and for more details.

Around the Denomination

  • Local Church Historian Training - (Sept. 14) The United Methodist General Commission on Archives and History (GCAH) is offering a Local Church Historian School for anyone interested in the story of their church. The free 12-week online curriculum covers a wide range of skills necessary to become a “complete” church historian. Participating congregations will benefit from a new consciousness of their heritage and legacy and will be motivated to study and proclaim their unique stories to those around them. Click here for more information and to register.
United Media Resource Center
closed until further notice
The United Media Resource Center remains closed until it's considered safe to return to the office.

During this time the UMRC Director Jill Stone cannot send out resources but you may reach her by email at umrc@igrc.org.
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