March 24, 2021
COVID-19 Update - Bridge Plan to Reopening
On March 19, Governor Pritzker announced new guidelines and metrics to move the state on a gradual path from Phase 4 to Phase 5 and a full reopening.

The Bridge Plan will lift restrictions and allows for higher capacity limits for gatherings and meetings before public health experts say it's safe to move to a full reopening of the state. As churches, we have focused on the category called “meetings, conferences and conventions." In order to move into the “bridge” phase and 60% capacity, our state will need to vaccinate 70% of residents age 65 and older and enter into a period of 28 days with no increases in hospitalizations and deaths. 

"We have reached this point of gradual reopening, in part, due to your good work, said Rev. Arlene Christopherson, Ass't to the Bishop and Dir. of Connectional Ministries. "As our congregations moved cautiously and consciously in their gatherings, you have helped keep people safe and stopped the spread. Now is a time for reasoned, measured steps toward normalcy."

For more information on vaccinations, click here.
Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence
Bishop Hopkins signed on to a statement with Bishops from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to condemn the shootings in metropolitan Atlanta on March 16 that left eight people dead and one injured.

"We recognize that these shootings were not a random attack as six of the eight people killed were Asian American women," the statement read. "In the wake of this most recent tragedy, we must learn more about the particular challenges facing our Asian American siblings so that together we can work to combat the forces of evil and hate that provoke unspeakable acts of violence like the one we now mourn."

The Bishops note that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has fueled a significant increase in anti-Asian rhetoric, hate crimes and acts of violence against our Asian American siblings. Read statement.

Days before the shootings, the Asian American Bishops of the United Methodist Church, the New Federation of Asian American United Methodists, the Asian American Language Ministry Plan, along with other Asian American leaders and academics of the United Methodist Church, released the following statement raising concerns and fears about the rise in the anti-Asian violence in the U.S. since 2020.

Rev. Martin Lee, NIC Dir. of Congregational Development and Redevelopment, welcomed Rev. Jesse Jackson to First Korean UMC in Wheeling on Sunday, March 21. Lee gave testimony how the anti-Asian racism is impacting him and his family. Read his statement.
Lenten and Easter Video Resources
NIC Interim Bishop John Hopkins has created a 2:45-minute Easter greeting that may be used in your church's Easter services and announcements. Download here. For a pdf script, click here.

For free music videos of United Methodist Hymns recorded by clergy in the New England Conference, click here.

The NIC Cabinet Eastertide worship service video is available to download for all churches to celebrate the Risen Lord in the 50 days between Easter and the Feast of Pentecost. Find the full service, a stand-alone message from Bishop Hopkins and a bulletin as well as Spanish and Korean translations at

The United Methodist Council of Bishops continues its Lenten Devotion Series on Dismantling Racism with weekly videos during Lent and one every day of Holy Week. Find the devotions here.
2021 Annual Conference Updates
The theme for the 182nd virtual Northern Illinois Annual Conference is "Jesus Makes a Way." It will be held July 16-17 through a Zoom webinar with production assistance from our ministry partners Good News TV.

Important Dates:
  • Legislation and historical documents are due May 3 (no exceptions) to Rev. Katie Voigt, Chair of Daily Proceedings, at [email protected]. All legislative documents must be in the Action/Rationale format with a maximum of 500 words for the rationale and must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. The legislation and documents will be posted on the NIC website by June 16 (30 days prior to the conference).
  • The Clergy Session will be held June 28 via a Zoom meeting.
  • Ordination for the 2020 class will be held April 24 at 3 pm at Barrington United Methodist Church with limited attendance (invite only) and COVID-19 safety guidelines followed. It will be livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook. Bishop Sally Dyck will return to co-officiate with Bishop Hopkins.
  • The Bible study leader will be Bishop Julius C. Trimble from the Indiana Conference. The session times are still being determined. The Memorial Service preacher will be Bishop Hee-Soo Jung of the Wisconsin Conference.
  • An Ordination Service for the 2021 class is scheduled for Oct. 1, likely with limited in-person participation and livestreaming. Bishop Tracy S. Malone from the East Ohio Conference will be the preacher.
  • A fall session to consider the budget and other agenda items will be held Oct. 2 and will be held virtually as well.

More details to come. Stay up to date on news and announcements at
Communicator's Corner

Bishops Cancel May 8 General Conference
At a March 22 meeting, the Council of Bishops decided it was not in the best interest of The United Methodist Church to hold the one-day special virtual conference at this time. Heather Hahn reports. Read story.

Intentional Discipleship Trainers Ready to Help Local Churches
Intentional Discipleship Systems (IDS) are valuable in carrying out our mission as members of The United Methodist Church for making and growing disciples. The NIC Discipleship Task Force has developed trained Resource Teams for each district to support churches that want to develop and maintain an Intentional Discipleship System. They met in early March to share ideas and are standing by ready to help. Read one trainer's testimony here. Find out more about IDS and see a list of trainers by clicking here. Check out the Discipleship Task Force's new webpage for more resources, click here.

CPRES: A Call to “Micah’s Prayer”
Members of the Clergy Peer Reflection and Engagement Series (CPRES) invite all members of the Northern Illinois Conference to join them for daily prayer for justice. Hearing Micah proclaiming that we should “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God,” they have launched the “Micah’s Prayer” initiative. As the trial of Derek Chauvin, charged in George Floyd’s death, has begun with jury selections and will continue for a number of weeks, CPRES is calling on all people to be in prayer at 8 o’clock for the duration of 8 minutes and 46 seconds (the amount of time in which Derek Chauvin’s knee was on George Floyd’s neck). Pray for peace, justice and discernment as we wrestle with our response to any outcome. Learn more.

Asian American Caucus Announces Name Change
The National Federation of Asian American United Methodists is now officially the New Federation of Asian American United Methodists. The group, which represents the collective mission and ministry of the 12 Asian American United Methodist caucuses, is being "rebirthed during a most turbulent and challenging time," the release said. Rev. Scort Christy of Evanston: Emmanuel is the new president and Rev. Zaki L. Zaki of Roselle UMC is the Vice President for Advocacy & Program. Read more.

UVC Accepting Nominations for Annual Awards
United Voices for Children (UVC) is inviting nominations for its three annual awards that honor extraordinary service or advocacy efforts on behalf of children, youth and/or families throughout the NIC. Award winners receive a grant for their organization or ministry. For details and a nominations form, visit The submission deadline is April 15, 2021. Questions? Please contact Diane Strzelecki, UVC Communications Coordinator, at [email protected].

Different Drummers - Faith-Based Initiatives with Chicago Public Schools
Churches and faith-based nonprofits are a bedrock of many Chicago communities, and through a partnership with Chicago Public Schools (CPS), they’re providing valuable resources for students, even during the pandemic. The CPS Office of Faith-Based Initiatives runs several programs including Safe Haven, which several NIC churches have participated in to provide students a safe learning environment when school's out. Learn more in the latest Different Drummers episode.

Food Pantry Gives Thanks to NIC Churches
In spring 2020, the United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference challenged congregations to raise funds to support the three food banks serving the conference area. The match began as a $50,000 challenge, but because of generous support, it was increased to $75,000. In total, gifts of more than $150,000 were made to support feeding neighbors. One of the recipients, the Northern Illinois Food Bank, is grateful for the donations and said the money made a huge impact in helping feed the hungry in the community. Click here for more and to watch a special "thank you" video.

Campus Ministry Job Opening
The Inclusive Collective campus ministry at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb is hiring. The position is for a part-time, three-year campus ministry resident from July 15, 2021 through May 15, 2024. Click here to learn more and apply. For other job openings around the conference, visit
Mark your calendar
Around the Conference  

Click here for event information on the Conference calendar and check back often for updates.

Around the Conference

  • Good Friday Walk for Justice - (April 2) at 9 am. Rockford Urban Ministries’ 36th annual Good Friday Walk for Justice will step off from the parking lot of Emmanuel Episcopal Church at 412 N. Church St., Rockford. The walk will begin with a prayer against violence in the city and will stop at 14 stations in the downtown area. The prayer walk will be led by Revs. Violet Johnicker and Stephen Bowie. Questions? Call 815-621-9417.
  • PAUMCS Virtual Annual Conference - (April 15- 17). All NIC local church administrators are encouraged to participate in the Professional Administrators of the United Methodist Connection (PAUMCS) 2021 annual conference with the theme "Keeping our Eyes Focused on Christ" based on Hebrews 12:2. Cost: $75 for National PAUMCS Members and $125 for non-members. Click for more information and to register.
  • "Building CoNEXTion" Youth Leader Symposium - (May 1) 9 am. Connect with youth leaders to learn from one another and share resources, which ultimately will help to strengthen connections with youth, God and the church. This event will be held through a Zoom meeting sponsored by the NIC Discipleship Task Force. Symposium Speaker: Rev. Dr. Heather Lear, Teaching and Research Fellow, The Foundation for Evangelism. Cost: $10. Click for details and registration.

Around the Denomination

  • Older Adults in the Pandemic: Things We Can Do webinar series - (March 25) at 1 pm. Discipleship Ministries is hosting a series of webinars to address how churches can be in ministry to/with/for older adults during these challenging times. During this final session, the topic is "Let Older Adults Lead Ministries." Speakers include author Missy Buchanan, Rev. Clayton Smith and consultant Rebecca Fraley from the NIC's DeKalb District. Click to register.
  • Prevention Tools and HIV/AIDS Webinar - (April 1) at 1 pm. The United Methodist Global AIDS Committee will host this free webinar moderated by Linda Bales Todd. The presenters will share important information about preventing the spread of the HIV virus, a high priority for The United Methodist Church. Click for details.
  • Native American Ministries Sunday - (April 18). This Special Sunday offering helps to develop and strengthen Native American ministries in the Annual Conferences and Native American rural, urban, reservation ministries and communities relating to the General Board of Global Ministries. It also provides scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology. For resources and more information, click here.
  • #StillinMission Conversations - (April 29) at 11 am. Despite the pandemic, United Methodist missionaries remain deeply engaged in work around the world. Each month the General Board of Global Ministries is hosting four missionaries via a Zoom meeting to be in conversation with laity and clergy throughout the church and to hear about their transforming work. Click here for more information and to register.
United Media Resource Center
Click here for a list of DVD studies for women ready to borrow.

Go to to access the online catalog.

Questions, comments? Contact Jill Stone at [email protected].
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