Filled with living hope in Christ,
Confessing, Praising, and
Advancing His Kingdom.
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School Newsletter: January 23, 2025 | |
Giving Thanks for our Lutheran Schools
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3
We are a family in Christ, and this week, our Lutheran schools celebrate that gift in various ways. Whether students and staff have fun dress up days, door decorating contests, special assemblies, are stepping out to do community outreach, or a variety of other activities, they celebrate their school with enthusiasm.
As schools and ministries celebrate the gift of Lutheran education, we praise God for surrounding each of us with a "great cloud of witnesses" in Christ, as Hebrews 12:1 says. God truly blesses our schools with dedicated teachers, leaders, and volunteers. They give their time willingly and serve faithfully. Through the struggles and challenges, God strengthens all for service and His purposes! That is a great witness right there. Do you recognize that in your school? Where do you see that in your school?
To "Endure," God provides for and blesses us in that He is with us on the path He has put out before us. Thank you for your service in our schools. Thank you for your prayers for God’s grace and guidance. May all Lutheran schools flourish as the Word of God is taught and learned each and every day. The Word you share is powerful.
As we place our faith and trust in God, we can all be thankful that God holds us in the palm of His hand and gives us what He knows is best for us. So, when trials come, step back and know God’s plan is perfect. Stay in the WORD. Take care of yourself to be WELL. Use your words and life as a WITNESS. Live in that joy set before us. Out of great love, we know what Jesus did for us. God is faithful, especially as seen and received in Christ.
Remember each day – Christ loves you and holds you close.
Serving the Master Teacher,
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Lois Stewart
Mission Facilitator for Schools
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We lift up the LCMS Northern Illinois District, as preparations for made the upcoming District convention held March 7-8, 2025. At this convention, we will worship, learn and conduct the business of the NID.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2025 is the date set for the fall Back-to-School Worship service and keynote. Mark your calendars now, so you will be with us when we gather at St. Andrews in Park Ridge. Watch for more details in the future. | |
Save the Date
School Administrators, this is for you!! 😊 Mark your calendars for the third annual Illinois Lutheran School Administrator Conference (ILSAC), happening Monday, June 9, 2025 - Wednesday, June 11, 2025. Our host this year will be the Southern Illinois District. Watch for details in the near future. Here are pictures of the group from last summer. We learned a lot and had great worship and fellowship!
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SHINE! 2025
We are getting ready to celebrate our outreach to the community with SHINE! 2025. It is a joy and blessing that, as fellow believers, we have the opportunity to step out in service to our communities. What will your school, or classrooms, or groups, or families do this year to serve? There are so many ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The dates for SHINE! this spring will be April 4, 2025 - April 13, 2025. Watch for details.
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Parish Professionals
The Parish Professionals will gather for their next meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Our host will be Harry Grimes at Immanuel in Downers Grove (5211 Carpenter St, Downers Grove, IL 60515). We will continue our discussion on The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (pages 61-99). Take a look at this great group of DCEs! Plan to join us if you are a serving DCE.
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Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries
The maternity home ministry of Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries in East Dundee, IL ( wants to connect with Lutheran schools and congregations. They offer chapel and classroom presentations for all ages with a life-affirming Gospel message!
This new NID ministry offers a home, help, and hope to women in crisis pregnancies to support them as they carry their precious babies to term, and afterwards. Mission projects such as diaper drives or clothing collections are welcome ways to get your students involved in supporting God’s gift of life. For more information or to schedule a chapel, contact Julia Heinz, Director of Mission Advancement at
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Gathering at Concordia University Chicago
Monday, March 10, 2025 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., there is an opportunity to attend a presentation by Dr. Vigen Guroian. He will speak about the "Liturgical Rhythm of C.S. Lewis’s Prince Caspian." The presentation will be held in on the campus of Concordia University Chicago in the Christopher Center, room 200. Please see the flyer below for more information.
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Please Update
It is time for all LCMS Rostered Commissioned Ministers to update their Commissioned Ministered Information Form (CMIF). Please access the form at and use your password. The Education Office does not have your password, so if you do not have it, you will need to reset it. If you cannot remember your Worker Identification Number, please contact the Education Office (708-223-3110).
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Professional Development Credits
Concordia University Chicago is happy to provide your faculty and staff with professional development credit again this year as an ISBE Approved Provider. We will be utilizing the new ISBE Professional Development Tool, PD+.
Requests for Professional Development must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the Professional Development Activity. Information on our approval process can be found on our College of Education website:
Professional Development - College of Education - LibGuides at Concordia University Chicago (
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Concordia Center for Christian Education
The Center for Christian Education at Concordia University Chicago is excited to offer schools a FREE Professional Development Series during the Spring of 2025. Sign up today using this link: CUC Professional Development Series
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Early Childhood, Elementary and High School Administrators
The new school year brings so many opportunities to serve, learn, and grow together. We are blessed with conference opportunities where we come together as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
There are exciting things planned for our next Early Childhood gathering. The registration link has been sent out for the Saturday, February 22, 2025 gathering. Join us for "Super Scientist Saturday" at St. Peter, Schaumburg (202 E. Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60194), from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. See the flyer below for more details
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The flyer below has additional information for upcoming Early Childhood events. | |
The next Elementary and High School Leadership Conference date to get on your calendar is Monday, February 10, 2025. We will gather at 9:00 a.m. for coffee, tea, and fellowship. President Buss will share devotions at 9:15 a.m. Our presenters will be Rev. Matt Hoffman (St. Andrews, Park Ridge) and Rev. David Seabaugh (Immanuel, Elmhurst). Please make sure to print the parking pass below and display it in your front window. |
Their topics will cover family dynamics and the faith, apologetics, and assisting families in applying the faith. These might be great topics to bring your pastor or another staff member to join you in learning. You can register them here on the NID website.
The online registration link will stay active all school year. All registration will be done online. If you haven’t registered yet or plan to bring a guest, please do that on the website. Topics for the upcoming gatherings will be good for you to consider inviting a guest to join you. If you are using Title funds to cover the cost, please let me know (
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Hearts for Jesus
What a blessing to support a ministry with our Hearts for Jesus donations. Is this your February chapel offering focus as we support the building of the ne playground in Belize?
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Lutheran Education Association
The Lutheran Education Association continues to be a great partner in ministry. Watch for more details on upcoming events.
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Filled with living hope in Christ,
Confessing, Praising,
and Advancing His Kingdom
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For Information on LCEF contact Joe Willmann at 219-669-9683
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