NIEA Statement: House Passes the Esther Martinez Native American Languages Programs Reauthorization Act
December 9, 2019                                                                      Contact: 

Washington, DC  The National Indian Education Association (NIEA)'s President, Marita Hinds issued the following statement on the passage of the Esther Martinez Native American Languages Programs Reauthorization Act (S.256) in the House of Representatives:

"Native language preservation is central to advancing culturally responsive education. Our children thrive inside and outside of the classroom when learning their own language.This bill represents a milestone in expanding tribal sovereignty to develop and implement Native language immersion programs that serve the unique academic and cultural needs of Native students."

NIEA thanks Senator Udall and Representative Lujan for their leadership on Native language preservation, revitalization, and soverignty through S.256. By sending this critical piece of legislation to the President's desk, we honor the legacy of Tewa educator Esther Martinez, and our Native language educators across the country. 
About The National Indian Education Association (NIEA):
NIEA is the Nation's most inclusive advocacy organization advancing comprehensive culture-based educational opportunities for American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Formed by Native educators in 1969 to encourage a national discourse on education, NIEA adheres to the organization's founding principles- to convene educators to explore ways to improve schools and the educational systems serving Native children; to promote the maintenance and continued development of language and cultural programs; and to develop and implement strategies for influencing local, state, and federal policy and decision makers. For more information visit