March 21, 2023 Data Science Announcements | |
Have You Checked the Data Science Job Board?
New Postings Weekly!
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ODSS Celebrates Women's History Month
We are observing Women's History Month throughout March. This week, we are continuing our celebration by featuring women who are making substantial contributions to the field of data science early in their careers.
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Breaking Data Science News | |
National Cancer Institute (NCI) Offers Interview Tips for Data Scientists
The NCI Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology published Job Interview Questions for Cancer Data Scientists and How to Answer Them, a blog to help aspiring scientists through the interview process. Tips include how to respond to questions about hard skills, behavioral intelligence, and soft skills. This blog is a great read after you find a position of interest on the ODSS Data Science Job Board!
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National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Announces Diversity Focused Funding Opportunity
NIGMS announced a new notice of funding opportunity for the UNITE initiative. The Research With Activities Related to Diversity (ReWARD) program aims to enhance the breadth and geographical location of research and research-related activities supported by NIH. The program supports the health-related research of scientists who are making a significant contribution to diversity, equity, inclusion, & accessibility and who have no current NIH research project grant funding.
Due Date: June 6
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Bridge2AI Voice Data Generating Project to Host 2023 Voice AI Symposium
Are you interested in learning how your work can influence the field of Voice AI research to improve health? Do you have an exciting idea or current project to enhance voice research and application through the use of AI? At the inaugural VOICE2AI Symposium leading academic experts and industry partners will come together to inform the future of Voice AI.
This symposium features four poster tracks where you can feature your work:
- How will voice biomarkers help patient outcomes and access to care?
- What is a current technological and/or methodological barrier to implementing voice AI in clinical practice that can be reasonably overcome?
- How can we build trust and transparency in voice AI, ensuring that it is used in responsible and effective ways to improve health outcomes and transform healthcare?
- What is the role of different groups in building trust (developers, researchers, industry, communities, implementers, etc.)?
Poster Abstract Submissions Due: March 22
Event Date: April 19
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Two New Data Science Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs) Published | |
Administrative Supplements to Support Collaborations to Improve the AI/ML-Readiness of NIH-Supported Data
The Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Support Collaborations to Improve the AI/ML-Readiness of NIH-Supported Data (NOT-OD-23-082) was recently published to support active grants which are intended to support collaborations that bring together expertise in biomedicine, data management, and artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to make NIH-supported data useful and usable for AI/ML analytics.
Due Date: May 16
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Administrative Supplements to Enhance Software Tools for Open Science
The Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Enhance Software Tools for Open Science (NOT-OD-23-073) was recently published to support active awards that have a significant software development component or key role in maintaining software tools of recognized value in biomedical and behavioral research. The goal of these supplements is to enhance the sustainability and impact of research software tools by enabling the use of best practices and design principles in software development and leverage advances in computing in a modern data ecosystem.
Due Date: May 9
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April Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar Announced
Valerie Schneider Ph.D. will present "The NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR): A new ecosystem facilitating reliable comparative genomics" at the April 14 NIH Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar. Dr. Schneider will introduce the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource (CGR), an NIH-funded, multi-year National Library of Medicine project to establish an ecosystem to facilitate reliable comparative genomics analyses for all eukaryotic organisms in collaboration with the genomics community. The project’s vision is to maximize the biomedical impact of eukaryotic research organisms and their genomic data resources to meet emerging research needs for human health. To achieve this, the National Center for Biotechnology Information is providing high-value data and assorted tools compatible with community-provided resources.
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National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence Releases Cybersecurity of Genomic Data Draft National Institute of Standards and Technology Internal Report for Public Comment
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This report describes current practices in risk management, cybersecurity, and privacy management for protecting genomic data, as well as the associated challenges and concerns. It identifies gaps in protection practices across the genomic data lifecycle and proposes solutions to address real-life use cases occurring at various stages of the genomic data lifecycle. This report also is intended to provide areas for regulatory/policy enactment or further research.
The public comment period is open now through April 3, 2023.
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National Cancer Institute Announces Cancer AI Research Workshop
The application of AI to cancer research holds promise to accelerate new discoveries, enable early detection, improve diagnosis, and spur development of new therapies for cancer. Machine learning and other forms of AI have made a significant impact in some areas of cancer research, but the full promise of data-driven approaches has been elusive. While there are important ongoing efforts to collect and produce large, well-annotated datasets to support the training of robust deep learning models, the heterogeneity and complexity of cancer, along with privacy and bias concerns, continues to limit the application of AI methods to many critical areas of cancer research. There is a need for foundational advances in machine learning that can operate on incomplete, noisy, unbalanced and/or biased data across the cancer research continuum.
This workshop is open, but registration is required.
Event Date: April 3-4
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INCLUDE Data Coordinating Center to Host
2023 Data Science For Diverse Scholars In Down Syndrome Research
This immersive summer course in data science provides training in the basics of generation, identification, and collection of high content multidimensional datasets; their management, analysis, and visualization; as well as the development of key professional skills required for the career advancement of diverse trainees.
Priority will be given to applications from underrepresented populations as defined by the NIH in NOT-OD-20-031, but all interested trainees are encouraged to apply.
Applications Due April 2
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US Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE) Hosts NIH Leaders for Funders Talk
Dr. Susan Gregurick (ODSS), Ishwar Chandramouliswaran (ODSS), Dr. Lori Scott-Sheldon (Office of AIDS Research, NIMH), and Dr. Heidi Sofia (NHGRI) will participate in an upcoming US-RSE Funders Talk. Attendees will be able to learn about upcoming opportunities and have conversations with presenters.
Event Date: April 3
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NIAID to Publish Funding Opportunity Announcement for Bioinformatics Resource Centers (BRCs) for Infectious Diseases | |
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) intents to solicit applications for NIAID BRCs for Infectious Diseases to provide knowledgebases and bioinformatics services to the infectious disease community. The BRC Program accommodates genomic and multi-omic data and tools for viruses, bacteria and eukaryotic pathogens, vectors, host-interactions, and microbiomes. | |
2022 DataWorks! Prize Winners to Participate in Symposium
The winners of the 2022 DataWorks! Prizes participate in a symposium April 25-26, 2023 to share best practices in data sharing and reuse and celebrate their achievements.
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New Under the Poliscope Blog Posted
Advancing the Promise of Open Science: We Want to Hear from You!
Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan (Director, National Library of Medicine); Dr. Nina Schor (NIH Deputy Director for Intramural Research); Dr. Susan Gregurick (NIH Associate Director for Data Science); and Dr. Michael Lauer (NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research) co-authored a new blog to discuss the importance of open science and request public review and feedback on the just-released NIH Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research. Comments close April 24.
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New Research Opportunity Announcement (ROA): All of Us Center for Linkage and Acquisition of Data (CLAD)
NIH recently release a ROA to solicit and review proposals, evaluate potential partners, and fund the future All of Us Center for Linkage and Acquisition of Data (CLAD). The intent of CLAD is to expand the type and research utility of program data by acquiring new passive data streams and providing additional methods to acquire data for existing data streams, such as electronic health records (EHRs).
Applications Due 3 p.m. ET April 17
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Open Request for Information (RFI):
NCI Seeks Feedback on Data Sharing Processes
NCI’s Office of Data Sharing has published Request for Information (RFI) on Existing Data Sharing Processes for NIH-Funded Research to collect details on how data are managed and shared across the cancer research data landscape. The information collected may facilitate the development of guidance on effective data sharing and management.
Through this RFI, NCI hopes to learn more about:
- processes used for storing, preserving, and sharing data,
- types of data being collected,
- standards being used to curate metadata to facilitate data reuse and analysis.
Anyone working with cancer data is invited to respond, including: researchers in the public and private sectors; data scientists involved in curating, formatting, and analyzing data; as well as research support staff in administration, library data specialists, information technology, IT security, institutional review boards, and more
Due Date: April 3
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Open Notice Of Special Interest (NOSI):
Administrative Supplements to Support the Exploration of Cloud in NIH-Supported Research
This NOSI works to encourage and enable researchers to explore and test opportunities to enhance their research projects by incorporating cloud capabilities. Projects already using cloud may apply to explore and test cloud capabilities not yet leveraged. Projects supported through this NOSI should result in improved understanding of how to best use cloud resources. Specifically, this opportunity is to support proof-of-concept explorations, measurements, or other tests of the suitability and feasibility of using cloud resources to enhance NIH-supported research projects.
Applications Due April 11
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Open Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) for RADx Data Hub:
Advance Data Science Approaches Through Secondary Data Analysis to Reveal Scientific Insights of COVID-19 Testing Technologies
NIH has an open NOSI to support the use of the RADx Data Hub!
The RADx Initiative is driving some of the nation’s most creative biomedical innovation by rapidly developing diverse COVID-19 testing technologies to national demands, with a focus on strategies for making testing broadly available, particularly to diverse, vulnerable, and underserved populations. The RADx Data Hub, is a centralized data repository for researchers to access datasets and analytic tools to the RADx program components.
The NOSI works to address questions and advance scientific inquiry related to SARS-CoV-2 through the existing data resources in the RADx DataHub, including and in conjunction with other data resources. The NOSI is designed to stimulate data science approaches by catalyzing the scientific value and revealing scientific insights through secondary analysis of existing data collected from the RADx programs.
First available due date: February 16
Expiration Date: May 31
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NOSI: Optimization of Data Storage and Utilization for the Sequence Read Archive | |
Raw DNA and RNA sequence data in the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) is used broadly and is growing exponentially. This NOSI seeks to attract projects that aim to develop strategies to reduce SRA storage costs and improve efficiency of the use of data in it.
Due dates are ongoing!
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FOA: NIDDK Information Network Coordinating Unit: dkNET-CU
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases issued a funding opportunity announcement to continue development & expansion of the NIDDK Information Network (dkNET), which provides a portal connecting users to data, analytical tools, & other biomedical research resources.
Applications Close April 1
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Funding Opportunity Announcement: Accelerating Data and Metadata Standards in the Environmental Health Sciences
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has issued a new funding opportunity announcement to support resource projects that advance community-driven data and metadata standards development and implementation efforts in environmental health.
Applications Due May 10
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Office of Data Science Strategy,
National Institutes of Health
Realizing an integrated biomedical data ecosystem
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