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Network News
Welcome video from the NIDCR Director added to the network's website

We are very grateful to the Director of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Dr. Rena D'Souza, for developing a video to welcome visitors to the front page of the network's website. View welcome...

The COVID-19 REsearch (CORE) Registry study consists of two surveys conducted during Jan-Feb, 2021 (Survey 1) and June-July, 2021 (Survey 2). The purpose of the study is to obtain information from dental practitioners regarding recommended approaches and costs to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission risks, and to assess practitioners’ comfort levels with these approaches. Read more...

The video of the webinar is available at the following CoRE Webinar..
COVID-19 Webinar Summary

On May 21, 2021 the network hosted a 1-hour virtual webinar to discuss findings from the six COVID-19 studies that are currently being done through the network. Each of the Principal Investigators gave brief video presentations about early findings from their studies.

These presentations were followed by a panel discussion. The panel comprised representatives from the network’s Practitioner Executive Committee, regional Practitioner Advisory Committees, the Administrative & Resources Center, the National Coordinating Center, and the study Principal Investigators. During the panel discussion, the Principal Investigators shared their collective experiences about their studies and dealing with COVID-19 and discussed challenges to conducting these studies. Study investigators shared their perspectives on what the “new normal” in the practice of dentistry might be, while the practitioner representatives discussed how this COVID-19 research might impact their everyday clinical care.

The video of the webinar is available at the following COVID-19 Webinar

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Sath Allareddy, Director of the network’s Specialty Node.
Quick Poll Results

Clear aligner therapy to address malocclusions has gained tremendous popularity among both patients and dentists in the last decade. The network conducted a Quick Poll on the usage patterns of clear aligner therapy by practitioners to understand the adoption and utility of this technology. Read more...

Dental sleep medicine is the field of dentistry that focuses on the use of oral appliance therapy to manage sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).1 OSA, commonly described as a cessation of breathing during sleep as a result of airway collapse, is a public health concern as it has potentially severe consequences if left untreated. Severe OSA increases one’s risk of developing hypertension, heart attacks, or strokes, as well as motor vehicle accidents.2 Continuous positive airway pressure is the treatment gold standard although the FDA has approved the use of oral appliances for mild to moderate cases, and this is where the dental sleep medicine practice plays a role.3 Read more....