NIHB Announces Additional Climate and Health Opportunities and Resources
Climate Ready Tribes Initiative

For several years, the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) has hosted the Climate Ready Tribes (CRT) initiative, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As part of this project, NIHB has provided funding and support to three Tribes conducting local climate and health work, offered a climate change and environmental health track at NIHB's annual Tribal Public Health Summit, hosted webinars, shared information and resources related to Tribal climate health, and highlighted Tribal champions - among other activities.

NIHB is pleased to announce that this work will be continuing for a new round of activities. NIHB has shared information about several of these activities and other resources below.

Climate and Health Learning Community

Do you work on Tribal climate health? Is climate change important for your Tribe? NIHB will host a learning community which will offer resources and activities for learning, networking, and information sharing related to Tribal climate health. Activities may include webinars and an optional in-person event at NIHB's Tribal Public Health Summit. NIHB will offer a certificate to each learning community member who attends at least two of the community calls or webinars. 

Share Your Expertise or Climate Health Work

NIHB loves spotlighting Tribal champions! If your Tribe has conducted, or is currently working on, climate and health activities of any type, NIHB would love to hear from you. NIHB is currently looking for Tribes to spotlight in articles and webinars. Sharing your information lifts up your work as an example and also allows other Tribes to learn from you.

You can view an example of a previous spotlight article here, highlighting the Village of Wainwright and their work in Arctic Alaska. You can also view an example of a webinar spotlighting Swinomish Indian Tribal Community and their indigenous health indicator work in Washington state. View the slides here and the recording here. (Note that some webinars may have multiple presenters and therefore require less from each speaker.)

If you are interested in sharing your work or expertise on a webinar or a spotlight article, email Angelica Al Janabi at

Resources Available

NIHB recently updated the Climate Ready Tribes resources webpage. Check out available resources - NIHB and external - here.

Additionally, view some recently released articles and reports here:

Looking Forward to Future Activities

NIHB is looking forward to several other future activities for the CRT initiative. These activities include:

  • A climate and environmental health track at this years National Tribal Public Health Summit
  • Save the date! This year's Summit will be held May 13-15, 2019 in Albuquerque, NM

  • Offering waived conference fees and $1500 scholarships to support travel for up to 5 presenters on the climate and environmental health track
  • NIHB will release a call for abstracts soon

  • Funding up to six Tribes to conduct local climate and health work
  • Applications are due November 28, 2018
  • NIHB will share information about, and resources from, these Tribes

  • Providing additional resources and informational articles
  • If you're not already on NIHB's climate mailing list, sign up here
  • You may also want to sign up for the Public Health Broadcast here

If you have any questions about the Climate Ready Tribes Initiative at NIHB, contact Angelica Al Janabi at or 202-507-4074