NIHCA NEWS: January 2023
Happy Holidays from NIHCA

Holiday hours: NIHCA offices will be closed to observe the New Years holiday on Friday, December 30 and will re-open to be at your service on Jan 2, 2023
NIHCA Offers 15 Reimbursement Programs
Happy New year and HELLLOOO 2023! As we welcome a new year, we are thankful for our 15 fitness reimbursement programs that NIHCA can offer you and your members.

Please review and print out the Partner Pages for your next staff meeting and to hang up at your front desk. Remember, it’s time to re-gain some old and new members, so promote the reimbursement programs to all your prospects.

Prime Health is a group of employees and spouses that currently have PreferredOne insurance. However, as of 1/1/2023, these Prime Health people will be eligible for their own, exclusive program managed by NIHCA. The program is identical in that 12 workouts per month will reimburse up to $20 p/mo. 
Customer Service Quote of the Month:

Make a customer, not a sale.
~ Katherine Barchetti
    NIHCArewards Reminder:
BCBSND & Sanford Health

There are TWO programs that require eligible members to complete an annual authorization each year BEFORE they can continue receiving the incentives thru NIHCArewards. 

BCBSND members must go log in ONLINE and complete their annual Authorization through WebMd:

Also, Sanford Health requires their Retirees (BCBSND PERS) to complete a Health Risk Assessment (HRA)as well:
Winner of the 2022 NIHCA Scholarship
Alex Bauman

Majoring in Sports Management at the U of M Morris, MN
Congratulations Alex in all your future endeavors!
National Independent Health Club Association
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