October 2017
National Institute of Mental Health
Monthly Update
MAMH is proud to partner with the National Institute of Mental Health to disseminate knowledge about science-based mental health each month. With each update, we offer the emerging research, important dates and publications to be aware of, and opportunities to get involved in research.
Emerging Research and Updates
  • NIMH has released their Strategic Priorities Update. Read about it here.
  • NIH will fund 12 new Centers of Excellence on Minority Health and Health Disparities. These specialized research centers will conduct multidisciplinary research, research training, and community engagement activities focused on improving minority health and reducing health disparities. They will also fund 7 new awards to support the Research Centers in Minority Institutions Specialized Centers program. This program is designed to support institutional research capacity and foster the career development of new and early career investigators conducting minority health and health disparities research.
  • In a new report from the CDC, data showed that rural counties in the U.S. consistently had higher suicide rates than metropolitan counties from 2001-2015. Additional findings from the report include: suicide rates for males were four or five times higher than for females, suicide rates for Black, non-Hispanic individuals in rural areas were consistently lower than suicide rates for Black, non-Hispanic individuals in urban areas, and White non-Hispanic individuals have the highest suicide rates in metropolitan counties while American Indian/Alaska Native, non-Hispanic individuals have the highest rates in rural counties. Read more here.
  • The DOJ announced over $130 million in grants to combat violence against women, improve public safety, serve victims of crime, and support youth programs in American Indian and Alaska Native communities.
  • In a paper authored by scientists from NIDA, SAMHSA, and NIMH, findings showed that fewer than 10 percent of adults with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders receive treatment for both disorders, and more than 50 percent do not receive treatment for either disorder.
  • New research conducted by NIDA and Columbia University suggests that marijuana users may be more likely than nonusers to misuse prescription opioids and develop opioid use disorder.
Publications, New Resources, and Upcoming Events
  • In a message following up on National Suicide Prevention Month, NIMH Director Dr. Joshua Gordon outlines recent research results as well as future directions in the area of suicide prevention research.
  • In a blog post, NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins describes the mapping of the biocircuitry of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
  • In a timely issue of The Dialogue from SAMHSA's Disaster Technical Assistance Center, stories of responses to mass violence in communities across the U.S. are featured. It focuses on lessons learned from these events and includes information that may be helpful in behavioral health planning efforts.
  • The Drugs and Health Blog this month includes a post that highlights where to find help for those at risk for depression, anxiety, and drug-related problems following a disaster and a post that describes the role shame can play in addiction and tips on seeking help.
  • New from the Real Warriors Campaign, a campaign whose goal is to encourage help-seeking behavior among service members, veterans and military families coping with invisible wounds, is Four Tips for Successfully Managing Chronic Pain. Chronic pain can be from a combat injury, a tough job, or even hard training, this article offers four tips to help manage pain and pain's effects on overall quality of life.
  • October 26-27 in Washington, D.C. is the National Conference on Alcohol and Opioid Use in Women and Girls: Advances in Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery. This conference seeks to disseminate findings from the latest research on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of alcohol and other substance misuse among girls and women. This conference is sponsored by the NIAAA, NIDA, NIH, and SAMHSA. It is free and open to the public. More info here.
Get Involved
  • The DHHS is seeking comments on the draft Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2018-2022 through October 26, 2017. The draft is provided as part of the strategic planning process under the 2010 Government Performance and Results Modernization Act to ensure that Agency stakeholders are given an opportunity to comment on this plan. More information here.
  • NIMH is funding a study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the oral drug AV-101 versus placebo. The study aims to determine if this experimental drug has antidepressant effects and fewer side effects than other novel treatments for depression. They are enrolling moderately depressed individuals between the ages of 18-65 with hard-to-treat major depressive disorder. To find out if you qualify, email [email protected] or call 1-877-646-3644 [TTY:1-866-411-1010]
  • To learn more about clinical trials near you, visit the this website.
October Spotlights
There are several awareness campaigns happening this month. Please join us in spreading awareness on these issues:
  • Depression Awareness Month: Join our partner Screening for Mental Health in educating individuals about depression and encouraging individuals to take a screening.
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Numerous ways exist to enhance violence prevention initiatives in your community, get involved by educating yourself and others. And join the CDC and others by helping your community to prioritize efforts. Read the technical assistance package here.
  • National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month: One in five teenagers report being bullied--but there is a lot we can do to prevent it. This month help the National Bullying Prevention Center spread the word.
  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month: This year's awareness month theme is "Inclusion Drives Innovation." The month celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents. Learn more here.
MAMH | 617-742-7452 | [email protected] | mamh.org