NIRI Twin Cities kicked off the 2021-2022 season in September with its first social event at a Minnesota Twins Game! It was great fun to get together in-person and see both familiar and new faces.
Members who attended the event represented several Twin Cities area businesses including General Mills, Xcel Energy, Polaris, Vireo Health, Apogee, Cardiovascular Systems and Bridgewater Bank. Additional members and valued sponsors who joined included representatives from the NYSE, Broadridge, Morrow Sodali LLC, ModernIR and e2 Advisors.
"...our focus is to provide professional development & networking opportunities through high-quality programs covering current trends and issues related to the world of Investor Relations"
Tim Sedabres, President of the NIRI Twin Cities Chapter
We will be announcing our November Program soon! If you have ideas for programs or networking opportunities, please reach out to any one of our board members, or email
Our Featured Sponsor
Corbin Advisors is a strategic consultancy accelerating value realization globally. We engage deeply with our clients to assess, architect, activate, and accelerate value realization, delivering research-based insights and execution excellence. Our comprehensive services include perception studies, investor days, ESG, specialized research, and retainer and event-driven consulting. Contact Adam Dahl at or 773.301.0727 to learn more.
We appreciate the support of all our generous sponsors!
About the NIRI Twin Cities Chapter
Founded in 1969, NIRI is the professional association of corporate officers and investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities analysts and other financial community constituents. The NIRI Twin Cities Chapter has about 50 members. Please visit our website ( to learn more.