A. Superintendent's Report
Superintendent Sandra Dowdy mentioned:
During the first full week of December, NISD students took part in the nationwide Computer Science Week by holding "Hour of Code" events. It was the first step in introducing young students to the world of computer coding, the details behind the details responsible for everything a computer does, or for that matter, the latest coffee makers not to mention the cars parked outside. Elizabeth Hutchison, an SFA instructor, and several of her students visited Raguet Elementary during the week.
* NISD held a reception this month to recognize fall student teachers and interns in the district. Director of Human Resources Jamie Derrick and the HR department organized the reception, which allowed campus principals to meet SFA students that have already spent time with the district.
Students at three NISD schools - Carpenter, Thomas J. Rusk and Fredonia - are tending their gardens this year, raising vegetables while getting some hands-on experience. This is a wonderful program that includes collaboration from a number of parties. The effort receives assistance and aid from Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Services as well as Stephen F. Austin State University along with volunteers such as Jim and Kerry Lemon, who first started the gardening project at TJR.
* And as a reminder, Thursday, Dec. 21, is early release for the district, with campuses letting classes out beginning at noon. Christmas break begins Friday and will last through the first week of January. Students and teachers will return to school on Monday, Jan. 8.
* Absences are up in the district because of illness, and that the district is monitoring closely.
* Review of policies coming later in the meeting regarding campus charters related to option provided by TEA for NISD's fifth-year IR campuses.
B. Showcase: Raguet Elementary School
Principal Julia Wells and reading and math interventionist Jessica Allen presented strategies used at the campus to improve students' reading comprehension.
C. IR Campus Update
Goal 3
1. Emeline Carpenter Elementary principal Lola Moore presented a report on progress and programs at the campus.
2. Fredonia Elementary principal Melinda Wiebold presented a report on progress and programs at the campus.
D. Assistant Superintendent Grey Burton presented a report on the impact of providing transportation for regular eligible students only.
E. Board member continuing education status was presented by Board President Rev. James Ervin.