December 19, 2017
1. Call to order
2. Executive/closed session
Board entered closed session at 5:01 p.m.
Board returned to open session at 6:02 p.m.

Board took no action following the closed session.
3. Return to open session
A. Invocation - provided by trustee Steve Green.

B. Pledge of allegiance led by students from Brooks-Quinn-Jones Elementary.
4. Public hearing
A. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) Report 2016-17 Ratings based on school year 2015-16 Data presented by Lisa Barbarick.

1. Presentation of report
2. Public/board comments: Michele Peck asked questions regarding district administrative expenses, the measure of current assets to current liabilities ratio, district transactions for trustee-incurred expenses, and value of gifts for board of trustees members.
5. Recognition
A. Barrio Writers from NHS and McMichael Middle School

Four Nacogdoches ISD students - three from the high school and one from McMichael Middle School - had pieces selected to be published in The Acentos Review - a quarterly literary and arts journal. This particular issue was dedicated to showcasing the work of Barrio Writers across all the chapters of this program.

Barrio Writers is a creative writing program which provides free college level writing workshops and offers participants the opportunity to build skills in reading, grammar, creative writing, critical thinking, freedom of expression through cultural arts and publication in the annual Barrio Writers anthology.

This is also another example of collaboration between Nacogdoches ISD and Stephen F. Austin State University, which oversees the Barrio Writers program here.

Students honored (shown above, from left): ZaKhia Davis and Cameron Daniels from Nacogdoches High School and Noble Peck from McMichael Middle School. Also shown is Dr. Lauren Burrow from Stephen F. Austin State University.

6. Information items and reports
A. Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Sandra Dowdy mentioned: 
* During the first full week of December, NISD students took part in the nationwide Computer Science Week by holding "Hour of Code" events. It was the first step in introducing young students to the world of computer coding, the details behind the details responsible for everything a computer does, or for that matter, the latest coffee makers not to mention the cars parked outside. Elizabeth Hutchison, an SFA instructor, and several of her students visited Raguet Elementary during the week.

NISD held a reception this month to recognize fall student teachers and interns in the district. Director of Human Resources Jamie Derrick and the HR department organized the reception, which allowed campus principals to meet SFA students that have already spent time with the district.

Students at three NISD schools - Carpenter, Thomas J. Rusk and Fredonia - are tending their gardens this year, raising vegetables while getting some hands-on experience. This is a wonderful program that includes collaboration from a number of parties. The effort receives assistance and aid from Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Services as well as Stephen F. Austin State University along with volunteers such as Jim and Kerry Lemon, who first started the gardening project at TJR.

* And as a reminder, Thursday, Dec. 21, is early release for the district, with campuses letting classes out beginning at noon. Christmas break begins Friday and will last through the first week of January. Students and teachers will return to school on Monday, Jan. 8.

* Absences are up in the district because of illness, and that the district is monitoring closely.

* Review of policies coming later in the meeting regarding campus charters related to option provided by TEA for NISD's fifth-year IR campuses.

B. Showcase: Raguet Elementary School
Principal Julia Wells and reading and math interventionist Jessica Allen presented strategies used at the campus to improve students' reading comprehension.

C. IR Campus Update
Goal 3

1. Emeline Carpenter Elementary principal Lola Moore presented a report on progress and programs at the campus. 

2. Fredonia Elementary principal Melinda Wiebold presented a report on progress and programs at the campus.

D. Assistant Superintendent Grey Burton presented a report on the impact of providing transportation for regular eligible students only.

E. Board member continuing education status was presented by Board President Rev. James Ervin.

7. Public Comment
* Michele Peck addressed the board over concerns about gifts received by board members and changing of grades for students in NISD.

* Zair Margarita Valdez addressed the board, with Evelyn Saucedo translating. Ms. Valdez was expressing support for the Nettie Marshall Academy of Dual Language principal.

* Olga Bonilla addressed the board, with Evelyn Saucedo translating. Ms. Bonilla was expressing support for the Nettie Marshall Academy of Dual Language principal.

* Giecia Barajas addressed the board, with Evelyn Saucedo translating. Ms. Barajas was expressing support for the Nettie Marshall Academy of Dual Language principal.
8. Consent agenda
Unless removed from the Consent Agenda, the Board will take action on items identified under the Consent Agenda at one time. Board member Pam Fitch requested to remove Item D about classroom waivers.

A. Board meeting minutes: Nov. 16, 2017 regular meeting; Nov. 30, 2017 special meeting.

B. Business office reports - presented by Lisa Barbarick.
1. Budget amendments
2. Donations
3. Investment reports

C. Purchases of $25,000 or more
1. Power School Inc. - presented by Jason Wiggins.
2. MSB - SHARS - presented by Kayla Hughes

The board unanimously approved Items A, B and C on the consent agenda.

D. Submission of class-size waivers to TEA for Nettie Marshall Academy of Dual Language and Raguet Elementary School - presented by Superintendent Dowdy. Trustee G.W. Neal made a motion to approve the waiver, which was seconded by Trustee Steve Green. Trustees G.W. Neal, Steve Green, Farshid Niroumand, Russell Smith and Rev. James Ervin voted for the submission. Trustees Pam Fitch and James Montoya voted against.
9. Action agenda
A. Consideration of and board action on personnel items - presented by Michael Martin
1. Employment of professional personnel adopted unanimously by trustees

B. Consideration of and board action on TASB Update 109 with an additional revision to FFI Local, Freedom From Bullying, adopted unanimously by trustees on First Reading.

C. First reading of revised local policy on Special Education - Video/Audio Monitoring adopted unanimously by trustees.

D. Review of Proposed Commissioner Rule 19 TAC 97.1075 and EL (LEGAL) AND EL (LOCAL): Campus Charters - presented by Superintendent Dowdy.

Board entered closed session at 9 p.m. Board re-entered open session at 9:32 p.m.
10. Adjourn
The board voted unanimously at 9:32 p.m. to adjourn 
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