New Jersey State Council on the Arts Now Seeking Grant Panelists

Interested in serving on a New Jersey State Council on the Arts Grant Panel?

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is looking for grant review panelists for its Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) grant program opportunities, including: General Operating Support; General Program Support; Projects Serving Artists; and Folk & Traditional Arts Project.

These FY25 grants will be awarded through a review process conducted by panels of grant evaluators. Panelists review and evaluate grant proposals based on the evaluation criteria and rubric detailed in the grant guidelines. These outcomes are used by the State Arts Council to inform its grant awards. 

Panels are comprised of a diverse group of experts and individuals with broad knowledge in the arts sector. Eligible panelists are unaffiliated with those submitting applications, and who do not work or reside in New Jersey. Examples of panelists include: arts administrators; arts workers; nonprofit specialists; artists; and teaching artists working in a wide variety of arts related fields.  

In preparation for the panel meetings, grant panelists attend an orientation meeting and receive training materials. Panelists receive a stipend in recognition of the time contributed to this process.  

Individuals who are interested in serving as a grant panelist for the State Arts Council are invited to complete the Grant Panelist Interest Form.

All interested individuals will have their information stored by the State Arts Council, which will not be shared with third parties. Submission of the form does not guarantee placement on the panel.  


Questions? Please contact Tammy Herman, Director of Grants & Strategies: | 609-292-4435

Grant Panelist Interest Form

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The New Jersey State Council on the Arts, created in 1966, is a division of the NJ Department of State and a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts. The Council was established to encourage and foster public interest in the arts; enlarge public and private resources devoted to the arts; promote freedom of expression in the arts; and facilitate the inclusion of art in every public building in New Jersey. The Council believes the arts are central to every element we value most in a modern society including: human understanding; cultural and civic pride; strong communities; excellent schools; lifelong learning; creative expression; and economic opportunity.

To learn more about the Council, please visit  

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