Keep reading for the latest news from NJACP keeping providers of services and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities up to date!
NJACP E-News March 8, 2022
Preview of Articles
  • DDD Update: !! IMPORTANT !! Executive Order 290 Updates Timelines of COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Staff in High Risk Congregate Settings for People with I/DD and TBI
  • Message from DHS Regarding 1115 Waiver
  • Highlights of Murphy's proposed $48.9B budget
  • The IDD Community and the FY 2023 Budget
  • NJ's Budget and Big Federal Funds; ARPA and Infrastructure Act
  • Tank Near Empty? How To Find Low Gas Prices
  • From NJACP Strategic Partner, DCM Associates, Identifying Opportunities for New Leadership Within Your Own Organization
  • Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2022: World Imagined
  • People With Disabilities Segregated In Nursing Homes in CO, Justice Department Alleges
  • WHO Spurs Backlash After Calling Down Syndrome A Birth Defect
  • CMS Issues New Guidance Related to Medicaid Eligibility Upon Termination of the Public Health Emergency
  • Medicaid Beneficiaries will be re-evaluated for eligibility at end of federal PHE
  • CMS Releases New Medicaid Enrollment Data
  • New Jersey Association of Community Providers Workshop: Ensuring an Effective Investigation of Serious Incidents 
  • Special Olympics Calls Off World Winter Games In Russia
  • New Jersey Society of CPAs Warns of Potential Charity Fraud Associated with the Ukraine Crisis
  • New Jersey bill intended to punish Russia heads to Murphy's desk
  • Biden Bans Import of Russian Oil, Warns of ‘Putin Price Hike’ at Pump
  • NJCDD Reminder of Notice of Funding Opportunities Still Available
  • State Could Strip Professional Licenses for Bias or Harassment Under Proposed New Rules
  • COVID 19 Updates/State - Gov final COVID Press Briefing/National/International
  • Murphy lifted public health emergency on Monday
  • More Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests: How To Get Yours In NJ
  • Living with COVID: A recap of two years of the coronavirus in NJ
  • Reminder: Follow Up from NJACP Regional Meeting: Link to find your county in the CDC's new masking guidance
  • COVID 19 Employment Impact NJ/States
  • Disability Advocates Want CDC To Reinstate Indoor Mask Guidelines
  • How To Get NJ COVID-19 Vaccination Card Online
  • Get the Facts COVID 19 Testing Protects the Community
  • NJ Drivers Must Now Change Lanes When Passing Bicyclists And Walkers, If Safe
  • IRS Clarifies Employer Guidance on Paid Sick & Family Leave Tax Credits
  • Articles of Interest
  • Positions Available MORE new positions available
NJACP Strategic Partners
NJACP Meeting Information
All meetings are virtual due to COVID-19 concerns. As always, please check your email for a meeting notice containing a Zoom link. If you need zoom coordinate information, please contact Tori Villafana at

  • 3/9 Support Coordination 1pm
  • 3/23 Monthly Membership Meeting 10am
  • 3/30 Legislative and Policy 10am

DDD Update
!! IMPORTANT !! Executive Order 290 Updates Timelines of COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Staff in High Risk Congregate Settings for People with I/DD and TBI
On March 2, 2022, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 290, which updates and clarifies timeframes for requiring covered workers at health care facilities and high-risk congregate settings to be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations, including having received a booster shot. This impacts many settings, including but not limited to: licensed community residences for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) (e.g., group homes and supervised apartments); certified day programs for individuals with I/DD and TBI; and Support Coordination Agencies. 
All covered workers employed in high risk congregate settings must now submit proof that they are up to date with their vaccination by May 11, 2022, including any booster for which they are eligible. Workers who become newly eligible for a booster shot after the May 11, 2022 deadline will be required to submit proof of their booster shot within three weeks of becoming eligible. The previous date was March 30, 2022.
Executive Order No. 290 also requires a covered setting to take the first step toward bringing a noncompliant covered worker into compliance as part of the disciplinary policy required by Executive Order No. 283 (2022) within two weeks of the May 11, 2022 deadline.
Please review Executive Order No. 290 for full detail.
Message from DHS Regarding 1115 Waiver
Dear friends of the NJ FamilyCare Medicaid community,
We are happy to share the NJ FamilyCare Comprehensive Demonstration Renewal proposal as submitted to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on February 28, 2022. This demonstration, authorized under Section 1115 of the Social Security Act, governs the operations of significant components of New Jersey’s Medicaid program and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This demonstration is currently in its second five-year performance period, which is scheduled to expire on June 30, 2022.
We received over 120 public comments on our initial draft proposal, and have made numerous changes and clarifications to our final proposal in response. A detailed summary of public comments and our responses begins on page 73 of the renewal proposal.
The renewal proposal is currently being reviewed for completeness by CMS and it will subsequently be posted on At that time, the proposal will be open for a 30 day federal comment period. Stakeholders should submit any subsequent comments on the proposal through the federal comment process.
You can also find all of the renewal proposal documents on the DMAHS web site.
Thank you,
The New Jersey Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
Highlights of Murphy's proposed $48.9B budget
Governor Phil Murphy on March 8 presented his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2023 to Joint Session of the state Legislature. While last the two year's focused on the pandemic, this budget does not and instead focuses on property tax reduction and making New Jersey more affordable without tax increases and with increased property tax relief. Here are the highlights:
— The proposed budget totals $48.9 billion, up from $46.4 billion last year.
— Revenues are $4.6 billion ahead of initial expectations for FY 2022, thanks to a variety of factors, including wage growth, a strong stock market and federal assistance boosting resident’s disposable income.
— Murphy is renaming and expanding the Homestead Rebate Program, now called the ANCHOR Property Tax Relief Program. The program is expected to cost nearly $900 million and will provide rebates to up to 1.8 million New Jerseyans.
— The state will continue on year five of the planned seven-year redistribution of school aid. Overall, the budget includes $650 million in new education aid.
— Murphy's spending plan does not include any new taxes or fees. He is instead waiving several fees for one year.
— The spending plan makes a second full payment into the state’s pension system, totaling $6.82 billion.
— The budget includes a $4.2 billion surplus which is nearly twice the size of last year's surplus, but still below what states are recommended to set aside as a cushion.
$1.3 billion is set aside for debt relief.
For more detail on each category in the budget click here.
Governor Murphy's Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address can be read here and the Budget-in-Brief can be downloaded here. 
Press coverage:
The next part of the budget process will be public hearings on the FY2023 budget. NJACP will inform members when hearings are scheduled.
For information about the budget process itself, click here.
The IDD Community and the FY 2023 Budget
NJACP will have more specific detail regarding the budget after a Department of Human Services (DHS) call scheduled for tomorrow for those invited to attend. Currently the Budget in Brief is available, and announces a DSP wage increase. More info to come but please see the relevant budget items below from the FY2023 Budget in Brief.
  • Comments on Services for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
The Murphy Administration’s vision for equity and inclusion drives efforts to elevate the lives of individuals with disabilities, improve access to services, and strengthen the workforce serving persons with disabilities. Over the last year, the Department of Human Services continued to serve over 24,000 individuals with developmental disabilities, provided $347 million in additional pandemic-related relief funding to providers, and supported the safe reopening of in-person day and employment programs for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • DSP Wages
The Governor’s budget includes $31.3 million more for Direct Support Professionals and $10.4 million to address wage compression among supervisors, continuing the Governor’s record investments in the first term to ensure that workers enter and remain in this important profession. This year the Governor also signed legislation (P.L.2021, c.421) to establish the Direct Support Professional Career Development Program.
The budget also includes $8.2 million for a rate increase to support individuals with complex need.
  • Affordable Housing Initiative
The Governor proposed using over $300 million in American Rescue Plan funds to create the Affordable Housing Production Fund, which will help complete all viable 100 percent affordable housing projects identified in Mount Laurel settlements and create an estimated 3,300 new units.
  • Disability Information Hub
In FY2023, the Governor will also launch a new, virtual Disability Information Hub, informed by individuals with disabilities, to help individuals with disabilities better plan for their future by providing up-to-date, consumer-friendly, accessible information about disability services in a central location. The Department of Human Services will also utilize $5 million of SFRF to raise broader awareness among the public about the Department’s services and supports through a targeted advertising campaign. Aging Services and Long-Term Care Strengthening supports to promote the independence of seniors and persons with disabilities and helping them remain in their communities remains a priority.
  • Mental Health
The Governor’s budget also maintains support for Early Intervention Support Services. FY2022’s investment will expand this mental health program to all counties and more than double the number of clients receiving short-term crisis stabilization services. Mental health providers will see a $1/hour increase in wages.
NJ's Budget and Big Federal Funds; ARPA and Infrastructure Act
Below is of interest as there are often questions about where federal monies are being spent in the state and providers have made suggestions to spend the ARPA funds, but these asks may not be allowed under the fund's rules.
Governor Phil Murphy’s $48.9 billion budget proposal comes with a few unknowns, including where billions of dollars in one-time federal money will go.
New Jersey has about $3 billion left over from last year’s federal pandemic relief package. Plus, there’s billions more coming from the bipartisan infrastructure law. Murphy’s $48.9 billion budget proposal released Tuesday details how state money would be spent, but doesn't fully detail how those huge influxes from Washington, D.C., will be used.
The spending plan for the fiscal year that begins July 1 isn’t completely silent on the federal windfall, however, and contains some opening salvos to shape where lots of that money may eventually go.
About half the $6.2 billion the state received from the pandemic relief bill, the American Rescue Plan, is still unspent. Murphy has some big ideas for the rest of that money, which he says should go to “short-term recovery and long-term restart efforts.” The governor will need a group of lawmakers from the Joint Budget Oversight Committee to approve those ideas.
The biggest new ideas seem to be a pair of environmental protection measures — one to create a “clean water drinking access” fund and another to help support “flood resistant communities.” Business, environmental and labor groups have already been pushing to use $1.2 billion in pandemic money for clean water projects , so the governor’s clean water fund already has supporters. In Murphy’s budget outline, he doesn’t propose a specific number, but a careful reading of the proposal suggests his spending goals are in that same big ballpark.
Then there’s how much the state will get from the infrastructure bill. Some of the money will be spent in similar ways as the American Rescue Plan money, like on clean water projects, but may come with more strings attached because of the way the federal money is flowing to the state.
Much of the bipartisan infrastructure money will be determined by using existing formulas for things like water infrastructure or highway projects. For water projects alone, the infrastructure bill is expected to send about $1 billion to New Jersey over five years, including a mix of money typically available from Congress and new funds meant to boost infrastructure spending about normal levels. That so-called formula money is somewhat predictable. Yet, some of the infrastructure money is grant money that will come from the Biden administration in fits and starts for projects New Jersey is competing with other states to fund, and so state officials aren’t yet budgeting for it.
Background: The Murphy administration knows what it doesn’t want to spend one-time federal money on: wage increases or expanding universal pre-K. But, other than that, it has sketched three buckets where it wants to spend roughly $2 billion apiece: people, communities and infrastructure.
Much of the money in the “people” category has been spent on big ticket items like eviction prevention. The category where the least money has been spent is the infrastructure category, which is how the administration would label clean water projects and spending to make communities flood resistant.
What’s next: The governor and lawmakers are expected to hash out where to spend the American Rescue Plan money in coming months.
The administration is also working to figure out exactly how much bipartisan infrastructure money the state can get and how that money can be spent. The Department of Environmental Protection, for instance, is working to create plans to guide how it will spend the money it can get for clean water projects from the bipartisan infrastructure bill. (Politico)
Tank Near Empty? How To Find Low Gas Prices
From NJACP Strategic Partner, DCM Associates, Identifying Opportunities for New Leadership Within Your Own Organization
When the need for a new leader arises, many think, “Where will I find a new executive?” Well, the answer may be within your own organization. Nonprofits are full of great team members who may already have the skills and competencies needed to lead. Read our blog for our best tips on discovering new leadership within your organization.
Benefits of Promoting From Within Your Organization
#1. Employees already know and are passionate about the organization 
#2 Employees are familiar with how to achieve the vision and mission 
#3. Employees have first-hand knowledge of potential issues and solutions
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2022: World Imagined
Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD), and our partners work together to create a social media campaign that highlights the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.
The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life, as well as awareness of the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.
You can download our DDAM 2022 logos here in EnglishTagalogFrenchArabicCantonese or Spanish. for your site and social media.
Recommended Hashtags:
#DDawareness2022 (NACDD full tag)
#DDAM2022 (NACDD short-form tag)
#WorldsImagined (NACDD theme-specific tag)
#DevelopmentalDisabilities (tag to reach a wider audience)
For more information visit:
People With Disabilities Segregated In Nursing Homes in CO, Justice Department Alleges
Colorado isn’t doing enough to allow people with physical disabilities to live in the general community, effectively segregating them in nursing homes in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
The department laid out the allegations in a 15-page letter sent to Gov. Jared Polis late last week.
The law requires states to offer services that allow people with disabilities to live in the least-restrictive environment that can meet their needs. While some people do require the level of care found in nursing homes, others could live in the community, provided they have enough support. Colorado had more people living in nursing homes who had “low-care needs” than all but nine states. Read more here.
WHO Spurs Backlash After Calling Down Syndrome A Birth Defect
A statement about Down syndrome and birth defects from the World Health Organization spurred over a thousand comments on Facebook, many from enraged parents.
The statement has been corrected and WHO issued an apology.
Some parents say it’s not enough.
In a statement on March 3 to recognize World Birth Defects Day, the WHO included a list of several common severe birth defects including congenital heart defects, neural tube defects, hemoglobin disorders and Down syndrome.
According to the Global Down Syndrome Foundation, Down syndrome is classified as a genetic disorder, not a birth defect. People who have Down syndrome have three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two, according to the GDSF. Read more here.
CMS Issues New Guidance Related to Medicaid Eligibility Upon Termination of the Public Health Emergency
On March 3, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new guidance directed to state health officials on initiating eligibility renewals for all individuals enrolled in Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Basic Health Program (BHP) upon termination of the public health emergency (PHE). This new letter updates a previous letter to state health officials from August 2021.
In the letter, CMS notes that it intends to promote the continuity of coverage for individuals and ease the burden on states by putting into place an orderly process. The new letter updates previous requirements for states and provides more flexibility. Now, states have a 12-month period from the end of the PHE to initiate actions to determine individuals’ eligibility and enrollment in Medicaid, CHIP, and BHP. Previously, states were required to have completed those actions within that 12-month period. States will be given a 14-month period to complete all eligibility and enrollment actions.
CMS is also releasing a PHE unwinding toolkit for states to help beneficiaries through the eligibility renewal process. CMS currently maintains a website with these and other resources on unwinding from the PHE.  (ANCOR)
Medicaid Beneficiaries will be re-evaluated for eligibility at end of federal PHE
This is of interest as Medicaid redeterminations were suspended during the pandemic. DMAHS presented at a Medicaid Assistance Advisory Council (MAAC) meeting indicating they were already on track to expediting the process and provides some background the article immediately above.
The Biden administration and state officials are bracing for a great unwinding: millions of people losing their Medicaid benefits when the pandemic health emergency ends. Some might sign up for different insurance. Many others are bound to get lost in the transition.
State Medicaid agencies for months have been preparing for the end of a federal mandate that anyone enrolled in Medicaid cannot lose coverage during the pandemic.
Before the public health crisis, states regularly reviewed whether people still qualified for the safety-net program, based on their income or perhaps their age or disability status. While those routines have been suspended for the past two years, enrollment climbed to record highs. As of July, 76.7 million people, or nearly 1 in 4 Americans, were enrolled, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
When the public health emergency ends, state Medicaid officials face a huge job of reevaluating each person's eligibility and connecting with people whose jobs, income, and housing might have been upended in the pandemic. People could lose their coverage if they earn too much or don't provide the information their state needs to verify their income or residency.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can extend the public health emergency in 90-day increments; it is currently set to end April 16.
State Medicaid agencies often send renewal documents by mail, and in the best of times letters go unreturned or end up at the wrong address. As this tsunami of work approaches, many state and local offices are short-staffed.
The Biden administration is giving states a year to go through the process, but officials say financial pressures will push them to go faster. Congress gave states billions of dollars to support the coverage requirement. But the money will dry up soon after the end of the public emergency — and much faster than officials can review the eligibility of millions of people, state Medicaid officials say.
The COVID Medicaid continuous coverage requirement was enacted under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which gave states a 6.2 percentage point increase in federal funds if they agreed to maintain eligibility levels in place at the time.
The boost meant tens of billions of additional dollars would flow to states, estimates from KFF show.
state officials said they have worked hand in hand for months to prevent unnecessary coverage loss. They've tried to ensure enrollees' contact information is up to date, monitored rates of unreturned mail, worked with insurers covering Medicaid enrollees, and conducted "shadow checks" to get a sense of who doesn't qualify, even if they can't disenroll people.
Read more from NPR here.
CMS Releases New Medicaid Enrollment Data
Last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a snapshot of the latest enrollment figures for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The snapshot demonstrates that as of September 2021, 84,828,543 of people are enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP, which represents an increase of 1,213,766 enrollees since the last report.
On Monday, CMS published new data on Medicaid and CHIP enrollment and service utilization during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). Highlights from this data include:
  • Overall enrollment in Medicaid and CHIP for beneficiaries has increased by 15% when comparing August 2021 to February 2020. The greatest percentage increases were found in the pregnant, adult expansion, and adult eligibility groups.
  • Nearly five million Medicaid beneficiaries were treated for COVID-19, and approximately 390,000 Medicaid beneficiaries needed hospitalization for COVID-19.
  • Telehealth utilization increased, with services delivered through telehealth peaking in April 2020, stabilizing from June 2020 through March 2021, and then decreasing through August 2021.
New Jersey Association of Community Providers Workshop
Ensuring an Effective Investigation of Serious Incidents 
NJACP Serious Incident training is now scheduled and registration is available!
See below for additional information and flyers for Level One and Level Two investigation trainings.
Level One
Level 1 will focus on preparing, interviewing, and documenting serious incidents in the workplace. You will learn how to prepare a level of documentation that will assist the Office of Investigations in their research. Real world scenarios from the field, best practices in maintaining safety, conducting investigations, obtaining written statements, proper documentation and corrective action will be discussed.  
Level Two
This is a LEVEL 2 workshop. You must complete Level 1 before taking Level 2.
This two-day workshop (conducted from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. both days) will focus on the behavioral components of serious incidents in the workplace. You will learn how to prepare for an investigation by gaining the skills to understand emotion, control cognitive bias, manage conflict, understand memory, and more. We will discuss real world scenarios from the field and best practices in maintaining professional as well as objective investigations.
Special Olympics Calls Off World Winter Games In Russia
Special Olympics is canceling its upcoming World Winter Games as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The international competition was supposed to be held in Kazan, Russia in January 2023.
In light of the current situation, however, Special Olympics International said it could “no longer ensure the effectiveness of the World Winter Games in Kazan or the safety of our athletes and community.”
The event, which was known as the Special Olympics World Winter Games Kazan 2022, was initially postponed due to COVID-19. Organizers had said they expected 2,000 athletes with and without intellectual disabilities from more than 100 nations and 3,000 volunteers from around the globe to participate.
New Jersey Society of CPAs Warns of Potential Charity Fraud Associated with the Ukraine Crisis
Taking the time to research charities can help donors make certain that their donations are being used for the intended purpose.
The first step is determining whether the charity is a Sec. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The IRS’s exempt organization search can assist with that. You can also search for a charity via the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs.
The GuideStar and Charity Navigator websites offer additional information. GuideStar provides access to recent IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, filings, which can be used to gauge how much a not-for-profit spends on programs.
If you believe you are the victim of a scam, contact your financial institution to put a hold on your credit card and notify the attorney general in your state, then file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. Click here to view more tips.
New Jersey bill intended to punish Russia heads to Murphy's desk 
This may be of interest to providers as business entities and state service providers.
The Assembly on Tuesday gave final passage to the bill, NJ S1889 (22R), about an hour before Murphy was scheduled to deliver his budget address to the full Legislature. The vote was 70-0.
The bill, which passed the Senate last week, 39-0, would bar state and local governments from entering into contracts, holding pension investments or other arrangements with companies affiliated with the governments of Russia or its client state of Belarus; have contracts with those governments; are headquartered in either country; or have assisted Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
It’s not clear how many businesses would be affected by the legislation.
The details: State pension funds would be required to divest from any companies with ties to Russia and Belarus and the state would not be allowed to bank with companies with ties to either government. People or companies with ties to the two governments would also be barred from:
— Contracts with state agencies and bond purchases.
— Filing or renewing public works contractor registrations.
— State tax incentives, municipal tax abatements and payment-in-lieu-of-taxes arrangements.
— Becoming an urban renewal entity, which bestows tax exemptions.
— Being designated as a redeveloper.
The Department of Treasury would be charged with drawing up a list of people with investments in Russia “using credible information available to the public” and would be authorized to hire a research firm to help develop the list.
If signed into law, the bill would be in effect for four years.
Fiscal impact: According to Department of Treasury spokesperson Jennifer Sciortino, New Jersey’s pension funds as of the end of February had about $50 million in Russian-related investments. That’s a small fraction of the funds’ nearly $94 billion total valuation.
In a fiscal estimate, the Office of Legislative Services said it could not determine the bill’s fiscal impact because it doesn’t have information on companies or investments to which it would apply.
What they said: Assemblymember Gary Schaer (D-Passaic), the bill’s sponsor, compared Russia’s territorial aggression to Nazi Germany’s in the run-up to World War II. “Each and every day that passes, I shake my head," he said. Assemblymember Britnee Timberlake (D-Essex) said that in the run-up to the war, she spoke with “colleagues at the federal level” to better understand the situation and impart warnings to her sister-in-law’s family that lives in the Ukraine and owns a restaurant there.
What’s next: Murphy, who’s already directed state agencies to review their authority to take action against companies with ties to Russia and Belarus, is expected to sign the bill.
New Jersey is home to one of the country’s largest Ukrainian-American communities, estimated at about 75,000.
Biden Bans Import of Russian Oil, Warns of ‘Putin Price Hike’ at Pump
President Joe Biden announced Tuesday the U.S. will ban all Russian oil imports, toughening the toll on Russia’s economy in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine, but he acknowledged it will bring costs to Americans, particularly at the gas pump. The action follows pleas by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to U.S. and Western officials to cut off the imports, which had been a glaring omission in the massive sanctions put in place on Russia over the invasion. Energy exports have kept a steady stream of cash flowing to Russia despite otherwise severe restrictions on its financial sector. (The Associated Press)
  • As War in Ukraine Intensifies, U.S. Gasoline Hits Record $4.17
The average price of gas in the U.S. hit a record-high $4.17 per gallon Tuesday. The national average rose by 10 cents per gallon in one day, and it’s up 55 cents since last week, according to AAA. The previous high was set 13 years ago when the national average was $4.10 per gallon. (The Associated Press)
NJCDD Reminder of Notice of Funding Opportunities Still Available 
Deadline for NOFA opportunities on March 30, 2022
State Could Strip Professional Licenses for Bias or Harassment Under Proposed New Rules
This is of interest as there are professional licensees that provide services.
Proposed rule changes would allow the state's 51 professional and occupational boards to suspend or revoke licenses if they find a licensee has discriminated against or harassed someone, including a client, patient, student, colleague or employee. (
COVID 19 Updates
State Update
  • Murphy's Last Regular COVID Press Briefing
After two years, Governor Murphy's last COVID 19 press briefing was held on Friday March 4. Details are in the next article and also below.
  • Underscoring a change in strategy in dealing with COVID-19, Governor Murphy held what he said would be their final briefing on the pandemic, in which they recapped the past two years and outlined public-safety steps that will continue. (to see more information on recap, a timeline is below and info is in the March 5 2022 NJACP E News.
  • The final briefing — held on the second anniversary of the first confirmed COVID-19 infection in the state — was the 257th in a series that started as daily events and eventually became weekly.
  • During that time, just under 33,000 NJ residents died and more than 2 million become infected.
  • At each session, Murphy has provided obituaries for a few victims of the coronavirus —646 people in all.
  • Murphy said he and other officials had fielded 6,211 questions from members of the press corps, who have attended the hearings wearing masks and staying socially distanced.
  • The governor stressed that ending the briefings and the emergency declaration did not mean that the battle against COVID-19 was over, rather that the strategy was changing from targeting a pandemic to dealing with an endemic illness, like the flu.
  • NJ's COVID numbers for March 8.
  • New Jersey's COVID-19 statistics were mixed today — the day that the statewide health emergency was also lifted — with a big increase in new case numbers and a significant drop in hospitalizations, which officials say is the more meaningful public-health measure.
  • Confirmed cases rose above 900 today, up some 300 overnight and more than 200 over what was seen a week ago — even though Monday reports typically skew low due to reduced weekend-testing rates.
  • Statewide hospitalizations, on the other hand, fell below 600 for the first time since last summer — with the small caveat that today’s report did not include data from one of the state’s 71 hospitals.
  • The rate of transmission resumed its upward drift, now standing at .85, a level that still indicates the spread of the virus has slowed, just not as quickly as roughly a month ago when the measure stood below .5.
  • The 904 new positive molecular tests reported today bring the cumulative total for N.J. to 1,878,966. 
  • 592 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients were being treated at 70 of the state's 71 hospitals yesterday, down more than 100 from Friday.
  • 113 patients were in intensive care and 65 were connected to ventilators, declines in both areas.
  • 212 57 patients were at hospitals in the north (down 55 from Friday), 205 in central Jersey (down 40) and 175 in the south (down 31).
  • The tally of people in New Jersey who have had the originally prescribed shots for their vaccine is now 6,778,101, an increase of just under 7,000 since Friday.
  • The number of people with at least one dose is 7,718,408, up more than 6,000.
  • The number of booster doses of all types that have been delivered in the state stands at 3,139,531, up nearly 13,000.
  • According to Health Commissioner Persichilli, 92% of those 5 and up in the state have received at least one dose; 78%, the original regimen for their vaccine, and 54% of those eligible, a booster shot.
  • The number of nursing homes and other long-term care centers experiencing new coronavirus outbreaks dropped again today, furthering a recent downward trend.
  • State records show that 344 LTCs are reporting active outbreaks, down 11 since Friday.
  • The current outbreaks comprise 8,838 residents and 10,272 staffers — declines in both categories.
  • 9,305 confirmed deaths have been reported at LTCs, up four; some 550 of those deaths have been reported since Dec. 15 of last year.
  • Most in NJ not financially worse off due to winter COVID surge: But many residents still pessimistic about the economy
Despite the winter surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, most New Jerseyans remained employed, didn’t experience lower incomes, or didn’t curtail their spending, according to a poll sponsored by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University released March 8.
In recent months, most New Jerseyans have maintained or improved their financial status; but as inflation rises, a large portion are pessimistic about economic conditions, the poll found. Read more here.
  • National Numbers Falling
New case numbers have been falling across the nation, with the daily average for the last week now standing below 45,000 for the first time since July, according to the CDC.
Florida’s Department of Health will soon recommend that healthy children don’t get vaccinated for Covid-19, the Tampa Bay Times reports.
Covid-19 cases could lead to loss of gray matter and tissue damage in the brain, particularly in areas related to smell, The New York Times reports.
While New York City is celebrating masks becoming optional in schools, it is facing opposition from parents on two fronts — those who question the continued mask mandate for toddlers and parents who still want everyone to cover their faces. (Politico)
  • Strong U.S. Job Growth Suggests COVID-19’s Grip on the Economy is Fading
In a buoyant sign for the U.S. economy, businesses stepped up their hiring last month as omicron faded and more Americans ventured out to spend money at restaurants, shops and hotels despite surging inflation. Employers added a robust 678,000 jobs in February, the largest monthly total since July, the U.S. Labor Department reported on Friday. The unemployment rate dropped to 3.8%, from 4% in January. (The Associated Press)
  • US Continues to Lead the World in COVID Cases
The U.S. continues to lead the world in COVID-19 cases, followed by India (42.97 million), Brazil (29.05 million), France (23.25 million), Great Britain (19.25 million), Russia (16.77 million), Germany (15.95) and Turkey (14.39 million).
  • US Leads World in Deaths
The U.S. also leads the world in COVID-19 fatalities, with more than 960,100. More than 652,400 have died in Brazil, 515,100 in India, 349,800 in Russia and 319,800 in Mexico, according to Johns Hopkins.
  • Global Deaths
More than 6 million million have perished across the globe.
Murphy lifted public health emergency on Monday
Governor Phil Murphy lifted the state’s public health emergency Monday, March 7, as New Jersey begins the transition from "pandemic to endemic."
Murphy made the announcement two years to the day after the state reported its first Covid-19 case and during his final regularly scheduled briefing on Friday. The end of the public health emergency coincides with the end of the state’s school mask mandate.
While the public health emergency ended, several directives, orders and waivers aimed at “vaccine, test and coordinat[ing] the health care system’s response” to Covid-19 will stay in place, Murphy said.
New Jersey's state of emergency, which lasts at the discretion of the governor and does not need to be renewed, will stay in place. A public health emergency must be renewed in 30-day increments.
Murphy first declared a public health emergency in March 2020. While it ended last June under a deal with the Legislature, the governor renewed it earlier this year to keep in place the school mask mandate after the Legislature declined to renew his emergency powers.
Text of the executive order detailing the end of the public health emergency — which will list the specific orders, waivers and directives that will be extended — can be viewed here. The administration had determined those measures could be kept in place under the existing state of emergency.
Items that will be kept in place will be “pretty much anything health care-related” that “speaks to how the health care system can operate,” an administration official said. No disruptions are anticipated to vaccine sites or hospitals.
Murphy also hinted Friday that the indoor mask mandate for state buildings could also end soon.
“I don’t think that’s going to last a whole lot longer,” he said without offering specifics.
Friday’s briefing marked Murphy's last regularly scheduled Covid-19 press conference. According to the governor’s office, there have been 257 briefings — most of them at Trenton's War Memorial — with over 6,200 questions asked by members of the media. The regular cast of Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli, State Police Superintendent Pat Callahan, State Epidemiologist Dr. Christina Tan and Dr. Ed Lifshitz were staples of the briefings, with tens of thousands tuning in to watch in the early days of the pandemic.
But while the regular briefings are going away, officials made sure to not declare “mission accomplished” over the virus.
“The virus has not gone away,” Lifshitz said. “We do need to learn to live with it because we do not think it is going to completely go away. That’s what endemic means.”
Since March 4, 2020, the state has recorded nearly 1.9 million confirmed cases and more than 296,000 probable Covid cases. The state has also logged 30,000 confirmed deaths — a point Murphy teared up over when citing the numbers on Friday.
“We honor every each and single one — hard to believe — of the more than 30,000 lives we’ve lost,” he said before offering a moment of silence. (Politico) NJACP reported to members on almost all the Governor's press conferences as well as publishing a COVID 19 newsletter for much of the height of the pandemic from March 2020.
More Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests: How To Get Yours In NJ
New Jersey households can order up to four additional rapid antigen coronavirus tests starting this week
Households in New Jersey can order up to four additional free rapid antigen coronavirus tests beginning this week.
Orders are able to begin this week for the additional four tests, separate from the four tests households were able to previously order in January.
Americans must provide only their names and addresses — no insurance or credit card is required — to receive the COVID-19 tests. There’s no shipping fee.
New Jersey residents need to plan ahead to have the rapid COVID-19 tests on hand before they need them — whether as part of test-to-stay protocols in workplaces, or after potential exposure to COVID-19. Orders will be shipped within seven to 12 days, according to the USPS. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at-home testing for people who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms five days after a potential exposure. Those symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, respiratory symptoms and muscle aches. Click here for article.
  • Orders for the additional tests can be placed by visiting
Living with COVID: A recap of two years of the coronavirus in NJ
Reminder: Follow Up from NJACP Regional Meeting: Link to find your county in the CDC's new masking guidance
Following up on today's NJACP Regional meetings, attached is a link members can easily determine the low, medium or high indicators for each county in the state and the country. Thanks to Diane Hutton Rose, Executive Director at 21 Plus for making NJACP aware of the link.
COVID 19 Employment Impact NJ/States
In early April 2020, more than 200,000 filed initial claims in one week. The total unemployed peaked a month later, when more than 715,000 people were out of work.
While the closures have long ended, the unemployment problem has not. The latest comparative data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows New Jersey with a seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 5.1%, the 11th highest in the nation, as of last December, the most recent data available. That’s better than it was for much of last year, when the unemployment rate was more than 7%. The state has recovered about 561,000 jobs, or 78% of those lost in March and April 2020. Read more here.
Disability Advocates Want CDC To Reinstate Indoor Mask Guidelines
Dozens of advocacy groups are calling for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to walk back major changes to its mask guidance arguing that the new recommendations are harmful to people with disabilities.
In a letter to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky late last week, over 100 groups and advocates asked the federal agency to again urge Americans to mask indoors in order to protect the most vulnerable.
Under the new recommendations, which are based on a revised set of metrics, the CDC says more than 90% of Americans live in areas with low or medium COVID-19 risk and can go mask-free in most circumstances.
By giving most Americans the green light to remove their masks, however, advocates say that the CDC is putting people with disabilities at risk.
Despite acknowledging that some disabled, chronically ill, immunocompromised, people of color, and older people require additional protections, the new guidance does not address the needs of disabled people and older adults — as well as children with and without disabilities under five who are still not eligible for vaccines,” reads the letter signed by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, The Arc, the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, the National Council on Independent Living, the National Disability Rights Network and numerous other groups. “This new guidance will not work for these communities and places us, and our friends and families in danger.” Read more here.
How To Get NJ COVID-19 Vaccination Card Online
The longer the pandemic goes on, and the more widespread vaccine requirements become, the more residents might have need to show a vaccine card.
Individuals receive a Centers for Disease Control card when they get a shot. And while digital copies are accepted in some places, the original version — or the equivalent proof of vaccination — is required elsewhere.
For those who lose their card, the New Jersey Department of Health has an app called Docket that allows residents to access their vaccination record. Those who have their email or phone number on record with the Department of Health may access and download their COVID-19 vaccination card, and even access family members' records on a shared account.
The app is available in English and Spanish on the Apple App Store or Google Play. It is a CDC-approved application.
Frequently asked questions about the app are available here.
NJ Drivers Must Now Change Lanes When Passing Bicyclists And Walkers, If Safe
FYI for members who employ drivers.
A new law forcing New Jersey drivers to change lanes when passing bicyclists, motorized vehicles, and pedestrians — if safe and legal to do so — has gone into effect as of March 1.
The Safe Passing Law was passed Aug. 5 of last year and was set to take effect seven months later, meaning this past Tuesday.
Drivers who don't follow the law face fines and possible motor vehicle points.
The new law says that a driver passing a pedestrian, bicycle, skateboard, or motorized vehicle must, "when possible under existing safety and traffic conditions, make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the pedestrian or personal conveyance."
Not On Narrow Roads
If a lane change isn't safe — for instance, on a one or two-lane road — the driver must "leave a reasonable and safe distance of not less than 4 feet while approaching the pedestrian or personal conveyance and maintain a distance of at least 4 feet until the motor vehicle has safely passed the conveyance."
And if the 4-foot space is also not safe, the driver must slow to 25 miles per hour at most, and can only pass the pedestrian or vehicle if it doesn't endanger anyone's safety in the roadway.
The fine for failing to follow the law is $100 and no points off someone's license. However, if the offense results in bodily injury, the person will be fined $500 and assessed two points. Read more here.
IRS Clarifies Employer Guidance on Paid Sick & Family Leave Tax Credits  
The IRS has updated its guidance for employers and tax professionals on the provisions of the federal coronavirus relief law that allow businesses to take tax credits if they provided paid sick leave and family leave to workers. 
The IRS’s online Frequently Asked Questions page was recently updated to address special issues employers have encountered for paid leaves that were taken under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) prior to April 1, 2021. The FAQs also address specific provisions related to FFCRA and self-employed individuals. 
Tax professionals and employers are directed to two new questions and answers that have been added to the FAQs (54g and 65c) for clarification on these FFCRA-related issues, including the special circumstances that would require a W2-c Corrected Wage and Tax Statement form to be furnished to an employee. 
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) extended tax credits for employers who continued to offer voluntarily FFCRA leave from April 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2021. For information about the tax credits that may be claimed under ARP for qualified leave wages, see Tax Credits for Paid Leave Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for Leave After March 31, 2021. (NJBIA)
To list a position, please contact Maureen Shea at

Full Time or Part Time Medicaid Quality Assurance Assistant
Avidd Community Services of New Jersey
We are currently recruiting a Full Time or Part Time Medicaid Quality Assurance Assistant. The schedule for this position is Monday through Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (FT) or Monday through Friday 3-4 hours daily (PT).
This position will initially train in the office but will have a remote aspect.
·        Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, Psychology or other social service-related field and experience working with people with disabilities preferred.
·        2+ years of Quality Assurance experience.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the IDD community and services.
·        Knowledge and experience in compliance with Medicaid, Licensing and Accreditation Standards, Federal Mandates, State Requirements, and organizational policies through various audit reviews and record checks.
·        Therap experience a plus.
  • Valid driver's license and willingness to undergo pre-employment requirements.
·        Assist Medicaid QA Coordinator in assuring quality of training and knowledge of employees regarding electronic documentation and, the use of the Therap system.
·        Assist in maintaining Therap system
·        Attend Therap trainings as needed.
·        Monitor and evaluate all electronic records to ensure they meet DDD regulations and Medicaid billing standards.
·        Report all findings to Medicaid QA Coordinator.
·        Assist in providing daily/weekly feedback to employees on their documentation and follow up on corrections when needed.
·        Prepares and generates reports through Therap to review and enhance agency performance.
·        Work on moving towards goal of agency being paperless and all records to be kept on EHR.
What Does Avidd Offer?
·        Insurance Options (Medical with HSA, Dental, Vision) at great rates.
·        Paid Training
·        Paid Holidays- including 3 Floating Holidays
·        Generous Paid Time Off (PTO)
·        403b Retirement Plan
Salary: $35,000 - $40,000 annually
To apply for this opportunity, please email our Human Resources department at or call (973) 664-1770 ext.24.

Support Coordinator
Department for Persons with Disabilities
Are you passionate about making a difference in others' lives? Then come join the DPD team! 
What’s the role of a Support Coordinator?
  • To manage support coordination services for each participant, including individual discovery, ISP development, plan coordination and plan monitoring. 
  • To communicate effectively with supervisors, participants and their families, other service providers and with DDD representatives. 
  • This job requires a significant amount of written documentation. The employee will cooperate with the agency's administration and/or Division and DHS staff in any inspection or investigation.
Job Requirements:
  • Bachelor’s Degree or higher in any field and 1 year of experience working with adult (21 or older) individuals with developmental disabilities:
  • The experience must be the equivalent of a year of full-time documented experience working with adults (21 or older) with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
  • This experience can include paid employment, volunteer experience, and/or being a family caregiver of an adult with a developmental disability; If you have previously provided care coordination to a different population and some percentage of the individuals you served had developmental disabilities, you may be able to demonstrate the equivalent of a year of experience working with adults with developmental disabilities.
  • Must have a driver's license which is valid in the State of New Jersey. 40-60 WPM typing skills, office skills, intermediate to advanced computer skills and organizational skills, and able to operate office equipment.
  • Travel will be required throughout Sussex County and beyond to meet the needs of the individuals being supported.
To apply, please visit:
Manager Quality Assurance
The PILOT Services
The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for establishing quality indicators, reporting of unusual incidents and forwarding reports to the Division of Developmental Disabilities and tracking and trending of incidents and investigation of significant incidents as they occur.
Essential Functions
  • Unusual Incident Report & Tracking
  • Receiving initial reports from management team of unusual Incidents.
  • Immediate follow-up as needed to classify and put together an Unusual Incident Report (UIR)
  • Complete UIR’s in timely manner and forward to Division of Developmental Disabilities.
  • Aggregates data for tracking and trending and identification of quality issues resulting from incidents reported
  • Investigates UIR’s that merit the investigatory process, submits follow-up reports to Division.
  • Auditing
  • Conducts quarterly on-site audits of day and residential operations. Shares findings and follows-up on areas cited during audits. 
  • Surveys annually key stakeholders to obtain satisfaction
  • Reviews and assesses Electronic Health Record documentation for quality outcomes.
  • CQI
  • Reports outcomes of audits and surveys quarterly,
  • Completes an annual CQI reports on outcomes achieved and makes recommendation for following year CQI objectives
  • Meetings:
  • Facilitates team meetings with management team on quality outcomes, assist team in quality improvement needs.
  • Maintains communication with families/guardians and coordinates annual family/guardian meetings plus other mandates under Stephen Komninos law. 
Click here for document contained the information above as well as requirements and contact information for the position.

CFO-Business Manager search 
CTC Academy
CTC Academy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with two Bergen County, New Jersey locations that provides educational and therapeutic services for students with a diverse array of developmental disabilities, through a collaborative educational program and support services for students and families. The organization is recruiting an experienced, hands-on financial professional to serve as its next Chief Financial Officer - Business Manager.
Reporting to the Executive Director, the Chief Financial Officer - Business Manager is responsible for all of CTC Academy’s financial operations, following the general policies and standards provided by U.S. General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), and federal, state and other required agencies. The ideal candidate will hold a master’s degree in business, accounting, finance, economics or a related field from an accredited college or university as well as a standard school business administrator’s certificate or CPA. The organization is seeking candidates who have a minimum of 7 years of strong, hands-on experience in financial management including analysis and reporting, budgeting, asset management, audit compliance, federal and state tax regulations, and reporting procedures. Click here to view flyer and where to send resume.
Click here to view the full list of responsibilities and ideal candidate profile

(JFS) provides vital community support and assistance through outpatient mental health counseling, senior services home visitation services, special needs and family support programs, volunteer programs, Holocaust survivors' programs, employment readiness and career counseling, and more.
NJACP STRATEGIC PARTNER DCM Associates, Inc. is recruiting for an Executive Director. Click here to view the ideal candidate profile.
If you would like to express your interest in this position, please send a cover letter and resume to Allan Weisberg, Managing Director at If you would like to discuss the opportunity further or would like to recommend a candidate, please contact Dennis C. Miller, Founder & Chairman at or by phone at 201.956.1810.

Finance Business Partner
This position is mostly remote work-from-home with occasional in-office work required at Elwyn's Vineland, NJ location.
POSITION SUMARY: The Finance Business Partner works closely with the senior leadership and program personnel of Elwyn New Jersey (Elwyn NJ) to create a partnership that provides 'real time' support and analysis, to act as a trusted advisor and add value to assist in decision-making. This position oversees financial activities and assumes overall fiscal responsibility for Elwyn NJ and in-line with core values and develops and monitors the financial goals and strategy for Elwyn NJ in conjunction with senior leadership and corporate finance.

Chief Executive Officer
Employment Horizons
NJACP Strategic Partner, DCM Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce a national search for a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Employment Horizons
DCM Associates, Inc. is pleased to announce that it will lead the search for a dynamic, entrepreneurial Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Employment Horizons, a provider of innovative programs and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment. Founded in 1957, Employment Horizons is also an important provider of dependable and highly motivated employees for a wide variety of service sector, fulfillment, groundskeeping, janitorial, administrative roles throughout the NJ-NY-PA Tri-State area. The organization's clients include small businesses, government entities, and Fortune 500 corporations. The ideal candidate for the CEO role will be a dynamic, entrepreneurial thinker who has experience leading a growing nonprofit enterprise. Click here or on the image to review the ideal candidate profile.

Chief Operating Officer
Disability Allies, Inc.
Job Description
Position Title:      Chief Operating Officer      
Department:       Corporate     
FLSA Status:         Exempt
Reports to:           CEO
Position Summary:
This position will focus on our corporate goals of community inclusion and social impact and will promote a culture that exemplifies our corporate values, including compassion, progress, leadership, and stewardship. The COO will report directly to the CEO and will lead staff in achieving measurable, cost-effective results that are aligned with corporate goals and values. The COO will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of Disability Allies programs and services.
Essential Job Functions:
Strategic Development
  • Collaborate with CEO to develop strategic direction of the organization, including planned expansion of day programs and development of residential programs
  • Develop strategic plans for new programs, including systems to involve multiple stakeholders in development process
  • Report regularly to the CEO and Board of Disability Allies about progress towards achieving program goals
Performance Management
  • Work with CEO to set comprehensive, specific goals for employee performance and growth throughout the organization
  • Develop comprehensive organization-wide evaluation program to apply goals to employee performance, evaluate whether employees have reached their goals, and tie employee compensation and rewards to performance objectives
Operational Development
  • Promote the mission, strategic goals, and corporate values of Disability Allies
  • Supervise the work of managers and specialists in the day program, coaching program, human resources, and marketing and development efforts
  • Develop technology strategy and manage the implementation of technological systems
  • Communicate regularly with direct reports, and facilitate communication within staff
  • Research and apply for grants or other funding opportunities
Compliance and Policy Development
  • Collaborate with the Chief Financial and Compliance Officer to ensure that Disability Allies services are operated consistent with accounting practices, financial controls, and annual budget
  • Collaborate with the Chief Financial and Compliance Officer to ensure that Disability Allies services are operated consistent with state law and DDD regulations and bulletins
  • Reviews and develops organizational policies and procedures
  • Other duties as assigned
Minimum Qualifications:
  • Ten or more years of management experience in the nonprofit sector, ideally in the ID/DD or similar field.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration or related field, MBA or other post-graduate degree preferred.
  • Proven expertise in reaching business objectives, leading a diverse staff, and achieving measurable results.
  • Integrity
  • Commitment to corporate goals and values
  • Ability to make independent decisions and adapt to changing priorities
  • Exceptional ability to work with a diverse set of stakeholders
  • Ability to recognize opportunities and develop new initiatives
  • Demonstrates excellent judgment and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Supervisory Responsibilities:
  • Director of Programs
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Director of Marketing and Development
  • 0 – 10%. Must be able to travel in all modes of transportation
Essential Physical Functions:
The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job.
Please contact Narda Harilal @ 732-862-7634.
In-Take Coordinator
Disability Allies, Inc.
Job Description
Position Title: Intake Coordinator
Department: Programs
FLSA Status: Exempt
Reports to: Director of Programs
Position Summary:
This position serves a key member of the program operations team. Supports and assists all agency programs as well as Compliance and Finance staff plus other key stakeholders to facilitate vital data information for persons served within the organization. Assures accuracy in individual support plans and billing authorizations for the individuals served.
Essential Job Functions:
  • Review all Individual Service Plan submissions and communicate any need for changes with Support Coordinators.
  • Participate as a member of an inter-disciplinary team in the development and implementation of service plans for the individuals served.
  • Serve an integral role in service intakes by capturing and communicating the requisite information to determine the appropriate placement into the organization.
  • Implement Individual Service Plans, including updating and maintaining Electronic Health records.
  • Work closely with Support Coordinators to build effective working relationships in order to meet the goals and objectives of consumers in the community.
  • Develop strategies and goals that will foster independence and enable the individuals served to reach their dreams and desires.
  • Monitor, identify and resolve problems, and when necessary, route requests to internal and external resources for problem-solving.
  • Deliver excellent customer service with a high degree of flexibility and independent judgement, following standardized operating procedures to meet the needs of internal and external customers.
  • Serve as a liaison between internal and external providers and other stakeholders.
  • Develop and implement methods and techniques within the program and the community to attain service plan goals for the individuals served.
  • Prepare and/or oversee preparation of electronic records such as survey summaries, service quarterly reports, and other reports as needed.
  • Conduct and/or participate in meetings, attend trainings and workshops, serve on committees and attend other events as assigned.
  • Performs other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
  • Bachelor’s degree in social services, public health, or related field preferred.
  • Must possess strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Must have the ability to train staff and work effectively across all agency lines.
  • Must possess excellent interpersonal and customer service skills.
  • Must demonstrate the capacity to work effectively with electronic health records.
  • Experience with Therap Services a plus.
  • Detail-oriented
  • Integrity of character
  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Reliability in attendance and job performance
Disability Allies, Inc.
Job Description:
The Full-time Board-Certified Behavior Analyst will provide intensive treatment services for young adults, including those who have an autism spectrum disorder. Many of the services involve providing Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for young adults but can also involve conducting Functional Behavior Assessments and developing Behavior Intervention Plans. The BCBA position is considered a leadership role and the ideal candidate will be able to develop client’s treatment plans, as well as supervise Behavior Technicians to implement such plans. 
  • Assess clients using behavioral analysis tools as needed.
  • Maintain caseload of clients; write a comprehensive Individual Behavior Plan for each client assessed.
  • Develop and implement skills acquisition, social skills programs (FBAs and FAAs).
  • Develop and implement positive behavior plans and strategies (PBSP, PBIP).
  • Create recommendations for comprehensive services.
  • Provide consultation and training for parents, staff and community members as needed.
  • Staff, train, coach and facilitate treatment teams, program monitoring, etc.
  • Collaborate with other treatment team members and members of the participant's environment regarding progress through interdisciplinary team meetings, record review, and informal discussions as appropriate.
  • Must be currently certified as a BCBA with the Behavior Analytic Certification Board. Individuals who have recently competed their Master's Degree and are waiting to take the BACB exam will be considered on an individual basis.
  • Maintain CEU requirement and BCBA credential with Behavior Analytic Certification Board (BACB).
  • Training and clinical experience in providing applied behavior analysis to young adults and older, experience with autism spectrum disorders preferred.
  • Analytical skills necessary to synthesize a variety of clinical and social data to determine appropriate diagnosis, treatment plan and monitor effectiveness of treatment programs.
  • Some postgraduate clinical experience preferred.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. To apply for this opportunity, please forward your resume to me at or contact me directly at 732-862-7634.

Compensation Analyst
Bancroft is a leading service-provider for children and adults with autism, other intellectual or developmental disabilities or those in need of neurological rehabilitation.
We provide a full continuum of highly effective services — for people of all ages and every level of abilities — based on best practices and scientifically proven techniques. Our services include special education, vocational training, supported employment, structured day programs, group home and apartment programs both on-campus and in the community, short-term behavioral stabilization services for children, and in-home and outpatient rehabilitation services. As a nonprofit organization, we are solely committed to supporting people with special needs and their families, to help make it One World. For Everyone. Bancroft is currently seeking a Compensation Analyst to join our Human Resources department at our Cherry Hill, NJ headquarters.
  • Administers the broad-based compensation programs for the Company including the development of base salary ranges and incentive targets for the Company’s various service. Maintains competitive structures and conducts on-going analysis to ensure overall competitiveness and consistent approach to pay decisions for all levels across the organization.
  • Recommends and participates in a number of annual compensation surveys and industry associations to stay abreast of market trends and ensure compliance with regulations. Conducts proactive competitive analysis and recommends program updates as necessary in line with market trends and findings.
  • Conducts job evaluations and participates in FLSA job evaluation reviews to determine exemption status and recommends grade assignments.
  • Provides day-to-day administrative support related to equity programs.
  • Provides administrative support on total compensation and rewards communications, including annual updates for all programs.
  • Provides incentive plan support by tracking participants, terms and conditions and administering plan documents.
  • Prepares analysis related to salary/bonus budgets, pay equity, etc.
  • Performs ad hoc benchmarking requests, analyses and best practices research.
  • Supports other projects as assigned.
  • Bachelor's degree required, with a degree in Business Administration, Finance or Human Resources a plus.
  • Minimum of 1-3 years of professional experience, including emphasis on spreadsheet management and analytics. Compensation experience and WorldatWork courses/designation a plus.
  • Intermediate to advanced Excel skills necessary, including functions, graphs, pivot tables and macros for reporting and modeling. Must be proficient in MS Word and MS PowerPoint.
  • Ability to manage and maintain large sets of highly sensitive and confidential information.
  • Strong analytical skills, detail orientation, verbal/written communication, project and time management skills.
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks, operate within tight deadlines, and escalate issues as necessary.
  • Experience with Kronos is a plus
  • Hybrid on-site/remote schedules will be considered
Human Resources Recruiter-Starting at $20.36/hr
Dungarvin New Jersey, LLC
In this full time role, you will lead recruitment efforts by delivering a positive candidate experience. Working with an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and consistently sourcing passive candidates, the recruiter executes the recruitment strategy and manages a full workload of open requisitions. The recruiter is responsible for the full life cycle of recruitment, including coordination of pre-hire activities such as reference checking, pre-employment drug testing and physicals. While this position will source and hire applicants through a variety of established tools and processes, the ideal candidate should be experienced in developing and implementing new and creative ideas to attract qualified candidates. This position will build collaborative relationships with operations to ensure that recruitment efforts are performed at the highest level of quality. 
  • Up to two years of high-volume, full-cycle experience recruiting hourly employees
  • High School Diploma / GED Certificate.
  • Excellent communication and relationship building skills
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Strong Windows software skills
  • Willingness and ability to travel locally within the state of NJ
  • Associates or Bachelor's Degree
  • Experience or Interest in the field of developmental disabilities or social services
  • Experience using an ATS (strongly preferred)
  • Experience using social media to identify and recruit passive candidates
Additional Information
We offer the following benefits.
  • 401(k) plan with company match
  • Paid Time Off/Paid Sick Leave
  • Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance
  • Basic and Voluntary Life Insurance
  • Discounts on Homeowners and Auto Insurance
Equal Opportunity Employer
Please note that this position is temporarily remote due to the pandemic. The successful candidate will transition into an office environment and travel locally as conditions allow. 
Please include your salary expectations. Any interested individuals send their resume (with salary requirements) directly to me at