Keep reading for the latest news from NJACP keeping providers of services and supports to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities up to date!

NJACP E-News September 5, 2023

Preview of Articles

  • DO NOT MISS NJACP's First Executive Forum! REGISTER TODAY!
  • DDD Resource Team September 2023 Monthly Calendar
  • Funding Takes Center Stage as Congressional Recess Ends
  • Center for Non-Profits: Shutdown Showdown Looming
  • General Background of Overtime Rule from ANCOR
  • ICYMI: US DOL Puts Forth $55K Overtime Threshold in Proposed Rule
  • 2023 Nonprofit Workforce Survey Results: Communities Suffer as Nonprofit Workforce Shortage Crisis Continues
  • Please Join Woods For Their Meet the Experts Symposium Population Health Equity for People with Intellectual Disability, Autism, and Mental Health Challenges
  • Treasury Announces Change in Gas Tax Rate Effective October 1 and Info on Calculations/Chart of Tax Changes
  • 2023 Election Update
  • FYI: CMS Proposes Rules for Minimum Staffing Requirements in Nursing Homes and ICF's
  • Under Pressure, PA Changes Cutoff Age For Special Ed
  • Pineland Alliance Conversation with DRNJ on Best Practices for Increasing Inclusion and Accessibility in Outdoor Spaces
  • Enhanced Family Support Crisis Handbook Available
  • ATAC Annual Assistive Technology & Community Living Summit
  • CLEP: Tech It Out! Assistive Technology Device Demonstrations
  • Student Loans and Repayment Updates
  • KFF Analysis of Medicaid Unwinding
  • RJ Peete Isn’t Just A Clubhouse Attendant With Autism. He’s A Central Part Of The Dodgers Family  
  • NJ Medicaid Enrollment Information
  • Available Positions/NEW POSITIONS POSTED
  • NJACP COVID 19 Resource Center
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NJACP Strategic Partners
Visit NJACP website

NJACP Meeting Information

All meetings are virtual due to COVID-19 concerns. As always, please check your email for a meeting notice containing a Zoom link. If you need zoom coordinate information, please contact Tori Villafana at

  • 9/6 Day Services 10am-12noon
  • 9/7 Regional Meetings 9:00am and 3:30pm
  • 9/12 Member Resources 12:30pm-2:30pm
  • 9/13 Corporate Compliance 10am-12noon
  • 9/13 Support Coordination 1pm-3pm
  • 9/14 Hero's Award Event 10am
  • 9/20 NJACP Monthly Membership meeting 10am-12noon
  • 9/22 NJACP Executive Forum 10am (in-person, Princeton Hyatt)
  • 9/27 Legislative and Policy 10am-12noon

CLICK HERE to view the updated NJACP 2023 Committee Calendar.  


NJACP's First Executive Forum!


Sponsorship Information is also Enclosed


Date: September 22, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: Hyatt Regency Princeton

102 Carnegie Center, Princeton, NJ 08628

Governor John Kasich served two terms as Governor of Ohio, where he demonstrated a commitment to the intellectual and developmental disability community. He was also a leading voice in promoting bipartisan solutions to health care reform, immigration, and international trade. He has been one of the few Republicans to advocate for Medicaid’s expansion. Governor Kasich is the author of four New York Times best-sellers and in 2023, joined MSNBC/NBC News as a Political Analyst, where he has continually demonstrated his belief that unity is the answer to most common problems. (Please read more about our speaker, Governor Kasich, here.)

Registration is Open for this event.

Governor Kasich has an important message to share with our I/DD community. Join us for our inaugural Executive Forum with this dynamic and engaging speaker.

For more information, click to download the flyer.

REGISTER HERE! Sponsorships are welcomed for this event.

If you are interested in supporting this first ever NJACP event, please reach out to Colleen Klepser, Director of Administration and Events using one of the contact methods noted below.

Click here to download this information in pdf format.

To learn more about NJACP, membership, or questions regarding this or any other training and/or event, please reach out to Colleen Klepser, Director of Administration and Events:

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4th Annual


Heroes will be held virtually on

Thursday, September 14th at 10 a.m.

It’s time to celebrate our Direct Support Professional Heroes! Our direct care staff continually demonstrate heroic levels of selflessness and compassion on the job as they care for the individuals. For the 4th year, NJACP is providing an opportunity for its members to celebrate one staff member in a Direct Support Role who has truly gone above and beyond the call of duty – all in time for National Direct Support Professionals Week in September.


To recognize these heroes, we would like to send each Heroes nominee a gift. In order to do so, we are looking for advertisers and sponsors (donations).


SPONSORS: We are looking for donations/sponsors. All sponsors receive an ad. All donation/sponsor amounts accepted. Gift cards are also welcome. In addition to the ad, sponsors will receive special recognition in the program, online presentation, and at the virtual event. Please see levels below (Amount of each level is the minimum sponsorship for that level):


  • Heroes Appreciator:  Donation/sponsor valued between $275,
  •  Heroes Ally: Donation/Sponsor valued between $500.
  •  Heroes Supporter: Donation/Sponsor valued between $750.
  •  Heroes Promoter: Donation/Sponsor valued between $1,000.
  •  Heroes Champion: Donation/Sponsor valued over $2,000.


ADS:  An ad may be purchased for $250.   All ads will be placed in the electronic program and the online presentation. All ads can be full color, and full screen. Ads may be submitted in Word, or PowerPoint. 

Ads are due no later than Monday, September 11th.


To be an advertiser or sponsor, please complete the form.


Please contact Colleen Klepser at, 609-406-1400 or 267-280-3255 with any questions. 


Thank-you for your support of our NJACP HEROES!!!

Available Support Options 
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DDD Resource Team September 2023 Monthly Calendar

Please find the DDD Resource Team Workshop Description Brochure and information bulletins for our Behavior Analysis Unit, Choking Prevention Unit, and Nursing Support Unit. Our workshops are open to DDD Providers, Support Coordinators, Self-Directed Employees, and DDD Caregivers at no cost to attendees. These workshops offer a proactive approach to understanding or managing complicated cases concerning behaviors, eating difficulties, and common health issues. To register for any of the workshops listed below, please email the Workshop Registration Sheet to the presenter directly or email Registration is closed five business days before the workshop date. Currently, our workshops are being offered virtually. If you are interested in conducting safe and socially distanced seminars at your location, don't hesitate to contact the specific presenter to discuss this option at their email address, as listed in the brochure.

Virtual Workshop Participant Etiquette:

  • Participants will not be allowed entry into the virtual workshop after 5 minutes past the start time and will need to reschedule for another date and time.
  • All Participants must have their full name listed as their display name to receive credit for attendance and to be let back in the course if their connect drops.
  • All participants must have their cameras on for the total duration of the virtual workshop.
  • All participants must provide their full, undivided attention to the workshop.
  • No one should be driving, providing service recipient care, or be engaged in any activity that would prevent the attendee from being fully active in the workshop.
  • Please note our workshops are interactive, and participation is expected from all participants.

Registration address for the above workshops is

The registration addresses for the first three workshops are as follows:




The last four workshops have the following registration address:

Please note an agency can schedule private group trainings for staff, outside of the pre-schedule dates provided above. The specific presenter can be contacted if interested.

For general questions, feel free to email the DDD Resource Team at For workshop questions, please email the specific Presenter as listed above.

Earn your annual 12 hours of Professional Development by attending DDD Resource Team Webinars.

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Funding Takes Center Stage as Congressional Recess Ends

As August recess ends today, government funding angst takes center stage as the most pressing priority on Capitol Hill. With a looming end-of-month deadline just 25 days away, it’s essential to take stock of what to expect in the coming weeks.

In the Senate, leaders are tentatively planning floor action on several crucial spending bills related to Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration. It’s worth noting that before the recess, the Senate Appropriations Committee accomplished a noteworthy feat by advancing all 12 required spending bills to the floor—an achievement not seen in half a decade and a testament to the bipartisanship among Senate appropriators.

Turning our attention to the House of Representatives, the House Rules Committee’s website suggests that the lower chamber is gearing up for floor action on several significant spending measures when the House returns next week. While the House successfully passed its version of the Military Construction-Veterans Affairs’ spending bill, it decided to defer action on other appropriations bills, such as the Agriculture-FDA spending bill, just a day before adjourning for the break. Additionally, the House Appropriations Committee has yet to send its Labor-HHS-Education funding bill to the floor, which authorizes funding for I/DD services. This adds another layer of complexity to the funding discussions for I/DD providers. (ANCOR)

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Center for Non-Profits Shutdown Showdown Looming

The Senate returns today from a five-week recess and the House comes back next week, on September 12, leaving only 11 days in session to resolve serious spending disputes that could result in a federal government shutdown at the end of the month. The two chambers stand widely apart on the level of appropriations, with many of the more conservative Republican members saying they will not support a short-term spending bill, known as a Continuing Resolution or “CR,” to keep the government open unless the House significantly cuts spending and secures passage of controversial policy riders. [Read more]

  • Why It Matters: The worst-case scenario – shutdown of the federal government – would be particularly damaging to charitable nonprofits and the people they serve, as disaster relief would not flow, government programs would come to a halt, individuals in crises would turn in even greater numbers to charitable organizations, and payments and renewals for government grants and contracts would cease.

General Background of Overtime Rule from ANCOR

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) unveiled a proposed rule last week that would reshape overtime pay thresholds. The rule, officially titled “Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees,” includes a proposed increase in the overtime salary threshold from $35,568 per year to $55,068 per year. The salary threshold was last updated in 2019.

The Fair Labor Standards Act, (FLSA) which was enacted in 1938 to safeguard workers’ rights, provides the authority for the increased threshold. Among the FLSA’s original provisions was the establishment of a federal minimum wage – currently set at $7.25 per hour – and the requirement that most employees receive overtime pay at a rate of one and a half times their regular hourly wage for hours worked beyond 40 hours in a workweek.

However, FLSA includes exemptions for certain categories of workers, allowing them to be excluded from overtime pay. One such exemption, detailed under Section (13)(a)(1), pertains to the “white-collar” workers – often referred to as EAP (Executive, Administrative, Professional) employees. To qualify for this exemption, employees must generally meet specific “duties” tests related to their job responsibilities, receive a fixed salary, and meet a salary threshold, as defined by DOL. The statute provides DOL the authority to define and limit the terms of the exemption which provides the basis for the proposed rule.

Also note: The Labor Department is also proposing raising the minimum salary level for “highly compensated employees” from $107,432/year to nearly $144,000/year, and establishing a mechanism for automatically raising these salary levels in the future.

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ICYMI: US DOL Puts Forth $55K Overtime Threshold in Proposed Rule

Why it Matters: As expected and indicated in the administrations regulatory agenda, the DOL published the new "Overtime Rule" proposal on August 30. As in past advocacy efforts on changes to the FLSA, it will be critical to ensure agencies are able to meet any new requirements with additional funding and because of the national implications of the rule, we will work with our national affiliate, ANCOR, to bring the latest analysis, including quantifying the impact on agencies, summary information and advocacy points to assist in commenting on the rule and any other necessary advocacy efforts.

On August 30, 2023, the Department of Labor (Department) announced issuance of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees. The NPRM proposes to update and revise the regulations issued under section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act implementing the exemption from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements for executive, administrative, and professional employees. Proposed revisions include increasing the standard salary level and the highly compensated employee total annual compensation threshold, as well as providing an automatic updating mechanism that would allow for the timely and efficient updating of all the thresholds to reflect current earnings data.

With the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) published on August 30, 2023; the comment period ends on October 30, 2023.

Quick references: 

While there is much to cover in the rule, the Department of Labor (DOL) is highlighting the rule's proposed increase in the FLSA regulations' standard salary level from $684 per week ($35,568 per year) to $1,059 per week ($55,068 per year). 

NJACP will update you with additional information, summaries and anything needed for next advocacy steps. More to come.

2023 Nonprofit Workforce Survey Results: Communities Suffer as Nonprofit Workforce Shortage Crisis Continues


  • Why It Matters

When organizations dedicated to serving the public good can’t secure the workforce to provide vital services, their communities suffer. While staffing shortages in delivery services result in longer times to receive a package, staffing shortages in direct-care services mean that families and individuals cannot access life-saving support. When a nonprofit closes, the ripple effects cannot be ignored: communities lose access to food, shelter, mental health care, and other vital services. Nonprofits are doing their part to raise awareness of the challenge to whole communities, to collect and analyze data to identify the problem and solutions, and to take action to protect our communities.

Key Findings

  • Nearly three out of four nonprofits (74.6%) completing the survey reported job vacancies.
  • More than half of nonprofits (51.7%) reported they have more vacancies now compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic, and nearly three out of ten (28.1%) have longer waiting lists for services.
  • The nonprofit jobs most commonly unfilled are those that interact with the public the most. Almost three out of four respondents (74.0%) reported vacancies in their program and service delivery positions, and two out of five (41.1%) reported vacant entry-level positions.
  • Almost three out of four respondents (72.2%) said salary competition affects their ability to recruit and retain employees, followed by budget constraints/insufficient funds (66.3%). Additional causes for nonprofit workforce shortages reported by nonprofits were stress and burnout (50.2%) and challenges caused by government grants and contracts (20.6%).
  • Seven out of ten nonprofits (70.5%) anticipate charitable giving to decrease or remain flat in 2023, while 68.7% of nonprofits anticipate the number of donors to decrease or remain unchanged.

Nonprofits responding to the 2023 survey identified the following barriers to recruiting and retaining nonprofit staff:

  • Salary competition was the most frequently cited challenge, having been identified by nearly three out of four respondents (72.2%).
  • Two-thirds of those completing the survey (66.3%) named budget constraints/insufficient funds as a factor, which, of course, impacts salary competition.
  • More than half (50.2%) pointed to stress and burnout.
  • One out of five respondents (20.6%) identified challenges caused by government grants and contracts as a major cause of nonprofit workforce shortages.
  • The lack of available, affordable child care continues to be a major problem impacting recruitment and retention, according to 14.6% of respondents.

Practical and Public Policy Solutions

Recognizing that the people leading, working in, and volunteering for charitable nonprofits are, by nature, problem solvers, the 2023 survey invited participants to share solutions they had utilized or identified to mitigate the nonprofit workforce shortages crisis. The report explores examples they provided of practical solutions, and also points to public policy solutions of general applicability, especially essential reforms to government grants and contracting systems.

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(Note: Trainings are listed by Start-Date)

Documentation Training

Virtual! Fall Sessions Begin on September 12th

OPTIONS: Level 1, Level 2, Support Coordination

and Practical Application.

Multi-person discounts available. See flyer for details!!!

To learn more, Download the flyer here. Register for the Training here.

Register for Documentation Training 

Supervisory Skills for Today's Leaders

Virtual! Fall Session Begins on October 5th


Multi-person discounts available. See flyer for details!!!


To learn more, Download the flyer here. Register for the Training here.

Resgister for Supervisory Skills for Today's Leaders

Ensuring an Effective Investigation

of Serious Incidents


Virtual! Next Session Begins on October 12th


To learn more, Download the flyer here. Register for the Training here.


For questions about Serious Incident training, please contact Tori Villafana via email at, or by calling the NJACP office at 609-406-1400.

Register for SIT Level 1

Ensuring an Effective Investigation

of Serious Incidents


Virtual! Next Session Begins on October 16th


To learn more, Download the flyer here. Register for the Training here.


For questions about Serious Incident training, please contact Tori Villafana via email at, or by calling the NJACP office at 609-406-1400.

Register for SIT Level 2

Please Join Us For Our

Meet the Experts Symposium

 Population Health Equity for People with Intellectual Disability, Autism, and Mental Health Challenges




  September 14th, 2023  3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ET 


Moderated by Tine Hansen-Turton, President and CEO, Woods Services

• Karen Coleman, President and CEO, Tabor Children’s Services

• David Fair, Deputy CEO, Turning Points for Children

• Sailaja Musunuri, MD, Chief of Psychiatry and Executive Vice President of Integrated Medicine, Woods Services

• Tim Ward, Director of Advocacy and Government Relations, Pennsylvania Health Care Association

• Cory Storch, President and CEO, Bridgeway Behavioral Health Services

• Emma Nolan, MPH, Manager of Government Relations and Health Initiatives, The Arc of Pennsylvania


Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible, while acknowledging that not everyone is the same or requires the same services. The issue of health equity crosses over many sectors and populations, including disability, child welfare, criminal and juvenile justice, and aging. 

Join our expert panelists to explore the root causes of health inequity, the role and impact of the social determinants of health, and the drivers that will advance health equity for special populations. You will hear about best practices for advocacy, model programs and integrated care models, services that address health inequity for special populations, and policy issues that have led to systemic healthcare challenges for these groups and what equitable solutions could look like. 

We hope you will join us for this dynamic discussion to learn what service providers, policymakers, government agencies, families, and advocates can do to be part of the solution that ensures health equity for these special populations.  

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Treasury Announces Change in Gas Tax Rate Effective October 1 and Info on Calculations/Chart of Tax Changes

After a thorough review of fuel consumption statistics and consultation with the Legislative Budget and Finance Officer, the Department of the Treasury announced today that New Jersey’s gas tax rate will increase by 0.9 cents per gallon beginning October 1 to comport with the 2016 law that requires a steady stream of revenue to support the State’s Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) program.

“Because actual consumption in Fiscal Year 2023 was slightly below our projections made last August, primarily due to lower diesel use, and because consumption in the current fiscal year is projected to be just above last fiscal year’s levels, our analysis of the formula dictates a 0.9 cent increase this coming October,” said State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio. “As mandated by the 2016 law, this dedicated funding stream continues to provide billions of dollars across the state to support crucial transportation infrastructure needs.”

Under the 2016 law (Chapter 56) enacted during the Christie Administration, New Jersey’s TTF program is required to provide approximately $16 billion over eight years to support critical infrastructure improvements to the state’s roadways and bridges. In order to ensure the State has the funds necessary to support these projects, the law dictates that the Petroleum Products Gross Receipt tax rate must be adjusted accordingly to generate roughly $2 billion per year.

What is generally called the “gas tax” or the “highway fuels tax” is actually two separate taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel – the Motor Fuels tax and the Petroleum Products Gross Receipts (PPGR) tax.

Under the formula explicitly outlined in the 2016 law, the PPGR tax rate will increase on October 1, 2023 from 30.9 cents to 31.8 cents for gasoline and from 34.9 cents to 35.8 cents for diesel fuel. When combined with the Motor Fuels Tax, which is fixed at 10.5 cents for gasoline and 13.5 cents for diesel fuel, the total tax rates that motorists will pay for gasoline and diesel fuel will be 42.3 cents and 49.3 cents, respectively.

  • Tax Rate Changes since 2018

Oct. 2018+4.3 cents

Oct. 2019No Change

Oct. 2020+9.3 cents

Oct. 2021 reduced by 8.3 cents

Oct. 2022 reduced by 1.0 cent

Oct. 2023+0.9 cents

Lots more about the tax calculations here.

Please note: On Friday, the average cost for a gallon of regular gas in New Jersey was $3.66, below the national average of $3.82, according to AAA

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2023 Election Update

All 120 Senate and Assembly seats are up for election this November, therefore, we will feature updates on more impactful stories regarding the election to keep members informed.

  • LD 39 and LD 27

Two GOP stalwarts are teaming up with 'Moms For Liberty' to win control of the Legislature.

  • Statewide

Asylum seekers are becoming a top target in the legislative elections, according to NJ Monitor.

  • LD 4

In LD4, the district has become a battleground, according to SaveJersey.

  • LD 11

In LD11, the issue of offshore wind is in the crosshairs in the battleground Senate contest.

  • Statewide

The state's Democratic voter registration advantage has narrowed, according to SaveJersey.

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FYI: CMS Proposes Rules for Minimum Staffing Requirements in Nursing Homes and ICF's

The proposed rules governing minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes and new ICF payment reporting measures, Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting, was released today. 

Quick references: 

Notably, the rule includes new payment transparency reporting requirements for intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IIDs) which would require states to report to CMS on the percentage of Medicaid payments for services that are spent on compensation for direct care workers and support staff. While it does not seek to establish a percentage threshold requirement, the rule builds on the access rule's intent to increase transparency on reimbursement rates and funding for direct care workers. (ANCOR)

Why it Matters: There are very few private ICF's in New Jersey, however, it has 5 state run ICF's/Developmental Centers. According to Politico there are congressional representatives on both sides of the issue as well as advocates supporting and opposing, nursing home industry is opposed, advocating the rules are too stringent in a workforce crisis and labor groups who support the proposal. It is a conversation worth monitoring in terms of people with IDD in any setting. If there is anything relevant, NJACP will alert members.

Click here to view CMS Press Release with more details.

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Under Pressure, PA Changes Cutoff Age For Special Ed

Pennsylvania students with disabilities will now be able to attend school until age 22, officials announced last week — a change forced by a lawsuit filed on behalf of a Lower Merion student.

Federal law obligates public schools to educate students with disabilities until they earn a regular diploma or turn 22, but Pennsylvania had been forcing students to graduate at the end of the school year they turn 21.

In July, lawyers working on behalf of a Lower Merion student with multiple disabilities, identified only as A.P. in legal documents, asked a federal judge to step in to stop the practice, and to grant class-action status. Read more here.

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Pineland Alliance Conversation with DRNJ on Best Practices for Increasing Inclusion and Accessibility in Outdoor Spaces  

Join the Pinelands Alliance next month for a conversation with Disability Rights New Jersey staff attorneys Craig Ismaili and Regina Smith. They will share about the world of sensory disabilities by summarizing the regulations regarding inclusion and accessibility for individuals with vision impairments, deaf or hard of hearing, sensory processing disorders, and anxiety. Presenters will highlight examples from across the nation and brainstorm best practices for increasing inclusion and accessibility for the enjoyment of outdoor spaces in New Jersey.​  

The presenters will look at what regulatory challenges we face, as well as tools and resources that can be implemented by land managers at parks, and nature/recreational sites to make these areas more inclusive and accessible to this section of the community. At the end, attendees will have time to ask questions, as well as review considerations and tips to begin the conversation about accessibility in their own space.

Access Nature Forum Meeting Date:

September 13th, 7pm

When you RSVP to attend, the Zoom meeting link will be sent to you automatically by email. Make sure to check your spam/junk folder. A recording will be available if you are unable to attend.

For questions, please email Sean Kane-Holland, Access Nature & Disability Advocate at  

Learn More

Enhanced Family Support Crisis Handbook Available

The purpose of this expanded version of the Toolkit is to empower individuals with disabilities and their family and professional caregivers by providing information to more effectively advocate for persons with complex severe behavioral health conditions (which we formerly referred to as “dual diagnosis”) for treatments, supports, services and the conditions that promote mental wellness.

Access the Handbook Here

ATAC Annual Assistive Technology & Community Living Summit

Register for the 7th Annual Assistive Technology Statewide Conference to be held at the Conference Center at Mercer in West Windsor, NJ, on September 19 & 20, 2023.

Keynote Speaker: Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles, Ph.D. ATP Mental Health and Assistive Technology

Workshop highlights include nationally recognized presenters and Apple Education!

This year the ATAC team has supersized the conference to a 2-day event of fun and learning along with our parent organization, Disability Rights New Jersey. This event is an in-person event. Come learn, have some fun and maybe win a prize or two. Registration closes September 12th.

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CLEP: Tech It Out! Assistive Technology Device Demonstrations


Want to see a variety of assistive technology devices in action? Register for one or more these free assistive technology demonstration webinars. Experts from The Richard West Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC) will demonstrate devices, apps, and software to improve or increase a person’s abilities.  

This is a great opportunity to learn from each other, so bring your questions, suggestions, and join the conversation.

Executive Function and Notetaking Supports

Thursday, Sept.14

12:00 - 1:00 PM EST

Click to Register

Physical Access Supports

Thursday, November 2

12:00 - 1:00 PM EST

Click to Register

Student Loans and Repayment Updates

On September 1, interest began to accrue again on federal student loans for the first time in more than three years, and borrowers will have to start making payments next month. The U.S. Department of Education created a resource page for borrowers, as well as specific pages for individuals entering repayment for the first time and those with any loans in default. Borrowers are urged to update their contact information with both Federal Student Aid and their loan servicer, ensure that they are enrolled in a repayment plan, set up or verify their auto payment schedules, and check if they qualify for student loan forgiveness programs such as Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF). To help borrowers adjust, the Department of Education announced a temporary "on-ramp" period through September 30, 2024 for borrowers who aren’t able to make payments. During this period, payments are still due for eligible loans, and interest continues to accrue, but borrowers will not have delinquency flagged to credit reporting agencies. (Center for Non-Profits)

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KFF Analysis of Medicaid Unwinding

More than 5.5 million Medicaid beneficiaries have been disenrolled, according to a KFF analysis of the latest data from nearly all states and Washington, D.C.

The rate of people being booted from the safety-net program is greatly disparate between states, going as high as 72 percent in Texas and as low as 8 percent in Wyoming. Among states reporting data on the subject, close to three-quarters of people disenrolled lost coverage because of procedural issues like not completing paperwork.

In the 15 states reporting age data, 43 percent of those disenrolled have been children. The share of children among those disenrolled ranges from 81 percent in Texas to 18 percent in Massachusetts.

What may be at play: Children in several states might be mistakenly losing their health insurance, CMS said last week.

States might be mistakenly reviewing a family’s eligibility for Medicaid instead of an individual’s eligibility, causing an unknown number of people who should have had their insurance renewed without needing to submit any additional paperwork to lose coverage.

CMS, in letters to state Medicaid directors, warned that any state terminating people for that reason violates federal requirements, and the agency threatened to strip funding from states that don’t immediately act to pause terminations, reinstate coverage and fix the problem. (Politico)

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RJ Peete Isn’t Just A Clubhouse Attendant With Autism. He’s A Central Part Of The Dodgers Family

RJ Peete begins his day by driving to Dodger Stadium with Dodgers intern and former Little League World Series sensation Mo’ne Davis, who for the summer is staying at the home of Peete’s parents, former NFL quarterback Rodney Peete and actress Holly Robinson-Peete.

A clubhouse attendant since 2016, RJ arrives a good eight hours before the 7:10 p.m. first pitch, punctuating his workday by conversing with co-workers and enveloping players in hugs. He drives home at midnight, fields questions from his mom about the game, says he loves her, then jumps on a trampoline in the backyard until he’s tired enough for sleep.

Driving. Employment. Conversation. Hugging. Verbally expressing love.

A doctor told RJ’s parents upon his diagnosis with autism at age 3 that he’d do none of that his entire life because the neurological and developmental disorder can present severe social, behavioral and communication challenges. His development into a functional, joyful and — yes — employable adult is largely the result of a doting family with the resources to access the best treatment and the contacts to provide rare opportunities.

The Dodgers are his benefactors and the beneficiaries of his growth.

“Like I tell Rodney and Holly, as much as they feel we’ve done for RJ, it’s been exponentially better for us,” manager Dave Roberts said. “I couldn’t have imagined that initially. He’s great at his job, his heart is gold and he’s enhanced our clubhouse.”

RJ, 25, sat in the dugout before a recent game and articulated how appreciative he is of the Dodgers, from the front office to the players to his fellow clubbies, as clubhouse attendants are called.

“Everybody here has my back and they are always here for me no matter what,” he said. “These are the best friends I’ve ever had. I love these guys and I love being around these guys. I look up to them.”

RJ was hired after Dodgers executive Lon Rosen watched an episode of the family’s reality television series, “For Peete’s Sake,” about his parents helping him land him his first job when he turned 18.

Rosen, who has known the Peetes for several decades, invited RJ to the stadium for an interview. Holly and Rodney each held one of RJ’s hands as they walked him into the clubhouse.

“I remember that day and I felt great,” RJ said. “My mom had known Lon for years, even before she met my dad. He’s been a great person to us and he’s the one who got me the job.”

Holly and Rodney were conditioned to be protective of their son, unsure how others would respond to his autism. Roberts immediately put them at ease.

“Mom and dad, you can go home now,” Roberts said as he touched RJ lightly on his arm. “We’ve got this.”

Outfielder Joc Pederson, whose brother Champ has Down syndrome, showed RJ around the clubhouse and introduced him to his new boss, clubhouse director Alex Torres, who has worked for the Dodgers since 1996 and supervises a team of eight clubbies and bat boys.

“I have a good friend whose child has autism, so I had a little bit of an understanding, but every individual is different,” Torres said. “This was new to all of us. At first it was like, do we have to babysit this kid? Do we need to keep him next to us the whole time? To our surprise, he picked up on stuff really fast.”

Players quickly bonded with RJ, who stands 6-foot-3 and grins while giving monster hugs and bone-crushing handshakes. He became especially close to Pederson, who left to sign with the Chicago Cubs after the Dodgers won the World Series in 2020. Peete took it hard.

“RJ went to his room and wouldn’t come out,” Holly said. “He was despondent. He never showed it at work but he’d come home and wouldn’t talk to anybody.”

Over time, though, he’s recognized that the roster evolves. It’s part of the game.

Clubhouse favorite Justin Turner signed with the Boston Red Sox last offseason after not getting a satisfactory offer from the Dodgers. Holly was worried that RJ would fall into another funk because Turner spent time with him every day.

“I was like, ‘RJ, I’m so sorry,'” she said. “I went to hug him, and he was like, ‘Yeah, it’s OK mom, baseball is a tough business. It’s time to give our young guys a chance.'”

RJ was parroting Roberts, who’d emphasized that players come and go but the team is always the Dodgers.

“He’s savage now,” Roberts said, smiling. “He’s the commissioner.”

RJ was assigned to the clubhouse when the Dodgers reported for spring training at Camelback Ranch in 2019. When he retired to his bedroom at night he worked on a project.

A few days later Roberts assembled the entire spring roster of 65 players and called RJ to the front of the room.

“When’s my birthday?,” Roberts asked him.

“May 31, 1972,” RJ replied.

Roberts pointed to Clayton Kershaw. “When’s Kersh’s birthday?”

No hesitation from RJ: “March 19, 1988.”

“How about Kenley (Jansen)?” Roberts said.

“Sept. 30, 1987,” said RJ, who needed no more prompting to rattle off the names and birthdays of every player and coach in camp.

When he finished, the team reacted as if he’d hit a walk-off grand slam, whooping and hollering, exchanging high fives and fist bumps. And, of course, he doled out his signature hugs, which unsurprisingly are scientifically linked to reducing stress and boosting the immune system.

RJ has repeated this extraordinary exercise in memory every year since. He’s even able to tell players what day of the week their birthday will land on in a future year.

“It wasn’t an easy thing to do, but I nailed it,” RJ said.

While remarkable, RJ’s total recall doesn’t put him in the category of an autistic savant, the best-known of whom is a Hollywood creation. Raymond Babbitt, portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the 1988 movie “Rain Main,” was inspired in part by Kim Peek, a man who memorized thousands of books and had encyclopedic knowledge of geography, music, history and sports.

“RJ can do many things like that but if you ask him to add six plus eight and divide it by two he’ll give you an empty look,” Holly said. “He has traces of being a savant but is not in that category.”

Experts say people with autism spectrum disorder value comfort and routine. They require three simple conditions to thrive: safety, acceptance and a sense of competence. The Dodgers provide all of the above to RJ.

A favorite moment of his workday is when a game ends in a Dodgers victory. RJ stands in the well just outside the dugout so that when the last out is recorded he can step into the dugout and high five everybody as they head for the clubhouse.

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve bulldozed myself to the railing outside the dugout to video him high-fiving those guys and hugging them out,” Holly said. “It’s such a gratifying moment.”

Then, win or lose, RJ cleans the dugout. Before games he is responsible for preparing the bullpen: assembling chairs, setting out massage guns and filling the fridge with water and energy drinks. And once the dugout is spotless at game’s end, he heads back to the clubhouse and helps with laundry.

Read more here.

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Articles of Interest

Will New Jersey be ready for the nation's 250th birthday? It missed the boat at 200. - Gothamist


To list a position, please contact Maureen Shea at

Compliance and Quality Officer

Support Coordinator


Are you passionate about making a difference in others' lives? Then come join the DPD team! 

Compliance and Quality Officer, DPD

  • Establishes and implements an effective compliance program to prevent illegal, unethical or improper conduct.
  • Reviews and evaluates compliance issues/concerns within the agency to identify and/or avoid fraud, waste and abuse.
  • Ensures that the agency is in compliance with federal, state and canon law, rules and regulations.
  • Ensures compliance with professional standards, accepted business practices.
  • The job requires a significant amount of written documentation and use of the computer.
  • The employee will cooperate with the agency's administration and/or Catholic Charities, Diocese of Paterson, the Division of Developmental Disabilities and the NJ Dept. of Human Services staff in any inspection, investigation or inquiry.

Job Requirements:

  • B.A. or B.S.; Master's preferred in not-for-profit management or related field.
  • Minimum 5 years management experience, including regulatory and compliance responsibilities in a not-for-profit agency or an agency serving persons with disabilities.
  • Knowledge/skills working with an electronic health record (EHR) and Excel spreadsheets preferred.

Support Coordinator

  • To manage support coordination services for each participant, including individual discovery, ISP development, plan coordination and plan monitoring. 
  • To communicate effectively with supervisors, participants and their families, other service providers and with DDD representatives. 
  • This job requires a significant amount of written documentation. The employee will cooperate with the agency's administration and/or Division and DHS staff in any inspection or investigation.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree or higher in any field and 1 year of experience working with adult (21 or older) individuals with developmental disabilities:
  • The experience must be the equivalent of a year of full-time documented experience working with adults (21 or older) with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
  • This experience can include paid employment, volunteer experience, and/or being a family caregiver of an adult with a developmental disability; If you have previously provided care coordination to a different population and some percentage of the individuals you served had developmental disabilities, you may be able to demonstrate the equivalent of a year of experience working with adults with developmental disabilities.
  • Must have a driver's license which is valid in the State of New Jersey. 40-60 WPM typing skills, office skills, intermediate to advanced computer skills and organizational skills, and able to operate office equipment.
  • Travel will be required throughout Sussex County and beyond to meet the needs of the individuals being supported.

Great Benefits: For full time positions, (30+ per week) we offer:

  • We provide PAID training
  • Medical/vision and dental
  • Life insurance (agency-paid), supplemental life insurance (employee-paid)
  • Flexible spending accounts
  • Accidental/Critical Illness Insurance
  • 403B (with company-matching)
  • Generous paid time off
  • Employee discount programs (i.e. travel, movies, cellphone), etc.
  • Collaborative team environment
  • Career growth opportunities

To apply, please visit:

Chief Clinical Officer

Eden Autism

INTRODUCTION: We have an exciting opportunity for a Chief Clinical Officer who will provide leadership that establishes and reviews outcome and process standards of care for Eden’s School, Adult Services, and Outreach programs. This incorporates oversight and development of all clinical staff as well as maximizing employee/client outcomes by means of a comprehensive quality management approach. The CCO is the subject matter expert at Eden in regards to clinical protocols and associated educational offerings. Click here for all responsibilities, requirements and instructions for resume submission.


  • Provide supervision, training, and oversight for Eden’s clinical staff, with a particular focus on applied behavioral analysis (ABA), as well as other evidence-based naturalistic interventions.
  • Direct, refine, and advance Eden’s clinical model to remain current with state-of-the art research and evidence-based practices.   
  • Develop effective systems for evaluating, monitoring, and improving overall clinical efficiency, individual and family outcomes and staff performance with regard to support for individuals in Eden’s School, Adult Services, and Outreach.  
  • Collaboratively support the diversification of revenue streams and closely manage program expenses to ensure the financial sustainability and growth of the clinical services department. 
  • Provide leadership, management, and clinical direction for a team of clinical staff including Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), Assistant Directors, behavior specialists, and administrative staff: 

o   Create outcome, process standards and benchmarks for critical aspects of quality control and risk management through the use of Quality Management Systems (QMS).

o   Oversee the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) responsible for reviewing and analyzing trends of complaints, risks, unique cases, incident reports, and program evaluations.

o   Develop standards of care and related measurement tools.

o   Oversee implementation of standard of care measurement tools.

o   Ensure clinical compliance with regulatory bodies.

o   Ensure complete and accurate documentation and implementation of all performance improvement activities.

  • Ensure that all Eden programs utilize best practices and ensure compliance with regulations when developing behavior support plans aimed at reducing both frequency of occurrence and the episodic severity of the behavior:

o   Maintain up-to-date, comprehensive protocols for plan development, implementation, staff training, and monitoring.

o   Supervise clinical staff to include two (2) Assistant Directors of Clinical Services and all Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Behavior Specialists.

o   Oversee program review through the Behavior Management Committee (BMC) and Human Rights Committee (HRC).

o   Ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations.

  • Co-serve with the Chief Program Officer as staff resources for the Program Committee of the Board. 
  • Serve as the Eden representative at conferences and events related to autism and ABA; serve on related committees, panels and boards.
  • Adhere to policies and procedures and accept responsibility for outcomes; accept responsibility for the completion of all job-related tasks and training requirements. 
  • Ensure that all communications are professional and informative, sharing required information as necessary and with clarity. 
  • Understand the needs of individuals served and advocate for their benefit; support families and staff in order to better the lives of the individuals that Eden serves.

Operation and Service Development Director (OSD)

Delta Community Supports

Delta Community Supports, Inc. (“Delta”) is seeking an organized team member to serve as Operation and Service Development Director (OSD). This position provides support for our New Jersey based individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The OSD will provide critical administrative, implementation and project management based support to the Community Living Program.

Delta is a non-profit corporation, operating in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Since 1977, Delta has been empowering individuals to live fulfilling lives through a wide-range of community-based services. From our foster care and adoption services to support services for adults with developmental disabilities, we help people grow and thrive through all stages of life.

Our mission is to enrich the lives of individuals and families through outstanding community-based supports and mutually rewarding relationships. The people we support and their families are our most valued customers. We start by making it all about them. Nothing makes us happier and prouder to say that on an annual basis over 2000 people are assisted by the services Delta provides.

To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The duties listed below are representative of the knowledge, skills, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.

  • Serves as a primary point of contact for internal and external cross functional teams including but not limited to operational, financial and support services teams.
  • Serves as a de facto relationship manager maintaining frequent communication with and between all parties supporting Delta’s clients.
  • Provides high level administrative support to the State Director. Completing tasks as assigned and proactively through anticipating agency needs to ensure continuous operational functioning of agency.
  • Provides supervision, coaching and oversight of administrative personnel.
  • Coordinates back-office function oversight efforts including, but not limited to registration, billing, and collections for residential and day program services in coordination with the finance department to ensure timing of the service aligns with the recognized revenue
  • Coordinates projects focused on revenue recovery as well as expense and staffing/scheduling efficiencies.
  • Drives operational changes when applicable to ensure organizational stability.
  • Collaborates with the Regional Director(s) to develop and provide guidance related to the employee scheduling process, on an agency-wide basis.
  • Manages and coordinates new business development projects, as assigned by the State Director.
  • Works with the Quality Assurance and Risk team to proactively identify and communicate recommendations to the leadership team. Such examples include: process improvements, resolving operation and financial inefficiencies. The OSD will lead the implementation of identified and agreed upon changes.
  • Collaborates with the Regional Directors and Finance Department to immediately communicate with operational leadership teams when budget risks are identified to ensure budgetary expectations are met.
  • Assists in identifying and monitoring operational and financial KPIs to assess progress towards achieving strategic initiatives. Create and maintain a dashboard/ scorecard to support the socialization of KPIs.
  • Supports Delta New Jersey’s recruiting efforts by working in partnership with Delta’s Talent Acquisition team as well as temporary staffing agencies (as applicable).
  • Ensures the timely onboarding of staff by working with the Training Department, operational and case management leadership teams to ensure employees are in compliance with training requirements and ensuring all deliverables are being met timely by all parties.
  • Provides supervision and guidance to operations based team members as assigned.
  • Conducts internal investigations as assigned.
  • Cooperate with the Department of Human Services staff in any investigation or inspection.
  • Cooperate with company and regulatory agency personnel during any inspection or investigation.
  • Represent Delta in professional associations and state agencies as appropriate.
  • Bill for standalone behavioral support services per CCP and supports manual standards. 

Click here for requirements, salary and other information.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

Delta Community Supports

The role can be headquartered out of either MaysLanding or Raritan

Position Summary: Delta Community Supports, Inc. (“Delta”) is seeking a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) to provide support for our New Jersey based individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Behavior Analyst will provide oversight of the behavioral programming for Community Living NJ and reports to the NJ State Director

Job Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Supervise and coach Behavior Support Specialist, as assigned.
  • Participate in the recruitment, assessment, retention and ongoing development of clinical personnel.
  • Create, oversee and approve the creation of behavior plans in line with State of New Jersey CCP and Supports Manual.
  • Maintain ownership of Delta’s Behavioral Policy & Procedure in line with Division standards.
  • Develop positive relationships with clients, their families, and staff.
  • Serve on and chair committees as assigned.
  • Provide direct training, train the trainer training and continually assess the effectiveness of internal Trainers for behavior plans and other treatment plans.
  • Actively participate in treatment team meetings, ensuring a person-centered approach to the individual’s care.
  • Conduct and document staff training related to the implementation of the behavioral management plans including: techniques, required documentation, behavior guidelines, etc.
  • Create a system to measure efficacy of treatment plan(s) implementation and effectiveness, consistent with DDD Residential Standards.
  • Document individual’s progress and assess interventions and collaborative services.
  • Review and revise behavior support plans as indicated by the individual's progress and needs.
  • Support and encourage individual(s) to increase their ability to problem solve and achieve their highest level of independence.
  • Provide crisis management services as necessary. Create a system to track and review interventions of Personal Control techniques.
  • Cooperate with the Department of Human Services staff in any investigation or inspection.
  • Cooperate with company and regulatory agencies personnel during any inspection or investigation.
  • Represent Delta in professional associations and state agencies as appropriate.
  • Bill for standalone behavioral support services per CCP and supports manual standards.
  • Maximize the development and capacity of staff to advance the mission and values of Delta.
  • Ensure the full capacity of programmatic resources.
  • Promote and demonstrate ethical and professional conduct at all times ensuring employees conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner.
  • Promote continuous quality improvement projects and ongoing performance measures within the department and the organization.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.

Click here for requirements, qualifications, salary and other information.

Day Habilitation Program Manager

Disability Allies

Position Summary:

The Day Habilitation Manager is responsible for the overall daily operations of the program and staff supervision. Responsible for developing the curriculum and lesson plans for all classes and teaching skills to program participants  

Essential Job Functions:

  • Ensures that the Day Hab Program meets all compliance standards associated with the individual’s records, all medication records and storage requirements, transportation vehicles, and facility safety standards.
  • Provides direct supervision for the Direct Support Professionals (DSP) and the Lead DSP.
  • Participates in the development of the Individual Service Plan (ISP).
  • Serves as an active member of the individuals’ interdisciplinary team (IDT).
  • Maintain regular and professional communication with families, other provider group homes, guardianship offices, support coordinators, and others involved with the individuals enrolled.
  • Conduct a positive on-site program orientation for all new hires.
  • Supports and ensures the continuous development of new and existing staff in the quality delivery of services.
  • Responsible for creating meaningful monthly program schedules using person-centered approaches, sharing these with families, and maintaining records of such.
  • Identify and develop meaningful community opportunities such as trips and events for those enrolled in the program(s).
  • Responsible for the finances that come into the program for activity-related events, collection of receipts, and the return of any funds to families and/or group homes as needed.
  • Complete monthly reconciliation of the program petty cash account.
  • Click here for additional job description, qualifications and where to submit resume.

Behavioral Health Nurse

Disability Allies

Position Summary:

Under general supervision, the Behavioral Health Nurse provides professional nursing care to clients with developmental disabilities who have behavioral needs, providing direct care services which include facilitating social and emotional needs, providing teaching to clients and their families, supervising medication schedules and evaluating client progress.

Essential Job Functions:

·        Conducts intake assessments through interviews with clients and relatives to gather case history.

·        Plans and provides nursing care for patients.

·        Makes nursing diagnosis of the medical and emotional status of clients and recommends treatment options.

·        Consults with physicians and other behavioral health staff in designing appropriate treatment plans for clients.

·        Administers and notes reactions to psychotropic drugs and other medications.

·        Arranges further medical attention when necessary.

·        Assists the client in understanding the nature of emotional disturbances and accepting the need for treatment.

·        Keep accurate written charts and records of client activities and progress. Complies with all laws, rules, regulations, protocols, policies, and procedures.

·        Use professional judgment to ascertain and to apply appropriate intervention techniques with clients in crisis.

·        Assists in maintaining a safe and secure environment for staff and clients.

·        Tests for vital signs of pain and ensures treatment of pain.

·        Documents all client information on medical charts and follows physician’s written orders.

·        Maintains patient confidentiality.

·        Maintains accurate records and documentation of client treatments, immunizations and laboratory results according to standard medical recordkeeping.

Click here for additional job description, qualifications and resume submission information.


Marketing & Development Specialist

Disability Allies

Position Summary:

Assists the Director in managing activities related to planned events and fundraising efforts as directed. Assists the Director with Donor database management and related tasks. In addition, assists the Director with marketing responsibilities, including maintaining the Agency website and social media maintenance.

Essential Job Functions:

·        Assists in managing all income/expense reporting for each planned event and prepares appropriate analysis and reports.

·        Assists in managing all event data to ensure that names of all donors, attendees, volunteers, vendors, and data becomes a part of the Good Grief donor database management system.

·        Assists in recruiting, organizing, coordinating, and managing volunteers and committee members for planned events.

·        Works with the Director to analyze trends and increase participation and donations year over year, including growing the number of events and fundraisers for the organization each year.

·        Supports peer-to-peer fundraising throughout the year, including material development and donor cultivation.

·        Ensures all event participants, volunteers, donors, sponsors, and community members are thanked appropriately and timely.

·        Assists in obtaining sponsorships and attendees during outreach for events.

·        Conduct data management for outreach and cultivation purposes.

·        Assists in marketing activities including website and social media maintenance.

·        Assists in organizing promotional events and traditional or digital campaigns.

·        Compose and post online content on the company’s website and social media accounts.

·        Write marketing literature (brochures, press releases, etc.) to augment the company’s presence in the community.

·        Performs routine administrative tasks such as phone work, email correspondence and related clerical duties.

Click here for additional job description, qualifications and resume information.

Director of Nursing

Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health

Are you able to lead, influence and direct a team to provide quality care and outstanding performance in the areas of direct nursing care, regulatory compliance and best practices?  Do you possess an understanding of operational business and oversight that allows you to ensure fiscal responsibility and management?

If you answered YES to these question, consider joining Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health as our next DIRECTOR OF NURSING! 

What Devereux offers YOU:

  • A Challenging, rewarding and exciting nursing director position that makes a positive impact on the lives of the individuals we serve.
  • The opportunity to collaborate with like-minded and creative nursing director professionals across the entire organization.
  • A Servant Leadership culture, where employees feel welcomed, valued and empowered to voice ideas that will benefit the individuals and families we serve.
  • The opportunity to drive change in a fast paced environment.
  • A supportive team environment that creates an empowering and positive atmosphere.
  • Ability to grow and develop both personally and professionally as a part of our nursing team.
  • Best available, highest quality, low-cost benefit options – learn more at
  • Mileage reimbursement for travel.
  • $5000 Sign On Bonus!!!!
  • Most importantly, the opportunity to change the world – one person, one family, one community at a time.

The Director of Nursing reports directly to the Assistant Executive Director. Requires travel statewide as needed and required. 

Salary: $90.000-$95,000

Sign-On Bonus: $5000

What Devereux Looks for in YOU:

  • Plan, organize, and direct the overall operation of the Devereux New Jersey Nursing Department in accordance with all applicable federal, state regulations/guidelines and Devereux Best Practices.
  • Direct supervision of a team of 5 registered nurses.
  • Support Devereux Programs by providing nursing services to ensure an optimum coordinated level of physical and mental well-being for Devereux New Jersey individuals.
  • Collaborate with other members of the interdisciplinary team to identify nursing concerns and implement improvements.
  • Provide training, consultation, education and advocacy, where necessary for individuals served and other stakeholders.
  • Serves as a nursing expert and guides staff to implement a program focusing on high quality health care services. Provides leadership, training, and ongoing support to nursing staff. 
  • Maintains adequate workforce and staffing levels to ensure compliance to quality of care.
  • Establishes and updates nursing policies and procedures; updates existing polices as needed.
  • Maintains department budget and fiscal health
  • Coordinates and collaborates with other departments to include medical, admissions, operations, quality management, etc.
  • Participates in regulatory site visits, investigations and quality management initiatives

The Ideal Candidate Will Have: 

  • Graduate of an Accredited School of Nursing, Bachelor's degree preferred but not required. Current New Jersey RN license.
  • At least three (3) years supervisory experience required preferably in a behavioral health care setting.  
  • Requires demonstrated leadership abilities. 
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills. 
  • Proficient computer skills and mastery of Microsoft applications. 

Contact Michele Price <> with questions.

Accounting Manager

P.I.L.O.T. Services

Full Time Professional

Berlin, NJ, US

Salary Range:$75,000.00 To 90,000.00 Annually

WHO WE ARE: Personalized Independent Living Opportunities and Training, or P.I.L.O.T. Services, is a small organization providing Day Programs & Residential supports to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Being small has its advantages and we believe enables us to do so much more; and this sets us apart from the bigger operations out there. Become part of our team! If you are interested in promoting and supporting others, and have a solid work ethic please seek us out for an interview. 

P.I.L.O.T. Services is seeking a hands-on Accounting Manager to lead our Accounting Department. This position is located in our administrative office in Berlin, NJ. Reporting to the CFO, the Accounting Manager will supervise, track and evaluate day-to-day activities. Responsibilities include establishing strong financial controls and policies, and ensuring that work is processed and recorded correctly. The individual selected should show the ability to grow into the Controller role.  


  • Manage and oversee the daily operations of the accounting department including:
  • Supervise accounting staff of three
  • Maintain and update individuals’ obligations to P.I.L.O.T. Services
  • Work with Social Security and DHS to ensure proper amounts are being received
  • month and end-year process
  • accounts payable/receivable oversight
  • Account analysis review
  • Review bank reconciliation process
  • general ledger oversight and adjustments
  • Supervise payroll processing and time keeping reporting
  • assist with budgeting
  • assist with cash forecasting
  • revenue and expenditure variance analysis
  • capital assets reconciliations
  • fixed asset activity
  • supervise billing function and act as back up
  • Monthly audits of consumer accounts, petty cash, and gas card activity
  • Year-end audit prep
  • Year-end audit process
  • Establishing and enforcing proper accounting methods, policies and principles
  • Work with Auditors 
  • Provide the Executive team with meaningful, timely reports and metrics
  • Review all procedures for efficiency and timeliness of reporting
  • Anticipate the reporting needs and requirements of management and the organization. 
  • Determine the company staffing needs for the Accounting Department


  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
  • Minimum 5 years of accounting supervisory experience
  • MBA/CPA helpful
  • Audit experience a must (internal or external)
  • Non-profit experience helpful but not necessary
  • DDD experience helpful but not necessary
  • Experience in establishing and maintaining strong internal controls
  • Experience using Peachtree accounting software helpful 


  • Salary range is $75,000 to $90,000 a year commensurate with experience


  • Health, Dental, and Vision Plans
  • PTO 
  • Paid Holidays
  • Competitive Compensation 
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • 401 K
  • Life Insurance


  • Analytical--Synthesizes complex or diverse information; Collects and researches data; Uses intuition and experience to complement data; Designs work flows and procedures.
  • Problem Solving--Identifies and resolves problems in a timely manner; Gathers and analyzes information skillfully; Develops alternative solutions; Works well in group problem solving situations 
  • Teamwork--Balances team and individual responsibilities; Gives and welcomes feedback; Contributes to building a positive team spirit; Supports everyone's efforts to succeed. 
  • Managing People--Includes staff in planning, decision-making, facilitating and process improvement; Takes responsibility for subordinates' activities; Makes self-available to staff 
  • Judgment--Displays willingness to make decisions; Exhibits sound and accurate judgment; Supports and explains reasoning for decisions; Includes appropriate people in decision-making process; Makes timely decisions.


  • Continually required to sit
  • Continually utilize visual acuity to read technical information, and use a keyboard
  • Continually required to utilize hand and finger dexterity 
  • Frequently required to talk or hear
  • Occasionally required to stand
  • Occasionally required to walk

P.I.L.O.T. Services is an equal opportunity employer.

The following positions are with PCDI:

Teaching Parents

A couple, to live in and supervise a group home intervention program for 5 adults with autism. Both members of the couple are responsible for managing a household for five adults with autism in a community-based group home in Ewing, New Jersey. Responsibilities include assisting in the development of learners' instruction and treatment goals–special emphasis is placed on home, and community-living skills, collecting and summarizing data on learner performance, interacting with parents, siblings, and neighbors, and ensuring that interventions are designed to improve the quality-of-life experience by the residents. The home is designed to provide high levels of instruction in a family setting. The couple is supported by two full-time professionals (Associate Therapists) and a trainer consultant. Ongoing training in autism intervention, administrative support, and career-development opportunities will be provided. PCDI would prefer that one member of the couple have a college degree and some experience working with people with autism or other developmental disabilities. Highly qualified individuals currently enrolled in a college or university will be considered for free supervision for BCBA certification. 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. weekdays, some weekends. Email resume, cover letter and how you learned about PCDI to, or fax to: Gregory S. MacDuff, Ph.D., 609-924-4119. AA/EOE.

Residential Behavior Specialist

Residential Behavior Specialist needed a for community-based group home for adults with autism. Responsibilities include ensuring that learners are successful in an array of home, leisure, and community activities. Candidates should have experience with people with developmental disabilities, or academic work in psychology, education, or related field. Intensive training, administrative support, and career-development opportunities are provided. B.A. in Psychology, Education, or related field is preferred. Highly qualified individuals currently enrolled in a college or university will be considered for free supervision for BCBA certification. 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. weekdays, some weekends. Email resume, cover letter and how you learned about PCDI to, or fax to: Gregory S. MacDuff, Ph.D., 609-924-4119. AA/EOE.

Residential Behavior Specialist

Residential Behavior Specialist needed to support adults with autism living in a supervised apartment program. Responsibilities include ensuring that learners are successful in an array of home, leisure, and community activities. Candidates should have experience with people with developmental disabilities, or academic work in psychology, education, or related field. Intensive training, administrative support, and career-development opportunities are provided. B.A. in Psychology, Education, or related field is preferred. Highly qualified individuals currently enrolled in a college or university will be considered for free supervision for BCBA certification. 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. weekdays, some weekends. Email resume, cover letter and how you learned about PCDI to, or fax to: Gregory S. MacDuff, Ph.D., 609-924-4119. AA/EOE.

Life Coach/ Therapist 

Life Coach/ Therapist needed for a supported-employment program for adults with autism. Responsibilities include teaching a broad array of skills, including physical-fitness, speech and language, recreation, social, self-care, home and community living, and work skills. Candidates should have experience with people with developmental disabilities, or academic work in psychology, education, or related field. Intensive training, administrative support, and career-development opportunities are provided. Highly qualified individuals currently enrolled in a college or university will be considered for free supervision for BCBA certification. Regular work hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. Occasional late afternoons or evenings on weekdays, and daytime and evenings on weekends during a 5-day work-week. Email resume, cover letter and how you learned about PCDI to, or fax to: Gregory S. MacDuff, Ph.D., 609-924-4119. AA/EOE.

PCDI has been named in The Philadelphia Inquirer's 2021 list of Top Places to Work. 



Dungarvin, a national organization of privately owned companies dedicated to providing high quality, community-based supports to people with varying support needs, is recruiting a Regional Director for its New Jersey, Connecticut, and North Carolina locations. The ideal candidate will be an experienced professional in the field of developmental disabilities who is passionate about the mission and values of Dungarvin.

Founded in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1976, Dungarvin employs approximately 4,000 people who currently provide supports to over 5,000 individuals across 15 states. 

Reporting to the Executive Regional Director, the Regional Director is responsible for the implementation of the mission of Dungarvin in the assigned region – New Jersey, Connecticut and North Carolina – and for ensuring that the services provided to persons with developmental disabilities are of the highest possible quality and also meet the fiscal expectations. As a member of the senior management team, the Regional Director is also responsible for meeting organizational goals and fiscal expectations.

Click here for complete overview and more detail as well as where to submit a resume. Click here for flyer


Friends of Cyrus

Friends of Cyrus is currently interviewing for an Experienced Full Charge Bookkeeper in our Piscataway NJ office. (This is not a remote position)

This role will report to C-Suite individuals; therefore, the ideal candidate will be highly proficient in both communicative practices and attention to detail.

Accounting degree or equivalent experience required, CPA’s welcome to apply.

Wages: $65000-$100,000+ commensurate with experience and education.

General Duties:

Expert level proficiency in QuickBooks.

Knowledge of Paychex or equivalent Payroll system 

Detail oriented, highly organized and systematic

Ability to manage other bookkeepers or accounting staff

Ability to prepare, analyze and interpret financial statements

Prepare journal entries.

Reconcile balance sheet accounts.

Prepare financial reports.

Research and help resolve issues or discrepancies found in the accounting system.

Follow established GAAP standards, procedures, and applicable laws

Liaison with Financial Auditors as needed

Please send resume by email:, or call 201-213-1935

Senior Director of Residential Services 


Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the Senior Director of Residential Services will lead Community Living Arrangements, the largest division within CADES, and run its day-to-day operations in alignment with the CADES mission, vision, core values, and strategic plan. The Senior Director is a thought leader responsible for evaluating, developing, and implementing an array of innovative services for adults living with developmental disability and diagnosed with medical comorbidities to ensure that the organization continues to provide the highest quality of care. The position is a key member of the senior leadership team. Overseeing a $17 million budget, the Senior Director provides oversight, direction, and strategy to effectively manage the budget, maximize positive operating margin, and recommend investments to meet organizational objectives.

Qualified candidates will have a minimum of 10 years of progressive management.

experience with complex organizations serving at-risk individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Click here for the ad for the position

Click here for the job description

Direct Support Professional

Family Resource Network

The DSP shall provide support options to individuals with intellectual and/ or developmental disabilities and to their

families according to program assignment(s). 

  • Ensure that all work is carried out in a manner that is both respectful and empowering to families and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Be attentive, flexible, and supportive of participants and their families
  • Encourage and role model social behavior and have realistic expectations. Encourage appropriate self expression.
  • Collaborate with Family Support Coordinator and family to establish and maintain best plans for supporting the individual.
  • Acknowledge feelings with sensitivity and demonstrate appropriate expression of emotions.
  • Demonstrate a friendly, courteous, and professional demeanor.

For full description click here. Contact with questions.

Full Time or Part Time Medicaid Quality Assurance Assistant

Avidd Community Services of New Jersey

We are currently recruiting a Full Time or Part Time Medicaid Quality Assurance Assistant. The schedule for this position is Monday through Friday 8:30am-4:30pm (FT) or Monday through Friday 3-4 hours daily (PT).

This position will initially train in the office but will have a remote aspect.


·        Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, Psychology or other social service-related field and experience working with people with disabilities preferred.

·        2+ years of Quality Assurance experience.

  • Knowledge and understanding of the IDD community and services.

·        Knowledge and experience in compliance with Medicaid, Licensing and Accreditation Standards, Federal Mandates, State Requirements, and organizational policies through various audit reviews and record checks.

·        Therap experience a plus.

  • Valid driver's license and willingness to undergo pre-employment requirements.


·        Assist Medicaid QA Coordinator in assuring quality of training and knowledge of employees regarding electronic documentation and, the use of the Therap system.

·        Assist in maintaining Therap system

·        Attend Therap trainings as needed.

·        Monitor and evaluate all electronic records to ensure they meet DDD regulations and Medicaid billing standards.

·        Report all findings to Medicaid QA Coordinator.

·        Assist in providing daily/weekly feedback to employees on their documentation and follow up on corrections when needed.

·        Prepares and generates reports through Therap to review and enhance agency performance.

·        Work on moving towards goal of agency being paperless and all records to be kept on EHR.

What Does Avidd Offer?

·        Insurance Options (Medical with HSA, Dental, Vision) at great rates.

·        Paid Training

·        Paid Holidays- including 3 Floating Holidays

·        Generous Paid Time Off (PTO)

·        403b Retirement Plan

Salary: $35,000 - $40,000 annually

To apply for this opportunity, please email our Human Resources department at or call (973) 664-1770 ext.24.

Finance Business Partner


This position is mostly remote work-from-home with occasional in-office work required at Elwyn's Vineland, NJ location.

POSITION SUMARY: The Finance Business Partner works closely with the senior leadership and program personnel of Elwyn New Jersey (Elwyn NJ) to create a partnership that provides 'real time' support and analysis, to act as a trusted advisor and add value to assist in decision-making. This position oversees financial activities and assumes overall fiscal responsibility for Elwyn NJ and in-line with core values and develops and monitors the financial goals and strategy for Elwyn NJ in conjunction with senior leadership and corporate finance.

Click here for job responsibilities and other information.

Compensation Analyst



Bancroft is a leading service-provider for children and adults with autism, other intellectual or developmental disabilities or those in need of neurological rehabilitation.

We provide a full continuum of highly effective services — for people of all ages and every level of abilities — based on best practices and scientifically proven techniques. Our services include special education, vocational training, supported employment, structured day programs, group home and apartment programs both on-campus and in the community, short-term behavioral stabilization services for children, and in-home and outpatient rehabilitation services. As a nonprofit organization, we are solely committed to supporting people with special needs and their families, to help make it One World. For Everyone. Bancroft is currently seeking a Compensation Analyst to join our Human Resources department at our Cherry Hill, NJ headquarters.


  • Administers the broad-based compensation programs for the Company including the development of base salary ranges and incentive targets for the Company’s various service. Maintains competitive structures and conducts on-going analysis to ensure overall competitiveness and consistent approach to pay decisions for all levels across the organization.
  • Recommends and participates in a number of annual compensation surveys and industry associations to stay abreast of market trends and ensure compliance with regulations. Conducts proactive competitive analysis and recommends program updates as necessary in line with market trends and findings.
  • Conducts job evaluations and participates in FLSA job evaluation reviews to determine exemption status and recommends grade assignments.
  • Provides day-to-day administrative support related to equity programs.
  • Provides administrative support on total compensation and rewards communications, including annual updates for all programs.
  • Provides incentive plan support by tracking participants, terms and conditions and administering plan documents.
  • Prepares analysis related to salary/bonus budgets, pay equity, etc.
  • Performs ad hoc benchmarking requests, analyses and best practices research.
  • Supports other projects as assigned.


  • Bachelor's degree required, with a degree in Business Administration, Finance or Human Resources a plus.
  • Minimum of 1-3 years of professional experience, including emphasis on spreadsheet management and analytics. Compensation experience and WorldatWork courses/designation a plus.
  • Intermediate to advanced Excel skills necessary, including functions, graphs, pivot tables and macros for reporting and modeling. Must be proficient in MS Word and MS PowerPoint.
  • Ability to manage and maintain large sets of highly sensitive and confidential information.
  • Strong analytical skills, detail orientation, verbal/written communication, project and time management skills.
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks, operate within tight deadlines, and escalate issues as necessary.
  • Experience with Kronos is a plus
  • Hybrid on-site/remote schedules will be considered


Human Resources Recruiter-Starting at $20.36/hr

Dungarvin New Jersey, LLC


In this full time role, you will lead recruitment efforts by delivering a positive candidate experience. Working with an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and consistently sourcing passive candidates, the recruiter executes the recruitment strategy and manages a full workload of open requisitions. The recruiter is responsible for the full life cycle of recruitment, including coordination of pre-hire activities such as reference checking, pre-employment drug testing and physicals. While this position will source and hire applicants through a variety of established tools and processes, the ideal candidate should be experienced in developing and implementing new and creative ideas to attract qualified candidates. This position will build collaborative relationships with operations to ensure that recruitment efforts are performed at the highest level of quality. 



  • Up to two years of high-volume, full-cycle experience recruiting hourly employees
  • High School Diploma / GED Certificate.
  • Excellent communication and relationship building skills
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Strong Windows software skills
  • Willingness and ability to travel locally within the state of NJ


  • Associates or Bachelor's Degree
  • Experience or Interest in the field of developmental disabilities or social services
  • Experience using an ATS (strongly preferred)
  • Experience using social media to identify and recruit passive candidates

Additional Information

We offer the following benefits.

  • 401(k) plan with company match
  • Paid Time Off/Paid Sick Leave
  • Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance
  • Basic and Voluntary Life Insurance
  • Discounts on Homeowners and Auto Insurance

Equal Opportunity Employer

Please note that this position is temporarily remote due to the pandemic. The successful candidate will transition into an office environment and travel locally as conditions allow. 

Please include your salary expectations. Any interested individuals send their resume (with salary requirements) directly to me at

COVID-19-public-hero image

NJACP COVID 19 Resource Center

As COVID infection numbers decrease and the Governor ceases his weekly (formerly daily) press briefings, NJACP will no longer publish the COVID update (unless conditions change) but will maintain this space in the NJACP E News for state and federal COVID resources. A wrap up of the Governor's last press briefing is contained in NJACP E News March 8. If members have resources helpful to IDD providers please do not hesitate to forward to Maureen Shea at Thank you!


The New Jersey's official COVID 19 website. Visit to view any state related information:

Orders are able to begin this week for the additional four tests, separate from the four tests households were able to previously order in January.

Orders for the additional tests can be placed by visiting

  • Hotlines/Helpful Numbers
  • General COVID-19 Questions: 2-1-1(24/7)
  • Medical COVID-19 Questions: 1-800-962-1253 (24/7)
  • Text NJCOVID to 898-211 to receive alerts


Comprehensive federal resource including:

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