NJFA News and Resources
May 26, 2020
We hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend!

NJFA wishes to extend our gratefulness to veterans and all of those who have served our country. Just like the Older Americans Month theme- they have certainly made their mark.

During this trying time of dealing with COVID-19, it is even more clear to us that those who have come before us have set an example of what hard work, sacrifice and resilience can accomplish. However, it doesn't, and shouldn't happen alone - but as a community.

Just as our government official and leaders have advised, doing our part in social distancing is not just to protect yourself, but to protect others. There are certainly many challenges and we again wish to recognize those that are on the front lines caring for older adults, caregivers, children, families, etc.

We hope you had time this weekend to reflect on the meaning of Memorial Day, to express your gratitude and hopefully also time to relax and connect with family and friends- even if was from a distance or virtually.

With wishes for continued wellness,

NJFA Staff and Board Members
Happy Older Americans Month !

NJFA would like to again take a moment to wish you a Happy Older Americans month. We love the theme -- #MAKEYOURMARK and want to thank all of you who have made your mark and continue to do so every day.

Enjoy this video from us to you!
Join us for our Free Webinar Series on the COVID-19 Response in the aging field.

Click on each image for more info and registration.
Don't forget to check out Aging Insights.

Episode 104 with Drs. Raymond and Sharma speaking about COVID-19 is still airing and episode 105, discussing problem gambling with Neva Pryor will be available soon!
COVID-19 Resources

New :
Renters know your rights

Electric & gas utilities have suspended shut-offs during the crisis. If you’re behind on payments, you'll still have to pay eventually so pay what you can now. DCA offers assistance with utility bills. To find out if you’re eligible,call 2-1-1 or visit  nj.gov/dca/dcaid

an online application to help older adults and individuals with disabilities save money on Medicare premiums, prescription costs and other living expenses.

Crisis Text Line: Text NJ to 741741

Mental Health Hotline:
866-202-HELP (4357)

Domestic Violence Hotline:
800-572-SAFE (7233)