Happy PTA Membership Month!
Has your PTA hit their 1% Increase Goal Yet?
Tweet it on Twitter or share it on Facebook so we can help you brag about it!
Hi PTA Member and Supporter!
I hope you are enjoying the fall weather that finally found us in NJ!
We are excited about this issue of our NJPTA News and Updates, be sure to read through it and share it with your members.
This week we celebrate
Red Ribbon Week
which is an opportunity for schools to make a coordinated effort to educate their students regarding drug prevention. Red Ribbon Week generally takes place the last full week in October. Your PTA or PTSA can assist in this effort with posting signs, banners, and posters on throughout the school. You can also help spread the message to the students to say NO TO DRUGS!
We are also excited to introduce our new NJTPA APP in this issue, find out how you can have all the NJPTA and National PTA tools and resources right at your fingertips!
Has your PTA signed up to participate in Reflections yet? The Arts are such an important part of our schools and this National PTA Program is such an easy way to make sure our students are introduced to the Arts, so please read about this year’s theme and how you can make sure your PTA does not miss out.
The 990 filing deadline is almost here, read the update from our State Treasurer as she discusses important filings you need to know about as a non-profit organization.
Saturday, December 2
we will be hosting our Fall/Winter Advocacy Day at the College of NJ in Ewing. Plan to attend so you can get information about Stakeholder’s Input on the district level and learn about school funding and how you can make sure your school is getting their fair share.
Hopefully this past week you were at one of the Fall PTA meetings and/or trainings and heard about the great College and Career Readiness initiative we have made available for your PTA. Just conduct a short training at your next PTA meeting, submit the form and sign in sheet and your PTA will receive $25 and a chance to win a two day full convention which will include hotel room and registration fees for one member of your PTA.
Speaking of Leadership Convention, hope you have saved the dates of March 2-3, 2018 so you can join us at the Jersey Shore for fun, learning and networking!
Have an awesome week and remember NJPTA is always just a phone call or email away for you and your members!
Rose Acerra
NJPTA President