October 23, 2017
New Jersey PTA Updates!
The Power of PTA: PTA Makes a difference in your school and for your children!
Happy PTA Membership Month!

Has your PTA hit their 1% Increase Goal Yet?
Tweet it on Twitter or share it on Facebook so we can help you brag about it!

Follow President Rose @RoseNJPTA on twitter

Hi PTA Member and Supporter!

I hope you are enjoying the fall weather that finally found us in NJ! 

We are excited about this issue of our NJPTA News and Updates, be sure to read through it and share it with your members. 

This week we celebrate Red Ribbon Week which is an opportunity for schools to make a coordinated effort to educate their students regarding drug prevention. Red Ribbon Week generally takes place the last full week in October. Your PTA or PTSA can assist in this effort with posting signs, banners, and posters on throughout the school. You can also help spread the message to the students to say NO TO DRUGS!

We are also excited to introduce our new NJTPA APP in this issue, find out how you can have all the NJPTA and National PTA tools and resources right at your fingertips!
Has your PTA signed up to participate in Reflections yet? The Arts are such an important part of our schools and this National PTA Program is such an easy way to make sure our students are introduced to the Arts, so please read about this year’s theme and how you can make sure your PTA does not miss out.

The 990 filing deadline is almost here, read the update from our State Treasurer as she discusses important filings you need to know about as a non-profit organization.

Saturday, December 2 nd , we will be hosting our Fall/Winter Advocacy Day at the College of NJ in Ewing. Plan to attend so you can get information about Stakeholder’s Input on the district level and learn about school funding and how you can make sure your school is getting their fair share.

Hopefully this past week you were at one of the Fall PTA meetings and/or trainings and heard about the great College and Career Readiness initiative we have made available for your PTA. Just conduct a short training at your next PTA meeting, submit the form and sign in sheet and your PTA will receive $25 and a chance to win a two day full convention which will include hotel room and registration fees for one member of your PTA.
Speaking of Leadership Convention, hope you have saved the dates of March 2-3, 2018 so you can join us at the Jersey Shore for fun, learning and networking!

Have an awesome week and remember NJPTA is always just a phone call or email away for you and your members!

Rose Acerra
NJPTA President

The New New Jersey PTA Mobile Phone App.

NJPTA has a new APP to help keep you and your members updated with relevant information and resources. NJPTA information and resources are always at your fingertips and easy to find!
You can easily access:
  • NJPTA and National PTA tools and resources
  •  NJPTA and National PTA website
  • Our office with a simple calling feature right from your phone
  • Our latest advocacy efforts and how you can respond to our call to action
  • The PTA store so you can shop for PTA promo items for your PTA
  • And so much more!

Download the NJPTA Flyer APP today by visiting your APP store on your smart phone or device and search for NJPTA!
Raise Money for Your PTA by Buying Chromebooks

We are excited to announce the launch of the Chromebook PTA Affiliate Program! Your PTA works tirelessly to support your schools, so Chromebook manufacturers are supporting your local PTA by donating a percentage of sales when you help get parents in your district access to the Chromebooks schools love so much.

Learn more and sign up for this free program here:  https://goo.gl/ZPpQ2a
An Update from NJPTA Treasurer Doris Harris!
PTA Finances: Reporting

Local PTA Treasurers are responsible for submitting monthly and annual reports to the board and membership. You and the Board are also responsible for the  reporting to the federal government/IRS.

Monthly Reporting 

A Treasurer's report should be submitted at each meeting of the association. This monthly report should include:
  • A detailed Balance Sheet as of the end of the month (see template)
  • A detailed year-to-date Income Statement that compares the actual revenue and expenses to the budget and shows a favorable (or unfavorable) variance (see template)
  • The monthly bank reconciliation and related bank statement
  • Dues received for state, national and any other PTA entity in your state's structure (see reporting template)
  • Special funds
This report should display how the amounts received and expended to-date compare with corresponding items in the approved budget. A variance tells a story between what the PTA intended to do versus what occurred. Be prepared to answer all questions promptly, and have all records available at the meeting.

The monthly Treasurer's report should then be attached to the minutes of the meeting at which it is presented, and retained in the association's records. Changes in the budget, whether in income or expenditures, must be presented as amendments to the budget.

These reports should be given to the auditor or auditing committee during the audit process.

Treasurer's Annual Report 

At the end of the PTA's fiscal year, you should close the financial records and prepare an annual financial report that includes a balance sheet and income statement covering the entire fiscal year. Give a preliminary annual report to the membership at the annual meeting. This report is for information only and is not officially adopted. The report becomes official after the audit has been completed and the audit report is officially adopted by the membership.

The Treasurer's annual report and the audit report are filed with the permanent financial records after your PTA has approved the audit. It is strongly recommended that a financial management checklist be filed with the annual financial reports.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime at dharris@njpta.org.

Registration is Now Open!!
Registration is now open for the 2018 Leadership Convention. Take a look at the Convention Site for the Registration and Rooming and Meal Packages (discounted from last year).

1% Statewide Membership Increase Goal
This year, each Local PTA as well as New Jersey PTA is tasked with growing their membership by 1%. With no forms to fill out your Membership Information will be obtained by PT Avenue.

Regular Membership Incentives will be announced in November. From now till then each PTA should strive for a 1% increase in membership. Each PTA that hits this goal by October 31 will be placed in the pot for many prizes and recognitions. Stay tuned and aim for 1%!

For questions, contact us at membership@njpta.org.
Hosting Your College & Career Readiness Member Education Event
Earn $25 for your PTA and a chance to win TWO-All Expense Paid NJPTA Conventions

This toolkit is designed to help child advocates learn the facts about college and career-readiness and speak up to ensure that every child’s potential becomes a reality! It contains everything you need to host a training in your school! Use this resource for your PTA meetings, trainings, and events to promote a higher understanding of the way high standards, quality assessments, ESSA and advocacy can make a difference for all children.
After you’ve scheduled your training, invited attendees and promoted the training to your local parents, you’re ready for the big event! We also encourage you to invite your school’s principal or teacher to attend this event as they will have additional information to share and can help answer localized questions.
Step 1:  Preview this tool kit a few days before your event to become familiar with the script. If you intend to show the optional video, ensure that you will have internet connection, a projector or laptop, and speakers.
Step 2:  Print a few copies of the  CCR Member Education Event Sign in Sheet  and enough  Handouts  for each attendee.
Step 3:  Host your event! Read the script provided to your attendees and show the video if possible (optional).  Click here to see the video.
Following the video, hold a brief discussion regarding the content of the videos and information that you discussed.
If there are questions that you are unable to answer or if you need further information about this education issue training, members of the New Jersey PTA CCRI Team would be happy to assist you.
New Jersey PTA CCRI Team Contacts:
Robert Acerra
CCRI Education Chair
Lynette Howard
CCRI Communications Chair
Natalia Suarez
College and career-ready high school graduates must have the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities to succeed in life. Parents, families, educators, employers, and policy makers now focus on these skills and knowledge to ensure students receive academic preparation, skills training, life planning, social support and resources.
When you are complete-  Download the Training Report Form  and complete and send to Rob Acerra at  r.acerra@njpta.org . Once completed-  your PTA will be sent $25 and be put into the drawing for two full Leadership Convention Registrations with all meals and hotel rooms included.
The Education Trust:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu4eBNGfZes  3:39
National Education Association:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uamS4aMFPzY  1:45
College and Career Readiness:
Thoughtful Learning:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMN6kl_BavY  2:42
Research Collaboration:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT_7L2pC5js  6:22
Career and College Readiness:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H88l-taKO9I  8:10
Education in the News

DeVos rescinds 72 guidance documents outlining rights for disabled students -   The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services wrote in a newsletter Friday that it had " a total of 72 guidance documents  that have been rescinded due to being outdated, unnecessary, or ineffective - 63 from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and 9 from the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)." The documents, which fleshed out students' rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act, were rescinded Oct. 2.

U.S. Education Needs to Move Past Its 'Fixation on the Bachelor's Degree,' Study Says  - American educators and policymakers must "move beyond our current fixation on the bachelor's degree," and embrace the promise of associate and certificate programs, a new paper argues, noting that many jobs with good pay don't require bachelor's degrees.

After-school jobs could count toward high school graduation in Indiana  - A state panel is proposing Indiana students get some kind of hands-on, real-world experience before they graduate high school, like a service-learning project, internship or even after-school job. 

National PTA STEM Initiative
STEM Grant Deadline 10/26

The deadline for our STEM + Families Grants and Giveaways is approaching → Oct. 26!

The STEM + Families Science Grants sponsored by Bayer, will award $1,000 to 30 local PTAs and $3,000 to 5 State/Regional/District PTAs to host STEM + Families Science Festivals across the country.

The STEM + Families Game Giveaway sponsored by  ThinkFun  gives you a chance to win 48 FREE award-winning learning games to host STEM family game nights at your school!
To apply and enter, go to  PTA.org/STEM .

STEM Giveaway!

Looking for some cool new ideas to host an exciting PTA family game night? Let National PTA and ThinkFun help!

Simply complete the short survey for your chance to win 48 FREE award-winning learning games. Use 36 of these ThinkFun games to host a STEM family game night and 12 more as prizes for attendees. These engaging educational games are suitable for all grades and families because we ALL know that fun has no age limit!

Remember... This is NOT a grant application. This is a GIVEAWAY. That means winners will be chosen at random from ALL PTAs who submit  this form ! To learn more about hosting a game night, visit  PTA.org/STEM/Fun .

2017 School Board Candidate Survey Results 

What do New Jersey school board candidates think about arts education?
Arts Ed NJ  recognizes that understanding candidates' views on arts education is important to voters. A healthy arts education ecosystem depends on many factors, and support of arts education by school board members represents a critical part of the ecosystem. Their support contributes to the thriving programs, student performances and memorable arts events that shape our communities. 

As part of the  ArtsEdNow campaign ,  Arts Ed NJ conducted the 2017 New Jersey School Board Candidate Survey on Arts Education. All 2,000 candidates for School Board across New Jersey were contacted and invited to share their views about arts education with the voters in their district. Many candidates provided detailed responses to the questions. Some of the candidates vividly described their own experiences with the arts.The survey was conducted as a public service, to help voters make informed decisions.
See the Results
With the November election just around the corner, please consider passing along this information to others. Help us spread the word!

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is a great time to help raise awareness for this important issue, but we know you're working hard all year to do what you can to prevent bullying. 

Share your story on  Facebook Twitter  and  Instagram  tell us what you're doing to prevent bullying in your community using the hashtag:  #StopBullying365 .
· Join the conversation on the  StopBullying.gov Facebook page
New Jersey PTA | 609-587-0100 | Fax 609-587-0500 | Emai njpta@njpta.org | Website njpta.org