National Policing Institute Survey of Law Enforcement Leaders in

New Jersey


Dear Chiefs,


During the October 5th meeting of NJSACOP, I spoke to all about National Policing Institute’s (formerly the Police Foundation) upcoming survey about the Attorney General’s Use of Force Reduction efforts over the past couple of years. The survey is now available, and I encourage you all to participate. It will take about ten minutes of your time to complete. Our goal is to measure your perspective regarding the use of force reduction initiative, including its rollout and implementation, which included:

        (1) changes to the statewide use of force policy (Law Enforcement Directive 2020-13),

(2) requirement of ICAT de-escalation training and ABLE peer intervention training (Law Enforcement Directive 2021-7), and

(3) immediate reporting of use of force to the statewide use of force portal (Law Enforcement Directive 2020-13).


Please use this link to fill out the survey:

Alternatively, you may copy and paste this survey link into your web browser.


We ask that only one response is submitted per law enforcement agency, and we hope to collect all responses by December 13th.


Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.


Thank you,

Gabby Isaza

Gabrielle Isaza, PhD, Senior Research Associate


Office: 202-833-1460

Direct: 202-828-1257

Mobile: 571-562-1577

Fax: 202-659-9149


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